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AChristmasKiss.lha mods/8voic 927 332K 2023-12-21 generic icon 16bit 6ch XMas Club Jazz by HKvalhe - (readme)
AcidEx1.lha mods/8voic 7778 231K 1996-12-18 generic icon DIGI Booster 8 channel module - (readme)
AcidTrance.lha mods/8voic 7780 302K 1996-12-20 generic icon DIGI Booster 8 channel module - (readme)
Adorable.lha mods/8voic 3982 95K 2020-10-13 generic icon 5ch Adorable Guit/Piano Slinger - (readme)
Afterlife.lha mods/8voic 1119 2.6M 2023-06-03 generic icon 7ch Ambient/New Age MED by HKvalhe - (readme)
AlwaysTogether.lha mods/8voic 1014 1.9M 2023-08-14 generic icon 16bit 5ch Soul/R&B Tribute by HKvalhe - (readme)
AlwaysTogetherTuned.lha mods/8voic 1060 1.9M 2023-08-15 generic icon 16bit 5ch Soul/R&B Finetuned by HKvalhe - (readme)
ambi-ank.lzh mods/8voic 7950 97K 1994-11-02 generic icon AMBi presents \"Alive in Kickin\'\" .S3M - (readme)
ambi-cau.lzh mods/8voic 7852 186K 1994-11-02 generic icon AMBI presents \"CaUTiON\" .S3M - (readme)
ambi-kep.lzh mods/8voic 7895 70K 1994-11-02 generic icon AMBi presents \"Keep Marchin\'\" .S3M - (readme)
ambi-psy.lzh mods/8voic 7953 133K 1994-11-02 generic icon AMBi presents \"PsYCHo\" .S3M - (readme)
ambi-zs.lzh mods/8voic 7907 213K 1994-11-02 generic icon AMBi presents... \"Zetha Strain\" .S3M - (readme)
ambiapoc.lzh mods/8voic 7946 92K 1994-11-02 generic icon AMBi presents \"Apocalypse\" .S3M - (readme)
ambipont.lzh mods/8voic 7921 232K 1994-11-02 generic icon AMBiANCE presents \"Pointzer ...\" .S3M - (readme)
ambistar.lzh mods/8voic 7810 379K 1994-11-02 generic icon AMBi presents \"When Stars Colide\" .S3M - (readme)
ambititn.lzh mods/8voic 7776 162K 1994-11-02 generic icon AMBi presents... \"Titan\'s Hold\" .S3M - (readme)
anna.lha mods/8voic 7519 28K 1994-03-21 generic icon 8-voice piano mod, classical style - (readme)
Anthill.lha mods/8voic 7271 211K 1996-12-18 generic icon DIGI Booster 8 channel module - (readme)
antichri.lha mods/8voic 7166 310K 1997-10-03 generic icon Great DigiBooster module by Mafiu/VLB - (readme)
Antom.lha mods/8voic 7187 148K 1995-06-04 generic icon FTM-Modul. \"Antom\" by SSilk - (readme)
Armakuni.lha mods/8voic 5668 491K 2020-07-02 generic icon Armakuni 7ch NR Party Mix - (readme)
Atlantis.lha mods/8voic 5200 2.6M 2019-05-25 generic icon Atlantis 13ch Deep Amiga Ambient - (readme)
Attempt.lha mods/8voic 6440 363K 1996-06-22 generic icon 6 channel PT-module by Estrayk / Capsule. - (readme)
AtTheWhiteHous.lha mods/8voic 6186 55K 1993-04-26 generic icon FTM 8-voices module (length: 6:25) can be played with PlayFTM or DeliTracker. - (readme)
Australia.lha mods/8voic 4391 2.8M 2020-01-14 generic icon 6ch Pray For Australia by HKvalhe - (readme)
awsectmx.lha mods/8voic 6267 159K 1997-02-11 generic icon The best Hardmodule from SteelRat! - (readme)
BackFrom.lha mods/8voic 6421 98K 1996-12-19 generic icon DIGI Booster 8 channel module - (readme)
backinchicago.lha mods/8voic 6388 1.0M 1997-01-30 generic icon Oldskool Acid/House [Sturm/Explizit] - (readme)
Balliswhee.lha mods/8voic 6279 23K 1998-08-27 generic icon BallisWhee, 8Chan MED Module [Whee_Cool] - (readme)
BananaInc.lha mods/8voic 6272 685K 1995-02-04 generic icon TP94 MultiChan. entry by Trap/Bonzai - (readme)
BelieveMe.lha mods/8voic 6428 311K 1995-07-16 generic icon New music by Australian artist Orpheus - (readme)
BetterPerson.lha mods/8voic 2478 3.8M 2021-07-30 generic icon Better Person 7ch Slow Latin Guitar - (readme)
Blackwater.lha mods/8voic 3890 230K 2020-02-24 generic icon Blackwater 5ch Country Rock by HKvalhe - (readme)
Blink8.lha mods/8voic 6244 99K 1994-06-20 generic icon OctaMED file. Something different. :) - (readme)
Bonzai.lha mods/8voic 2617 141K 2021-05-24 generic icon Bonzai 8ch Japanese Pop Ballad - (readme)
Breathless.lha mods/8voic 6327 86K 1996-04-10 generic icon Song by Marco Ege, for Symphonie 2.3+ - (readme)
BS-SPIRI.lha mods/8voic 6239 83K 1996-07-27 generic icon Oktalyzer Module - (readme)
Bud-Rap.lha mods/8voic 6231 145K 1995-02-04 generic icon TP94 MultiChan. entry by Moby & Ra/Nooon - (readme)
Capella1.lha mods/8voic 6648 1.3M 1996-10-28 generic icon Pop/Dance Song for Symphonie by Marco Ege - (readme)
Capella2.lha mods/8voic 6396 1.0M 1996-10-29 generic icon Pop/Dance Song for Symphonie by Marco Ege - (readme)
Charella.lha mods/8voic 6167 204K 1995-02-04 generic icon TP94 MultiChan. entry by M-G/Weird Magic - (readme)
ChristmasEve.lha mods/8voic 6157 91K 1993-04-28 generic icon FTM 8-voices module (length: 5:47) can be played with PlayFTM or DeliTracker. - (readme)
ChristmasTime.lha mods/8voic 4120 328K 2019-12-04 generic icon Christmas Time 8ch Classic Waltz - (readme)
Close8.lha mods/8voic 6203 51K 1996-05-16 generic icon MMD0 music module - (readme)
Clover-Leaf.lha mods/8voic 6202 357K 1995-02-04 generic icon TP94 MultiChan. entry by Prism/EMF - (readme)
clubtrax.lha mods/8voic 6198 139K 1996-06-05 generic icon A 96\' Club Mod. - (readme)
ConditionGreen.lha mods/8voic 6436 77K 1999-10-14 generic icon Upbeat OctaMED SoundStudio mod - (readme)
CrescentMoon.lha mods/8voic 651 2.2M 2024-08-25 generic icon 16bit 6ch Guitar Piano Ballad by HKvalhe - (readme)
crybaby5.lha mods/8voic 6312 701K 1996-08-05 generic icon By orpheus, 16-bit. - (readme)
CT.lha mods/8voic 4282 328K 2019-12-08 generic icon Christmas Time 8ch Classic Waltz - (readme)
Found 480 matching packages
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