This program is made to in an easy way create DeliTracker-
programs från DirOpus. It scans one directory and writes a
sorted text-file named DeliTracker.prgm in another.
MDP {s} {d}
{s} is the source-directory in diropus and
{d} is the destination-directory.
If you run the program with an already present DeliTracker.prgm
file in the destination, the new scan will be appended onto
the old file i.e. it does not get overwritten. Try it!
The first line in the file is always 'MODLIST' which makes
DeliTracker recognise the file as a play-program.
This program is a bit lame as it uses the AmigaDOS List and
Sort to scan and sort the directories, so List and Sort must
be present in the path to get it to work correctly! This
will probably get changed if I make a new version.. ;-)
Eventual future:
Remove the usage of C:List and C:Sort.
Make optional destination filename.
Add recursive directoryscan.
All this will only happen on request. So no mail, no future.
Other programs by Deniil 715! can be found on OnyxSoft homepage at:
Feel free to mail me if you found bugs or have suggestions!