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Short:Win95 recycle bin for Dopus5 MagII V1.2
Author: skilnand at (Nils-Erik Reklev Skilnand)
Uploader:skilnand online no (Nils-Erik Reklev Skilnand)
Requires:Muirexx by Russell Leighton
Download:util/dopus/GDTrash.lha - View contents

it's a small:) dopus module that adds an appicon on the desktop where you can drop files.
It works like the Recycle bin on Windows 95

a few bugs removed from last upload.
A new script so you don't have to drag the files to the trash anymore.Optimized a bit
just about 8 times faster when deleting.

* You can drag files dirs. on the icon and they will be moved to the destination 
  you have selected.

* the files will be automatically deleted by age after the amount of days you 

* You can recycle the files and they will be moved to its original place.

* You can select if you want to empty the trash every time you start (if there are 
  any files there)

* You can choose the icon you want to use

* You can change the name to what ever you like

* You can snap shot the icon position

* You can doubleclick on the trash icon and you will see
  name on the files in trash the size of the files, and
  finally, but not least the path where the files came from.

* You Can Drop files in the lister.

* You can drag files from the lister, the file will then
  be moved to the place you drop it.

* Device eject like Mac

* It will ask if you want to empty trash if Diskspace is less than 5 meg

* Browsing in dirs

* Count down to files or dirs will be deleted

* Copy files from trashdir to a selcted destination.

* Add comments to files to give a short explanation about
  the file.(uses the comment command)

* CopyAs

* Rename

* Trash option when deleting files ( An external Arexx Script) NEW IN THIS RELASE

This will probably be the last version.(Well Well maybe some updates then:) )

I'am working on a more 'global Trash'.
It uses a trash dir on each partition instead of one directory.

Other things I'am working on :

* User Startup editor - Uses the ;BEGIN and ;END tags in the user startup. You can
  enable or disable these "groups" from a gui interface or delete, edit.....

* An easy, but very good crypting routine for text files
 try this:
 49 21 44 53 4F 54 44 55 45 4E 55 52 53 59 48 54 4E 4E 44 41 54

 Do you see what it is??????? (the keyword is in here somewhere:-) )

Contents of util/dopus/GDTrash.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                  147     204  72.1% -lh5- fb00 Aug  8  1999 GDTrash/Exampletrash.prefs
[generic]                 1173    2372  49.5% -lh5- b52e Apr  7  2000 GDTrash/GDTrash.readme
[generic]                18388   18388 100.0% -lh0- 8611 Apr  7  2000 GDTrash/Image/ListerGrab.jpg
[generic]                  223     469  47.5% -lh5- 4489 Apr  7  2000 GDTrash/Install
[generic]                  941    1191  79.0% -lh5- dd2e Jul 24  1999 GDTrash/
[generic]                 7268   37774  19.2% -lh5- e12f Apr  7  2000 GDTrash/Modules/GDTrash.dopus5
[generic]                   55      59  93.2% -lh5- cbae Jul 12  1999 GDTrash/Prefs/DTrashConfig/DTrashConfig
[generic]                  663     933  71.1% -lh5- d69d Aug 10  1999 GDTrash/Prefs/DTrashConfig/
[generic]                  414     745  55.6% -lh5- 059e Sep 27  1999 GDTrash/Prefs/DTrashConfig/DTrashConfig.rexx
[generic]                  295     733  40.2% -lh5- 6e11 Oct 12  1999 GDTrash/Prefs/DTrashConfig/Load.rexx
[generic]                  257     545  47.2% -lh5- ceef Jul 24  1999 GDTrash/Prefs/DTrashConfig/Save.rexx
[generic]                 3277    7963  41.2% -lh5- 6155 Apr  7  2000 GDTrash/ReadMe
[generic]                  280     438  63.9% -lh5- b2d7 Sep  1  1999 GDTrash/S/RemoveDevice
[generic]                  235     548  42.9% -lh5- a940 Oct 10  1999 GDTrash/Buttons/TrashToolbar
[generic]                  588     872  67.4% -lh5- c4e2 Jan 29  1995 GDTrash/C/Move
[generic]                 1854    4253  43.6% -lh5- ad15 Aug  8  1993 GDTrash/C/move.doc
[generic]                 2208    3656  60.4% -lh5- 50f3 Apr 19  1999 GDTrash/C/Park
[generic]                 3501    8883  39.4% -lh5- 3268 Apr 19  1999 GDTrash/C/Park.readme
[generic]                  471     564  83.5% -lh5- fb27 Apr 19  1999 GDTrash/C/ResolveDeviceName
[generic]                  851    2727  31.2% -lh5- a4ed Feb  9  2000 GDTrash/CopyTo/CopyToTrashScript.dopus5
[generic]                   63      65  96.9% -lh5- 1d60 Aug 22  1999 GDTrash/Env/trash.prefs
[generic]                21402   21402 100.0% -lh0- 0313 Jan 16  2000 GDTrash/Image/DelCommand1.jpg
[generic]                12640   12640 100.0% -lh0- 2a71 Jan 18  2000 GDTrash/Image/DelCommand2.jpg
[generic]                18191   18191 100.0% -lh0- 6a70 Jan 18  2000 GDTrash/Image/DelCommand3.jpg
[generic]                  455     777  58.6% -lh5- 8e30 Apr  6  1998 GDTrash/Image/
[generic]                23544   23544 100.0% -lh0- e3f3 Aug  8  1999 GDTrash/Image/DopusTrashLogo.jpg
[generic]                  927    2012  46.1% -lh5- aeed Aug  1  1999 GDTrash/Image/recycle
[generic]                 1388    2679  51.8% -lh5- 478e Jul 11  1999 GDTrash/Image/
[generic]                 1276    4177  30.5% -lh5- c468 Feb  2  2000 GDTrash/Arexx/CopyToDest.dopus5
[generic]                 3088   11703  26.4% -lh5- 7544 Mar 31  2000 GDTrash/Arexx/TrashDelete.dopus5
[generic]                   87     112  77.7% -lh5- 71cb Apr  7  2000 GDTrash/Arexx/TrashDelete.readme
[generic]                  913    1866  48.9% -lh5- d97c Mar  6  2000 GDTrash/History
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        32 files  127063  192485  66.0%            Apr  8  2000
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