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HTTPlister V2.01
Small change to buttons to allow for the downloading of the readme
along with each file (by selecting 'Download Selected' with the right
mouse button) requested by Mark Tierno.
Fixed a slight incompatibility problem between the older and newer
versions of Dopus, in the handling of the search requester, thanks to
Mark for pointing it out also.
After I found HTTPlister.rexx wouldn't work with HTTPresume V1.6 as it
would with V1.3 I've changed the port handling of HTTPresume.
General discription:
Once you have done the small amount of setting up you will be able to list
the entire contents of the RECENT file in a Dopus lister.
You can download a RECENT file into the lister.
There's an option to filter out the aminet file dirs you don't want listed.
You will be able to select files and download them by clicking a button
or gragging & dropping them into another lister.
Files can be preselected ready for automatic re-selecting when the RECENT
file is again loaded into the lister. (Handy for offline selection)
You'll also be able to select and read readme files.
Because the most likely time to encounter download troubles is during the
downloading of large files with the posibility of missing the smaller
files, the selected files are downloaded from smallest to largest.
By selecting any of the listers column labels 'Name', 'Comment' or 'Date'
the list can be sorted either by file name or by aminet directory or into
the same order as it is in the file the listing came from.
You can search the lister for text.
The most downloaded files and the highest rated programs are recognized
by different dates to the rest. When sorted by 'Date' they can be at the
top or bottom of the lister.
Message of the day; if there is one in the RECENT file, gets displayed.
Play a sound if takes longer than optional seconds to download.
* HTTPResume, also found on aminet (comm/www ) does the downloading, get it.
Contents of util/dopus/HTTPlister.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 4042 10636 38.0% -lh5- 3a42 Oct 14 1998 aminet_TREE
[generic] 7371 23491 31.4% -lh5- b813 May 17 1999 arexx/HTTPlister.rexx
[generic] 324 992 32.7% -lh5- 274b Apr 29 1999 buttons/getaminet.buttons
[generic] 2878 7437 38.7% -lh5- 5c23 May 17 1999 HTTPlister.readme
[generic] 779 1854 42.0% -lh5- f887 Apr 24 1999 images/chU.small
[generic] 795 1854 42.9% -lh5- ea2b Apr 24 1999 images/gge.small
[generic] 800 1856 43.1% -lh5- babf Apr 24 1999 images/lda.small
[generic] 756 1818 41.6% -lh5- 4a2e Apr 24 1999 images/pre.small
[generic] 791 1854 42.7% -lh5- f93c Apr 24 1999 images/srch.small
[generic] 765 1854 41.3% -lh5- 2e74 Apr 24 1999 images/uns.small
[generic] 587 1113 52.7% -lh5- 1987 Oct 22 1998 YAM2HTTPlister.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 11 files 19888 54759 36.3% May 16 1999
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