p_hc19f.lha |
comm/bbs |
478 |
121K |
2000-01-16 |
Uploadchecker for PMBS (bugfixed upload) (Phoenix Soft) - (readme) |
p_hc19html.lha |
comm/bbs |
629 |
80K |
2000-01-16 |
HTML Docs for HardChecker v1.9 (German only)(Phoenix Soft) - (readme) |
QN07.lha |
comm/bbs |
458 |
7K |
1998-03-08 |
Quick Note For Daydream - (readme) |
quip006.lha |
comm/bbs |
462 |
20K |
1993-04-18 |
Prints out interesting sayings - (readme) |
quipdata.lha |
comm/bbs |
456 |
56K |
1993-04-18 |
Datafile for Quip006.lha - (readme) |
rbt-tlnt.lha |
comm/bbs |
580 |
86K |
1997-04-06 |
How to setup a telnet node for E! - (readme) |
Reccoon-Eval.lha |
0.67 |
comm/bbs |
542 |
710K |
1996-06-21 |
Reccoon BBS v0.67 - (readme) |
RECREA10.lha |
comm/bbs |
494 |
4K |
1994-11-30 |
Recreates user indexes for TechnoBBS - (readme) |
relais24.lha |
comm/bbs |
499 |
22K |
1996-11-10 |
The one and only relais-controller - (readme) |
Reminder10.lha |
comm/bbs |
547 |
15K |
1993-04-18 |
Online reminder program. - (readme) |
Renumberusers.lha |
comm/bbs |
487 |
28K |
1993-09-16 |
Renumbers the userfiles of TransAmiga BBS - (readme) |
resend.lha |
1.00 |
comm/bbs |
457 |
6K |
1996-03-25 |
Re-export messages under TechnoBBS - (readme) |
rfx-dc10.lha |
comm/bbs |
497 |
8K |
1998-08-07 |
DupeCheck Door for SystemX. Checks the Filebase for DupeFiles - (readme) |
rfx-ml12.lha |
comm/bbs |
538 |
82K |
1998-08-07 |
A Lister for the MessageBases of SystemX - (readme) |
rfx-us05.lha |
comm/bbs |
476 |
7K |
1998-08-07 |
User Status Door for SystemX - (readme) |
rfx-xv11.lha |
comm/bbs |
481 |
6K |
1998-08-07 |
Shows the Accesslevels are set on SystemX - (readme) |
comm/bbs |
463 |
161K |
1995-04-27 |
BBS RIPscrip editor - v 0.91 - (readme) |
RIPgraphicsp_I.lha |
1.00 |
comm/bbs |
476 |
979K |
1997-12-30 |
RIP graphics pack I - (readme) |
RLG-DMov.lha |
comm/bbs |
456 |
15K |
2000-05-10 |
Religion`s RLG-DirMover v.1.o - (readme) |
RMNote.lha |
0.3 |
comm/bbs |
517 |
2K |
1996-03-29 |
Adds Dos File Comments to Aminet Downloads - (readme) |
rnet.lha |
comm/bbs |
487 |
9K |
1994-06-10 |
Information on a mail network using mainly amigas - RocketNet! - (readme) |
RoT_Callers11.lha |
comm/bbs |
469 |
12K |
1993-04-18 |
Recent callers program from ROT - (readme) |
Rot_Logon100.lha |
comm/bbs |
444 |
13K |
1993-04-18 |
Logon options utility from ROT - (readme) |
RoT_UseWALL111.lha |
comm/bbs |
458 |
21K |
1993-04-18 |
Usenet \'wall\' program from ROT - (readme) |
RPGBBSD1.lha |
2.7 final |
comm/bbs |
500 |
345K |
1996-11-14 |
Role-Playing Game BBS/DOOR disk 1 - (readme) |
RPGBBSD2.lha |
2.7 final |
comm/bbs |
738 |
295K |
1996-11-14 |
Role-Playing Game BBS/DOOR disk 2 - (readme) |
RPGBBSD3.lha |
2.7 final |
comm/bbs |
803 |
433K |
1996-11-14 |
Role-Playing Game BBS/DOOR disk 3 - (readme) |
RPGBBSD4.lha |
2.7 final |
comm/bbs |
493 |
416K |
1996-11-14 |
Role-Playing Game BBS/DOOR disk 4 - (readme) |
RTDL10.lha |
comm/bbs |
449 |
5K |
1995-12-04 |
ReqTools download door for MAXsBBS - (readme) |
s342q16.lha |
342.Q16 |
comm/bbs |
753 |
540K |
1996-09-11 |
Citadel 68K BBS Program Source - (readme) |
safebbs2.lzh |
comm/bbs |
454 |
5K |
1994-03-02 |
Takes care of system crashes - (readme) |
sayhi08.lha |
comm/bbs |
452 |
47K |
1995-04-15 |
One line graffiti wall for OzMetro BBS - (readme) |
schat10.lha |
comm/bbs |
477 |
18K |
1996-07-10 |
SiCKCHAT - Chat door for DayDream BBS. - (readme) |
ScratchE_v1.1.lha |
comm/bbs |
469 |
4K |
1996-11-11 |
A gambling door for Excelsior! BBS - (readme) |
se638.lha |
6.38 |
comm/bbs |
479 |
103K |
1995-12-03 |
Space Empire STDIO Door. V6.38 - (readme) |
SendToLine20.lha |
comm/bbs |
431 |
21K |
1996-07-23 |
Broadcast GUI and Shell version for Zeus BBS - (readme) |
SentBy12.lha |
comm/bbs |
450 |
10K |
1996-10-05 |
SentBy v1.2 for FAME 1.1+. - (readme) |
sers223.lha |
comm/bbs |
450 |
105K |
1993-05-09 |
Awesmoe bbs-shell! - (readme) |
sertrans20.lha |
comm/bbs |
475 |
650K |
1998-04-19 |
Shell as BBS? Accessable via Internet? - (readme) |
shad370.lha |
comm/bbs |
552 |
206K |
1995-01-28 |
ShadoeGate BBS v3.70 MAJOR UPGRADE - (readme) |
shogun.lha |
comm/bbs |
469 |
36K |
1993-04-18 |
Ancient orient strategy game. - (readme) |
siglr02.lha |
comm/bbs |
434 |
52K |
1994-02-08 |
create msglist*.[txt|gr1] Starnet/MEBBS - (readme) |
SigmaX40.lha |
comm/bbs |
545 |
861K |
1996-11-08 |
Sigma!Express 0.40 - Conference Based BBS Program for the Amiga - (readme) |
simw11.lha |
comm/bbs |
432 |
5K |
1997-01-11 |
SimpleWall v1.1 for Excelsior! BBS - (readme) |
SkyANSI2PMBS.lha |
1.0 |
comm/bbs |
453 |
14K |
1997-05-12 |
Converts ANSI-codes <-> PMBS-codes - (readme) |
SkyChat.lha |
3.1 |
comm/bbs |
490 |
48K |
1997-02-24 |
Chatcall with many features & MUI (PMBS) - (readme) |
skychess1.lzh |
comm/bbs |
457 |
6K |
1994-03-02 |
SkyPix chess - (readme) |
SkyCookie.lha |
1.0 |
comm/bbs |
443 |
17K |
1997-02-24 |
Shows random cookies to the user - (readme) |
SkyCrossPost.lha |
2.2 |
comm/bbs |
447 |
30K |
1998-01-07 |
Sending XPostings & AutoMailer! - (readme) |
SkyInxInfo.lha |
1.0 |
comm/bbs |
451 |
15K |
1998-01-07 |
Information about files in a board - (readme) |