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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
F1GP-Theme.lha util/dopus 548 1.7M 2000-11-26 generic icon F1GP theme for Magellan II - (readme)
FileTypeUtils.lha util/dopus 581 289K 2000-01-07 generic icon Utilities for DOpus5 filetypes (German only) - (readme)
FindVersion1_0.lha util/dopus 667 6K 1996-05-14 generic icon Views file version in the internal Opus requester - (readme)
FirstSel.lha util/dopus 527 5K 1999-01-31 generic icon ARexx: get 1st selected file in dest or source-lister - (readme)
FTPlocal.lha 1.0 util/dopus 523 2K 1999-05-13 generic icon Set up individual local paths for each FTP site - (readme)
GarTheme.lha util/dopus 535 542K 1999-05-12 generic icon Garfield Theme (fixed version) for Opus Magellan II - (readme)
gcc_error.lha 0.7 (27.3.97) util/dopus 560 13K 1997-04-01 generic icon Connect GCC C/C++, DOpus5 and GoldED 4. - (readme)
GDTrash.lha util/dopus 640 126K 2000-04-08 m68k-amigaos icon Win95 recycle bin for Dopus5 MagII V1.2 - (readme)
GifToPng.lha 1.0 util/dopus 506 49K 1997-11-24 m68k-amigaos icon Convert GIF images to PNG with DOpus5.5+ - (readme)
giger.lha util/dopus 609 68K 1999-08-15 generic icon Latest giger theme from Amimaniacs - (readme)
Head-Tail.lha 1.0b util/dopus 553 3K 1996-10-27 generic icon A 'Head' and 'Tail' command for DOpus5.5+ - (readme)
hotlist_fix.lha util/dopus 517 14K 1997-08-07 m68k-amigaos icon Hotlist.module 1.2 (fixed for Magellan 5.62) - (readme)
hotlist_module.lha util/dopus 525 39K 1996-10-18 m68k-amigaos icon DOpus5.5: hotlist.module 1.2, 18-Oct-96 - (readme)
hotlist_source.lha util/dopus 520 31K 1996-10-18 generic icon DOpus5.5: hotlist.module 1.2, source. - (readme)
HTML.dopus5.lha 1.1 util/dopus 606 3K 1996-06-28 generic icon DOpus 4/5: Load HTML documents into AWeb - (readme)
HTTPlister.lha util/dopus 505 20K 1999-05-16 generic icon View AMINET RECENT in lister +download files - (readme)
HubbleTheme.lha util/dopus 528 2.1M 1999-06-09 generic icon Theme with images from Hubble Space Telescope - (readme)
HunOpus.lha 0.1b util/dopus 554 423K 2000-08-25 generic icon Filetypes predefined for icon management - (readme)
IconUpdate.lha util/dopus 708 14K 1997-07-08 m68k-amigaos icon MagicWB IconUpdate for DOpus 5.x - (readme)
IfxDopus.lha util/dopus 596 1K 1999-05-27 generic icon Loads multiple files from DirOpus5 into ImageFX3 - (readme)
ImageFX.lha 1.0 util/dopus 546 2K 1997-09-08 generic icon Send pictures to ImageFX from DOpus 5.5+ - (readme)
ImageFXGER.lha 1.0 util/dopus 583 2K 1997-09-12 generic icon (GERMAN) Send pictures to ImageFX from DOpus 5.5+ - (readme)
Indy5Theme.lha util/dopus 1086 5.4M 2001-03-31 generic icon Theme for DirectoryOpus5 Magellan 2 - (readme)
Install-O55CD.lha util/dopus 587 15K 1996-10-03 generic icon Modified install script for Opus5.5 CD - (readme)
KillOpus.lha util/dopus 1026 1K 2001-12-05 m68k-amigaos icon Kills all DOpus 4.x resources in mem - (readme)
LameOpus585.lha util/dopus 542 1K 2000-08-07 generic icon Opus5 buttons for Lame V3.85 mp3 encoder - (readme)
Lara-800x600.lha util/dopus 586 884K 2000-11-21 generic icon Lara theme Extras for Magellan II - (readme)
Lara-theme.lha util/dopus 655 1.2M 2000-11-21 generic icon LaraCroft theme for Magellan II - (readme)
Laz_images.lha util/dopus 537 33K 1997-12-14 generic icon DOpus ToolBar images by Laz (NI format) - (readme)
LCARS-Theme.lha util/dopus 601 825K 1999-01-21 generic icon StarTrek TNG LCARS Theme for DirOpus Mag II - (readme)
LhA-Control.lha 2.6 util/dopus 1394 19K 1996-07-06 m68k-amigaos icon Extract, Execute, Edit files in LhA-Archives - (readme)
LhADir112.lha 1.12 util/dopus 1605 19K 1996-02-08 m68k-amigaos icon Use LhA archives as normal dirs in Opus4 - (readme)
LhALZXDirDOps5.lha util/dopus 950 14K 1995-11-25 m68k-amigaos icon New LhaDir.dopus5, works with lzxdir.dopus5 - (readme)
listercompare.module.lha 1.2 util/dopus 934 18K 2024-03-19 m68k-amigaos icon DOpus Magellan II: Compare lister entries - (readme)
MagellanIIPL.lha 1.01 util/dopus 525 38K 2001-05-15 generic icon Polish Locale for MagellanII - (readme)
Magellan_II_SDK.lha 1.1 util/dopus 330 146K 2023-10-06 m68k-amigaos icon DOpus Magellan II Software Developers Kit - (readme)
Magnum_Opus31a.lha 3.1a util/dopus 688 270K 1998-12-04 generic icon 435 Filetypes AmigaGuide Docs & Extras - (readme)
MailBox.lha util/dopus 505 12K 1996-10-30 generic icon V1.5 of MailBox AppIcon for Opus5.5 - (readme)
matrix_theme.lha util/dopus 590 1.4M 2000-03-02 generic icon Matrix theme for DirOpus Magellan 2 - (readme)
mdp.lha 1.01 util/dopus 478 4K 1999-06-05 m68k-amigaos icon Make DeliPrograms from diropus v1.01 - (readme)
MGSTheme.lha 1.0 util/dopus 524 572K 2001-11-10 generic icon Metal Gear Solid theme for Magellan II - (readme)
Moovid_Buttons.lha 1.0 util/dopus 525 1K 1999-07-04 generic icon Dopus5-buttons for Moovid - (readme)
mp3info.lha 1.1 util/dopus 554 11K 1998-11-24 m68k-amigaos icon Gives you information about MP3's with DOpus 5 - (readme)
MPEGA-GUIplay.lha 1.8 util/dopus 684 5K 1998-05-07 m68k-amigaos icon DOPUS5.5: play MPEG w/ progress bar - (readme)
MPEGA-Play_fix.lha util/dopus 676 2K 2000-01-09 m68k-amigaos icon DOpus5.5+/MPEGA3.5, fix:MPEGA-Play.dopus5 - (readme)
mpegau_update.lha 2.3 util/dopus 562 7K 1997-09-19 m68k-amigaos icon Player-Setup Update for MPEGAU_PLAYER 2.2 - (readme)
mpega_update.lha 2.1 util/dopus 552 7K 1997-08-22 m68k-amigaos icon Player-Setup Update for MPEGA_PLAYER 2.0 - (readme)
MyAmiga.lha util/dopus 530 6K 1997-07-26 generic icon Add a smart MacOS feature to DOpus - (readme)
My_Dopus412Cfg.lha util/dopus 1760 12K 1998-05-05 generic icon My Directory Opus 4.12 Configuration - (readme)
NewIconDoIcons.lha util/dopus 707 308K 1998-02-04 generic icon DOpus Icons NewIcons by Dr_Ash - (readme)
Found 307 matching packages
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