84783 packages online
mods/8voic/Padre_IloveYou.lha |
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This is a description of a "Face The Musik"-song made by
Alexander Aulbach
Semmelstraße 59
97070 Würzburg
Tel.: ++49 931 58681
EMail: ssilk@ssilkyway.franken.de
Homepage: http://www.franken.de/users/ssilkyway/ssilk
I only will answer to e-mails - please don't write snail mail (Sorry)! But
I'm very kind of every letter or postcard etc., even with some critics about
my modules.
You can play it with PlayFTM (the PD-Player for FTM) or DeliTracker.
Both available on Aminet and other sites, especially Incubus-BBS.
INCUBUS: ++49 931 781464 or try telnet incubus.franken.de
Das Musikstück "Padre, I love you!" ist Public Domain, solange...
- dieser Text mitkopiert wird
- nichts am Musikstück verändert wird
- mein Name in jedweder Form erwähnt wird.
The song "Padre, I love you!" is free distributable as long as...
- this text will be included while copying
- nothing will be changed in the song
- my name will be shown in every form.
"Padre, I love you!" 1st official release: 18.Dec.95
The title says not everything about this song!
This was the first song, I have done with Amiga (on Soundtracker).
It was converted with FTM. So it has only 4 channels and I copied just the
first 4 channels to channel 5-8, and shift them for 1 row. So it has this
special hall-effect. Hope it sounds good with your speakers? BTW: I use a
250 Watt Stereo Amplifier to compose my mods. It has a special SUPER-BASS
MODE which I use normaly hearing such bass based mods. I put loudness at
number 2 (of 10).
The songs handles about the problem of catholic vicars. :-) :-/
The "BUMM-BUMM" symbolizes the fate of the vicar and the women.
My feeling while writing it, was to write a very funny tune, with a
heavy background.
Think about it!
I havn't changed so much, while converting this mod (even not the
instruments). I think my feeling about my first amiga comes over very good
in this way... (huaaaa.. my english is so bad :-)...
Contents of mods/8voic/Padre_IloveYou.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 70268 156008 45.0% -lh5- 5448 Dec 17 1995 Padre_I_love_you
[generic] 1214 2307 52.6% -lh5- 19b0 Dec 21 1995 Padre_I_love_you.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 71482 158315 45.2% Dec 23 1995
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