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Showing: i386-aros icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
RndPic1.3.lha util/dopus 403 20K 1998-05-03 m68k-amigaos icon Random background pattern in DOpus - (readme)
sakkare.lha util/dopus 459 177K 1999-03-28 generic icon Awesome theme for magellanII - (readme)
SaveText.lha 0.1 util/dopus 473 4K 1998-04-05 m68k-amigaos icon Speed up archiving/viewing for DOpus4.x - (readme)
SE.lha 1.00 util/dopus 515 1K 1997-09-22 generic icon Invoke SAS/C editor from DirOpus - (readme)
Select.font.lha util/dopus 491 1K 1996-06-27 generic icon Finds #?.font files for sel. dirs - (readme)
select.lha V1.0 util/dopus 414 1K 1997-05-27 generic icon Select Files via WildCards in Dopus - (readme)
SelectSequence.lha util/dopus 445 1K 1996-06-27 generic icon Selects file sequences easily - (readme)
Shelley.lha 1.00 util/dopus 459 25K 1997-08-24 m68k-amigaos icon View fonts with DirOpus 5.11+ - (readme)
ShowHTML.lha util/dopus 509 2K 1997-08-07 generic icon Load HTML files into IBrowse or Voyager - (readme)
show_opus5.lha util/dopus 460 220K 1996-08-16 m68k-amigaos icon Animplayerscript for Opus5 & CyberGrafiX - (readme)
simplemp3gui.lha util/dopus 448 9K 2000-10-31 m68k-amigaos icon Simple MP3 gui for Magellan 5.8 - (readme)
simplesel.lha 1.2 util/dopus 395 2K 1997-02-27 generic icon Quickly to use (de)select commands. V1.2 - (readme)
Simpsons.lha util/dopus 439 169K 1998-12-03 generic icon Directory Opus 5.8 Magellan Theme - (readme)
SithTheme.lha util/dopus 805 1.0M 1999-07-09 generic icon StarWars theme for Magellan II - (readme)
SKF13Theme.lha util/dopus 502 7.1M 2001-04-07 generic icon Theme for DirectoryOpus5 Magellan 2 - (readme)
SlctComp.lha util/dopus 462 5K 1998-08-16 generic icon Compare files in 2 listers 10 modes (update) - (readme)
SortDOpus.lha 1.0 util/dopus 959 1K 1996-10-27 generic icon Select sort method/direction for DOpus4 - (readme)
SoundOpus.lha util/dopus 468 8K 1999-01-06 generic icon The ultimate Dopus soundplaying solution - (readme)
SouthPark.lha util/dopus 540 110K 1998-12-04 generic icon Directory Opus 5.8 Magellan Theme - (readme)
SPTheme.lha util/dopus 532 4.0M 1999-01-01 generic icon SouthPark theme for DOpus MagellanII - (readme)
SteMarRegMag2Theme.lha util/dopus 926 645K 2023-04-22 generic icon My Magellan II theme - (readme)
Super_DO58upd.lha 2.1 util/dopus 445 2K 1999-10-29 generic icon Update to ppaint.dopus5 in Super_Dopus58TRG - (readme)
Super_Dopus58.lha 1.0 util/dopus 993 519K 1999-10-20 m68k-amigaos icon The Best DOpus Filetypes, etc. - (readme)
Super_DOpus58u.lha 2.1 util/dopus 456 2K 1999-10-26 generic icon Update to ppaint.dopus5 in Super_Dopus58TRG - (readme)
SVConvert15.lha util/dopus 471 64K 2000-01-27 m68k-amigaos icon Convert pictures using SViewIV and Dopus - (readme)
TBar.lha util/dopus 462 32K 1999-05-16 m68k-amigaos icon A Simple Taskbar for Dopus - (readme)
teletubbies.lha util/dopus 829 1.6M 1999-05-12 generic icon Teletubbies Theme for Opus Magellan II - (readme)
TheBlackOpus.lha util/dopus 1398 8K 1997-03-31 generic icon The Black Opus -a cool config for DOpus 4.12 - (readme)
Ts2-800x600.lha util/dopus 455 576K 2000-11-23 generic icon Ts2-Backdrops for Magellan II theme - (readme)
Ts2-out-theme.lha util/dopus 459 3.4M 2000-11-23 generic icon Toy Story2Outtakes theme for Magellan II - (readme)
Ts2-out-Xtras.lha util/dopus 446 936K 2000-11-23 generic icon Ts2-Backdrops for Magellan II theme - (readme)
VCopy4xx.lha 2.0 util/dopus 998 10K 1997-08-11 m68k-amigaos icon VersionCopy for Dopus 4.xx; v2.0 - (readme)
version.lha util/dopus 676 13K 2002-11-05 m68k-amigaos icon (2.1) Version module for DOpus5 - (readme)
Version11.lha 1.1 util/dopus 422 1K 1996-12-17 generic icon Display version strings with DOpus5.5 - (readme)
version13.lha 1.3 util/dopus 450 2K 1997-05-20 generic icon Version display module for DOpus5.5 - (readme)
VideoCodec_FTs.lha 1.0 util/dopus 443 24K 1999-10-29 generic icon Update to AVI and QT filetypes - (readme)
ViewToolRexx.lha 1.0 util/dopus 414 4K 1999-02-21 generic icon ViewTool ARexx-Script for DOpus5 - (readme)
VisageShow.lha 1.0 util/dopus 516 2K 1997-09-08 generic icon View pictures using Visage & Dopus 5.5+ - (readme)
VortTheme.lha util/dopus 421 78K 1998-12-22 generic icon Vort's theme for Dopus Magellan II - (readme)
WebCacheCopy.lha 1.0 util/dopus 400 2K 1997-08-06 generic icon Copy WWW-Cache files to original name - (readme)
WebUpdate.lha util/dopus 438 2K 1997-08-17 generic icon Compare web files' dates and upload updated files - (readme)
wIndOzE.lha util/dopus 481 602K 1999-07-12 generic icon Dopus 5.8 Mag II Theme - (readme)
WinOnWB.lha util/dopus 499 3K 1999-11-12 m68k-amigaos icon Open WB windows from Dopus - (readme)
WinVersion.lha util/dopus 455 18K 1996-07-14 m68k-amigaos icon VERSION-String in a Window on DirOpus - (readme)
WolleDopus.lha 1.0 util/dopus 410 5K 1997-10-22 m68k-amigaos icon RexxScripts/Modules for DOpus5.62+ -german- - (readme)
WolleDOpus1.2.lha 1.2 util/dopus 442 8K 1997-10-27 m68k-amigaos icon RexxScripts/Modules for DOpus5.62+ -german- - (readme)
WorkingPlace.lha util/dopus 521 4.7M 2001-10-06 generic icon Theme for DirectoryOpus5 Magellan 2 - (readme)
XADopus.lha util/dopus 1536 23K 2000-09-25 m68k-amigaos icon browse XAD archives with DOpus Magellan - (readme)
XADOpus1.2ISO.lha 1.0 util/dopus 519 17K 2001-09-14 generic icon Polish Locale for XADOpus 1.2 (ISO version) - (readme)
XADOpus1.2PL.lha 1.0 util/dopus 515 17K 2001-09-14 generic icon Polish Locale for XADOpus1.2 - (readme)
Found 307 matching packages
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