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Load HTML documents with Dopus 5.11 or 4.12 into AWeb.
Arexx script to start AWeb if not present and
load selected HTML-document from dopus.
Directory Opus V4.12 or V5.11 (© by Jonathan Potter & GPSoftware)
AWEB V1.3 (© 1996 by Yvon Rozijn)
Installation Dopus V5.11:
1) Copy HTML.dopus5 to Dopus5:arexx/
2) Edit HTML.dopus5, change the path to AWeb and the config file to use.
3) Create new filetype: "Match Name: #?.html"
Select Double-click enter: "ARexx > DOpus5:ARexx/HTML.dopus5 {f}"
4) Select: "No file quote" at the flags-window.
or just create a button to start the script.
Installation Dopus V4.12:
1) Copy HTML.dopus5 to RexxC: or Rexx:
2) Edit HTML.dopus5; Change the path to your location of AWeb.
(Normally AmiTCP:Aweb/Aweb which is the default setting.)
3) Create new FILETYPE.
3.1) Under the `New Filetype' menu, select `Text document, IFF FTXT'.
3.2) It will tell you that there is already a Filetype with that name,
just hit OKAY. It will pop into the fileclass editor window.
3.3) Click the EDIT CLASS button and change the File Class string to
HTML Document and the Class ID string to HTML. Then click on the
entry in the lower window and change the MATCH to MATCHNAME from
the list of identification commands. Then type in #?.HTML on the
line. Then hit OK and it will go back to the main edit window.
4) Click, in the EVENTS window `ACTION Double-Click'.
Click NEW ENTRY. Then click on the cycle gadget till you get to
AMIGADOS. Type in RX REXX:HTML.dopus5 {f}
(I think I read somewhere once that there was a bug in the AREXX
command that wouldn't let you use the {f} type commands, well I had
that problem anyway, so you have to execute RX first.)
5) Under the FLAGS list, select CD SOURCE and NO FILENAME QUOTE.
6) Hit OKAY, then it will pop back to the main window. Hit OKAY again,
then save the new prefs.
Thanks to R. Sullivan <iflab@cycor.ca>, for the V4.12 Installation.
COPYRIGHT © 1996 - crown
This program is copyrighted to me.
Everybody may use this program as long as:
* Sending me an email at "crown@cybercomm.nl" telling that you are
using this program, when you find it useful.
* You use it at your own risk.
Contents of util/dopus/HTML.dopus5.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 527 1151 45.8% -lh5- 9b90 Jan 1 1980 HTML.dopus5
[generic] 1270 2651 47.9% -lh5- fe27 Jun 28 1996 HTML.dopus5.readme
[generic] 670 1544 43.4% -lh5- 4140 Jan 1 1980 AWeb-WB.prefs
[generic] 103 131 78.6% -lh5- c4c5 Jan 1 1980 AWeb-WB.prefs.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 4 files 2570 5477 46.9% Jun 28 1996
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