DzDir is a directory utility that uses MUI for maximum future benefit,
Command line size dynamically allocated from 0-1024 bytes, Unlimited
AppIcon & Hotkey support, Up to 100 configurable buttons, Multiformat
Date/Time display, Multiposition Ram gauges, May open with out the
Directory windows (ie. Dock only), System friendly capture of output (no
console windows), Ability to View a text file from within a Lha archive,
Many objects respond to appevents, Instant file type recognition, Ability
to add new filetypes as they evolve, Default icons may be set up so DzDir
will add the correct icon for file types, Hotkeys may be setup for buttons,
AppIcons, or just as hotkeys, Arexx Support, On-line Help, File information
strings for size/selected information, Icon edit window like Workbench's
"Icons/Information..." window, Ability to put an Iff or an Icons image or
text in your buttons, Left and Right buttons may be configured to do
different things to a filetype, 30 internal functions, Ability to move
buttons horizontally and vertically, Add a new button to the left/right,
copy the button to the left/right or delete any button, Auto-tileing of
Ben Martin
Po box 2131
Southport Queensland
Australia 4214