RMNote 0.3 By Dave Naylor - Frost Free Amiga BBS - Fidonet 2:250/366.0
========================= ==================== ===================
This little utility is something I wrote to assist me with adding File
Comments to new Aminet files downloaded with AmFTP. This speeds up the
time it takes me to put new files online on my BBS.
I always download the .readme files with each archive. On the first line of
the .readme is the files short description. RMNote will take that
description and add it to the relevent files Dos File Comment and then
delete the .readme. It will work on every file within a directory passed to
RMNote as an argument. If there's no .readme it will ignore the file.
RMNote BBS:Downloads/
Note that RX isn't required as RMNote is executable. A trailing / or : is
required for it to work.
RMNote is compressed with CompressRexx_2.0 by Robert Hoffman.
If you use it, let me know :)
Dave Naylor