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Short:Reccoon BBS v0.67
Author: edc at (Henric Andersson)
Uploader:edc klippan se (Henric Andersson)
Requires:Workbench 2.04 or higher.
Download:comm/bbs/Reccoon-Eval.lha - View contents

                        Reccoon BBS

A new and great BBS system, altough a low version number, its far
better than you would think. Here is a small list of its features:

        * A nice GUI configuration-program using gadtools.

        * Alternative text-based configuration-program that can
          be used from remote.

        * All textstrings in the BBS can be replaced with whatever
          you want.

        * Multi-language, up to 65536 different languages supported!

        * Different textfiles for different users, accesslevels
          and graphicsmodes.

        * Different task-priorities for each node when uploading,
          downloading etc.

        * Up to 65536 telephonelines (nodes) supported.

        * Support for multiple serial port board.

        * Speeds up to 4Gbaud supported (if your hardware and
          devicedriver does)

        * Highspeed modems supported.

        * RTS/CTS handshaking.

        * Configurable serial device driver and unit for each node.

        * More than 4 billion messageareas!

        * More than 4 billion fileareas!

        * Up to 65536 different accesslevels!

        * Lots of displaycodes that can be used almost everywhere.

        * Displaycodes uses sprintf(), making it possible to
          to make strings adjusted to the right, left, integers written
          in decimal, hexadecimal, octal, padded with zeros etc etc!

        * Conditional displaycodes, such as "Send <string> if the
          private flag is set", or "display textfile"

        * Action displaycodes, such as hangup and pause.

        * IEMSI support!

        * All nodes are opened as resizeable and movable windows
          on the shared ReccControl screen.

        * ReccControl supervises the system, avoiding conflicts
          of files, users etc.

        * VERY low CPU-usage!

        * ANSI support.

        * Textoutput optimizing. Replaces five or more spaces in a
          row with an ANSI-sequence.

        * Remote-DOS, using FIFO - Makes it just as your normal
          shell window!

        * Almost every Rcn-program are PURE, making it possible to
          make them resident!

        * Reccoon.library, making utilities small and uses less
          memory!  They're real easy to code too, using that library!

        * Statistic such as total byte UL, DL, calls etc are stored
          on disk and displayed on the ReccControl screen.

        * All Reccoon-lines and ReccControl can be iconified as
          APP-Icons on the workbench-screen.

        * Pulldown menus.

        * OS 2.0 look.

        * AGA screenresolutions supported.

        * Macro-keys that can be used everywhere.

        * String-edit - the user can use arrowkeys in any string-

        * Very powerful custimized doorinterface making the door
          possible to almost everything. It has access to almost all
          internal data, and lots of internal functions, such
          as DisplayMessage(), ListFiles() etc etc.

        * Possible to run multiple doors at the same time!

        * Run-back doors that works in the background.

        * Doors may add its own fields to the userstructure!

        * Action-doors such as Snake.

        * ARexx interface.

        * Paragon-Door interface.

        * Doorlink interface.

        * FPL interface! (FPL is a script-language that looks
          and feels like C )

        * The entire logon-sequence can be replaced with an fpl-script.

        * Possible to run CLI-doors.

        * A GUI usereditor, with ARexx interface!

        * Possible to edit multiple users at the same time (each
          user in one window)

        * Alternative textbased user-editor which can be used from

        * Possible to edit users being online, and they wont even

        * Different keymaps supported.

        * Different fonts supported.

        * Character-translation - the user can chose between
          sysop-configurable tables.

        * Up to 65536 different translation-tables supported.

        * 8-bit ASCII supported.

        * All programs are written in C, and smaller parts in
          fast 68000+ assembler.

        * Requires OS 2.0 (v37) or higher.

        * Users get congratulated on their birthday.

        * Smooth hotkeys.

        * Ctrl-C breaking

        * Multicolor-chat, which can be started any time, even when
          running doors.

        * NO backdoors.

        * VERY stable!

        * NO Enforcer and Mungwall hits!

        * Crash-protection.

        * Swedish quality :)

        * Less expensive than Xenolink, MEBBS/StarNet, DLG and Zeus.


        * FidoNet support.

        * 10 different AKAs supported.

        * Very Fast and good mailprocessor!

        * SEEN-BY processing, making it possible to add/remove
          nodes from the Seen-By lines. (For both files and msgs)

        * 4D network addressing.

        * Pointsupport.

        * Areafix for both msgareas and fileareas!

        * Access-restrictions in areafix.

        * Passthru areas.

        * Fileechos!

        * Filerequest handler.

        * Possible to disable filerequest for certain nodes.

        * Magic filenames.

        * Wildcards supported in filerequests.

        * Possible to password protect files and whole areas
          for filerequest.

        * Filerequest report sent to the Sysop on the remote
          system, and to the local sysop. (configurable)

        * Checks the nodelist for unlisted systems.

        * Byte and file-limit for freqs.

        * Multiple Netmailareas supported.

        * Crashmail.

        * Direct Netmails.

        * Very powerful routing capabilities.

        * Different archivers for different nodes.

        * Uses Trapdoor!

        * MSGID dupechecking.

        * MSGID/REPLY message linking.

        * Works fine in a HUB/HOST environment.

        * Accesses the nodelist using Traplist.library, so
          you wont need to have serveral nodelist-formats when
          you use Trapdoor as mailer.


        * As said, more than four billions different messageareas!

        * Messages are stored in two files per messagearea, making
          it possible to scan messages EXTREMELY faaaast!

        * Possible to send messages to ALL users, so they receive
          it when then logon.

        * Fileattaches. The attached files are stored in a special
          filearea, so you as a sysop get a good overview of all
          attached files.

        * Handles.

        * Each user can have diffrent accessrestrictions for each
          message area.

        * Private messages.

        * Access-level restrictions on certain messages.

        * Possible to reply-protect areas.

        * Netmail reply.

        * Sysop menu that allows the message-writer and the Sysops
          to edit message-flags.

        * Each user have an own set of access-flags for each message-
          area, so you got 100% access-control!

        * Possible to age-protect areas, so very young users wont
          have access to adult message-areas.

        * Messages displayed in different colors (configurable)
          when quoted text, Seen-by lines, cludges etc. making
          it very easy to find the important parts in messages.

        * Possible to hide message-cludges (users option)

        * Message-display is hotkeyed, so you can proceed to the next
          message without to wait for the end.

        * The message header looks just as you want it to look.

        * Full-screen editor.

        * As said, more than four billions different fileareas!

        * Uses XPR = External protocols.

        * The filelist format looks just like you want it to.

        * Opens a nice little window when transfering files.

        * Files can be marked by entering a number, a wildcard or
          the whole filename.

        * Both * wildcards and Amiga #? wildcards supported.

        * Very fast global-search function.

        * Each user has an own set of access-flags for each file-
          area, so you got 100% access-control!

        * View-archive function.

        * Test-archive function.

        * The uploader may edit his files, such as changing the
          description etc. The sysops for that area can also do other
          things such as remove credits, change area etc.

        * Auto-logoff after download.

        * Hotkeyed file-listing.

        * Files can be marked and downloaded at a later time.

        * Files can be a free download.

        * Some users can have free download in some areas.

        * Bps-restrictions for DL and UL (different for each filearea)

        * Local Upload or Download allowed, using ASL filerequesters.

        * All menucommands can be used in any menu.

        * Supports both FPL menus and less advanced menus.

        * Lots of menucommands.

        * Possible to do serveral things on one single keyhit.

        * Access-restrictions on every menucommand.

        * A password menu-command, making it possible to password-
          protect certain things.

        * Possible to do certain things for certain access-levels.

        * Menucommands takes arguments and return results, example:
                     /* this is a short FPL-script */
                          WriteMsg("Niclas Emdelius");
                      }else Send("Area not found");

        * You can trap almost every key, even the return key.

        * ANSI-C io-commands, such as fopen(), fgets() available
          from fpl!

        * Fpl-hooks. You can trap and/or replace internal functions
          with fpl-scripts if you want to.

        * All menucommands are available from ARexx!

... AND MORE!!!

This is just a demo version, meaing that the serial port cannot be
used. But its very cheap to register, 700 SEK (about 65 UK pounds).

To contact me (the author) just email me at or fidonet,
at 2:200/236.0.

Contents of comm/bbs/Reccoon-Eval.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 5380    8624  62.4% -lh5- 0a52 Aug 30  1995 GetFirst
[generic]                 1336    3239  41.2% -lh5- 219b May 21  1996 Install
[generic]                  338     684  49.4% -lh5- 6aff Aug 30  1995
[generic]                61704   61704 100.0% -lh0- 3b16 Aug 30  1995 installer
[generic]                11353   17040  66.6% -lh5- 47d3 Aug 31  1995 lx
[generic]               646091  646091 100.0% -lh0- 9d21 May 25  1996 ReccoonBBS.LhA
[generic]                  337     534  63.1% -lh5- 88d0 May 24  1996 Update.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         7 files  726539  737916  98.5%            Jun 21  1996
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