84782 packages online
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Found 901 matching packages
NilNull.lha |
util/cli |
637 |
11K |
1999-04-06 |
New NULL device and RunBack replacement - (readme) |
ninjiCLI.lha |
ReqList 0.91, IconView 0.50 |
util/cli |
596 |
15K |
1995-10-18 |
CLI-Tools (ReqList,IconView) - (readme) |
No.Info.lha |
util/cli |
593 |
2K |
1997-02-24 |
No more \".info\" files! - (readme) |
NoDelete.lha |
util/cli |
576 |
2K |
1995-04-12 |
Prevents accidental deletes - (readme) |
NoReq.lha |
util/cli |
691 |
2K |
1990-12-14 |
Turn DOS requesters on and off. - (readme) |
nowb.lha |
util/cli |
577 |
8K |
1999-01-19 |
Stop WBStartUp progs from running - (readme) |
nullremover11.lha |
util/cli |
536 |
10K |
1993-02-11 |
Strips extra nulls-fixed memory problem - (readme) |
NVRAM_Tools.lha |
util/cli |
1092 |
3K |
1994-12-10 |
Saves and restores CD32 NVRAM - (readme) |
NVTools.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
983 |
13K |
1995-10-05 |
Shell access to \'nonvolatile.library\' - (readme) |
NWait.lha |
util/cli |
654 |
6K |
2002-11-07 |
NWait - New AmigaDos Wait Command - (readme) |
ona-tcko.lha |
util/cli |
547 |
6K |
1995-09-09 |
Show you where a country code goes - (readme) |
OneFont_v1.1.lha |
util/cli |
615 |
8K |
1994-03-03 |
Any font used in progs instead of topaz - (readme) |
OpenDrawer.lha |
0.1 |
util/cli |
771 |
4K |
1999-11-16 |
CLI-Command to open a Drawer - (readme) |
OpenSaveClip10.lha |
util/cli |
547 |
5K |
1995-04-12 |
Saves text on clipboard to file, and the reverse - (readme) |
openwin.lha |
1.2 |
util/cli |
691 |
2K |
2001-12-06 |
Opens the windows from cli, current dir or given paths - (readme) |
open_d_l.lha |
util/cli |
600 |
1K |
1997-08-09 |
Opens any library and/or device with closing possibility - (readme) |
PagePrinter.lha |
1.10 |
util/cli |
487 |
48K |
1998-06-25 |
Prints files with pages. Cxx source inc. - (readme) |
patchdet.lha |
0.1 |
util/cli |
749 |
4K |
2008-05-17 |
Easy patch detection for scripts - (readme) |
PathControl.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
471 |
7K |
1997-05-17 |
Fast programcalls - (readme) |
PATZ-TDir.lha |
2.10 |
util/cli |
529 |
23K |
1995-12-16 |
Shows directory tree V2.10 - (readme) |
PCalc116.lha |
1.16 |
util/cli |
613 |
13K |
1997-05-09 |
CLI-based programmer\'s calculator. - (readme) |
PCalc_src.lha |
1.16 |
util/cli |
1292 |
16K |
2017-04-26 |
PCalc source code - (readme) |
pciscan.lha |
1.4 |
util/cli |
1513 |
141K |
2006-03-10 |
Lists, or tests for attached PCI devices - (readme) |
PCITool.lha |
1.4 |
util/cli |
867 |
13K |
2012-07-05 |
Read/Write PCI Config/IO/Memory space - (readme) |
pcopy.lha |
util/cli |
679 |
12K |
2002-03-24 |
Like AmigaDos copy; with progress, time and speed - (readme) |
pdversion.lha |
1.1 |
util/cli |
826 |
4K |
2005-04-21 |
Shows version number of printer drivers - (readme) |
peek_poke.lha |
util/cli |
842 |
24K |
1997-03-31 |
Powerful STRUCTURED Shell PEEK and POKE! - (readme) |
pegoff.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
662 |
2K |
2009-08-04 |
CLI command to power down a Pegasos 2 - (readme) |
percent.lha |
util/cli |
535 |
5K |
1999-11-07 |
Displays percentage of available memory. - (readme) |
pg.lha |
util/cli |
513 |
12K |
1996-03-06 |
Amiga pager w/ source - (readme) |
picocls.lha |
v1 |
util/cli |
940 |
1K |
2005-07-10 |
16bytes CLS command-script =D - (readme) |
Pip20.lha |
util/cli |
510 |
7K |
1992-09-08 |
Easy, Unix style piping for Amiga - (readme) |
pipe3310.lha |
util/cli |
595 |
8K |
1995-01-01 |
Run commands and pipe their I/O together - (readme) |
pop.lha |
util/cli |
670 |
3K |
1997-12-28 |
(CA)Command to display message boxes with image - (readme) |
PopScreen.lha |
1.00 (1-Jun-2001) |
util/cli |
523 |
2K |
2001-06-12 |
A small popscreen utility for scripts V1.00 - (readme) |
popurl.lha |
1.4 |
util/cli |
667 |
4K |
2006-02-13 |
Small OS4 equivalent of OpenURL shell command - (readme) |
PPCCpuInfo.lha |
1.6 (7-Nov-2019) |
util/cli |
1174 |
112K |
2019-11-09 |
query some PPC cpu proprieties. - (readme) |
print160.lha |
1.60 |
util/cli |
451 |
32K |
1998-02-09 |
Powerful and fast ASCII printing tool - (readme) |
ProggyTimer.lha |
util/cli |
500 |
2K |
1997-09-23 |
Execute commands at timed intervals. - (readme) |
promptpath.lha |
37.2 |
util/cli |
488 |
1K |
1996-10-31 |
Shortens shellprompts in a sensible way - (readme) |
PSFlipper.lha |
1.0 |
util/cli |
479 |
2K |
1999-10-14 |
Send public screens to front/back. - (readme) |
PubS.lha |
1.5 |
util/cli |
479 |
3K |
1998-09-13 |
Gives you information about screens - (readme) |
pwd-1.0.lha |
util/cli |
447 |
6K |
1996-01-10 |
Prints the working directory - (readme) |
pwdgen.lha |
1.0 (29.10.99) |
util/cli |
461 |
7K |
1999-10-31 |
Generates random password - (readme) |
PWGen.lha |
0.5 |
util/cli |
289 |
5K |
2024-01-03 |
Passwort Generator - (readme) |
QC.lha |
util/cli |
496 |
4K |
1992-08-15 |
Cli program to display info about shell - (readme) |
qcd1.1.lha |
util/cli |
460 |
11K |
1995-06-21 |
Cd with CDPATH,pcd,cd ..,filereq,cd DF?: - (readme) |
QMan101.lha |
util/cli |
471 |
8K |
1993-12-02 |
Man command using quicktools.library. - (readme) |
QSort.lha |
1.1 |
util/cli |
496 |
11K |
2003-12-29 |
Quicksort cli-command - (readme) |
qtip16.lha |
1.6 |
util/cli |
717 |
13K |
2015-08-04 |
Yet another secure file delete program. - (readme) |
Found 901 matching packages
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