84782 packages online


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Found 64 matching packages
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
WebColors.lha gfx/ppaint 576 4K 1997-01-14 generic icon Color palettes used by PC browsers - (readme)
twTestRexx.lha 1.2 gfx/ppaint 492 2K 1997-05-09 generic icon PPaint7: Select ARexx command to execute - (readme)
RotateAnim.lha 1.15 gfx/ppaint 494 6K 2000-08-17 generic icon PPaint script for creating animations - (readme)
PPUIText_tur.lha gfx/ppaint 570 25K 1998-06-21 generic icon Turkish locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_swe.lha gfx/ppaint 521 22K 1997-06-24 generic icon Swedish locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_svn.lha gfx/ppaint 489 23K 1997-06-24 generic icon Slovenian locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_srp.lha gfx/ppaint 566 23K 1998-01-08 generic icon Serbian locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_rus.lha gfx/ppaint 536 27K 1997-06-26 generic icon Russian locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_prt.lha gfx/ppaint 490 24K 1997-06-24 generic icon Portuguese locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_pol.lha gfx/ppaint 635 24K 1997-08-18 generic icon Polish locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_nor.lha gfx/ppaint 592 22K 1997-06-24 generic icon Norwegian locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_nno.lha gfx/ppaint 473 22K 1998-09-24 generic icon Nynorsk locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_ita.lha gfx/ppaint 548 22K 1997-06-24 generic icon Italian locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_hun.lha gfx/ppaint 583 27K 1997-04-10 generic icon Hungarian locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_hrv.lha gfx/ppaint 3937 24K 1998-01-08 generic icon Croatian locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_hol.lha gfx/ppaint 3944 22K 1997-06-26 generic icon Dutch locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_gre.lha gfx/ppaint 3903 28K 1997-08-18 generic icon Greek locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_fra.lha gfx/ppaint 3932 23K 1997-06-24 generic icon French locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_fin.lha gfx/ppaint 3897 23K 1997-06-24 generic icon Finnish locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_esp.lha gfx/ppaint 4049 23K 1997-04-10 generic icon Spanish locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_eng.lha gfx/ppaint 5115 21K 1997-06-24 generic icon English locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_deu.lha gfx/ppaint 5040 23K 1997-06-24 generic icon German locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_dan.lha gfx/ppaint 4913 23K 1997-06-24 generic icon Danish locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPUIText_cze.lha gfx/ppaint 4903 26K 1997-06-24 generic icon Czech locale for Personal Paint - (readme)
PPRX_Whirlpool.lha gfx/ppaint 4845 7K 1997-06-02 generic icon PPaint Whirlpool.pprx script v. 1.2 - (readme)
PPRX_WAD.lha 1.2 gfx/ppaint 5035 34K 1998-01-28 generic icon WebAnimDesigner 1.2 for PersonalPaint7.+ - (readme)
PPRX_VectorTxt.lha gfx/ppaint 4866 5K 1997-06-02 generic icon PPaint VectorText.pprx script v. 1.1 - (readme)
PPRX_RemapAnim.lha gfx/ppaint 4896 2K 1997-06-24 generic icon PPaint RemapAnim.pprx script v. 1.0 - (readme)
PPRX_MakeIcons.lha gfx/ppaint 4997 11K 1997-06-02 generic icon PPaint MakeIcons.pprx script v. 1.2 - (readme)
PPRX_LightTool.lha gfx/ppaint 4893 4K 1997-06-02 generic icon PPaint LightTool.pprx script v. 1.0 - (readme)
PPRX_FrmsToAnm.lha gfx/ppaint 4883 4K 1998-05-27 generic icon PPaint FramesToAnim.pprx script v. 1.3 - (readme)
PPRX_Digitcoun.lha gfx/ppaint 4825 3K 1998-05-04 generic icon Digitcount script v. 1.0 for Personal Paint 7.+ - (readme)
PPRX_DefAnmGif.lha gfx/ppaint 5000 4K 1997-06-02 generic icon PPaint DefineAnimGif.pprx script v. 1.0 - (readme)
PPRX_CircleTxt.lha gfx/ppaint 4967 7K 1997-06-02 generic icon PPaint CircleText.pprx script v. 1.2 - (readme)
PPRX_Catalog.lha gfx/ppaint 5004 10K 1997-06-02 generic icon PPaint Catalog.pprx script v. 1.3 - (readme)
PPRX_BshFormat.lha gfx/ppaint 4901 4K 1997-06-02 generic icon PPaint BrushFormat.pprx script v. 1.1 - (readme)
pprx_AnnotAnBr.lha gfx/ppaint 3781 6K 1997-02-28 m68k-amigaos icon Ppaint Annot'd AnimBrush 4 ANIM GIF work - (readme)
PPRX_AnmToFrms.lha gfx/ppaint 4902 4K 1997-07-24 generic icon PPaint AnimToFrames.pprx script v. 1.3 - (readme)
PPRX_AnmChrPth.lha gfx/ppaint 4862 65K 1997-06-02 generic icon PPaint AnimCharPath.pprx script v. 1.1 - (readme)
PPRX_AnimToFra.lha 1.3 gfx/ppaint 4980 4K 1997-08-06 generic icon Unofficial PPaint AnimToFrames.pprx script - (readme)
PPRX_AnimText.lha gfx/ppaint 5080 6K 1998-05-27 generic icon PPaint AnimText.pprx script v. 1.3 - (readme)
PPRX_AnimPath.lha gfx/ppaint 5107 17K 1997-06-02 generic icon PPaint AnimPath.pprx script v. 1.3 - (readme)
PPaintRUS.lha 7.3 gfx/ppaint 7135 65K 2022-02-22 generic icon Cloanto Personal Paint 7 RUSSIAN KIT - (readme)
PPaintHTML.lha gfx/ppaint 4034 665K 2001-06-26 generic icon HTML Version of PPaint Guide - (readme)
PPaint7_Update.lha gfx/ppaint 5617 824K 1999-06-15 m68k-amigaos icon Free update from PPaint 7.x to v. 7.1b - (readme)
PPaint71_Port.lha 7.1 gfx/ppaint 5411 9K 2005-03-22 generic icon Portuguese Catalogs for Personal Paint v7.1+ - (readme)
PP71B_680x0_in.lha gfx/ppaint 3941 2K 1999-07-18 m68k-amigaos icon Easy Script Installer for PPaint 7.1b - (readme)
PP71B_68020.lha gfx/ppaint 6293 227K 2000-06-04 m68k-amigaos icon 68020-optimized version of PPaint 7.1b - (readme)
pp2ni.lha gfx/ppaint 5880 6K 1997-03-03 generic icon PPaint NewIcon export script. - (readme)
PIO_ILBM.lha gfx/ppaint 5798 9K 1997-02-20 m68k-amigaos icon Personal ILBM I/O Library v. 5.2 - (readme)
Found 64 matching packages
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