Fix_WB3.1.lha |
util/boot |
1162 |
5K |
1994-08-21 |
Restores AmigaDOS 3.1 PURE-Bits - (readme) |
ForceBorder.lha |
util/boot |
649 |
10K |
1996-02-12 |
Enlarge/shrink window borders - (readme) |
ForcePal.lha |
0.1ß (08/12/1997) |
util/boot |
635 |
26K |
1999-03-19 |
Small, FeaturePacked, CLI Palette Util - (readme) |
FragCure.lha |
util/boot |
666 |
3K |
1998-03-17 |
Minimise mem fragmentation (=have more free mem) - (readme) |
frontps.lha |
util/boot |
599 |
1K |
1994-02-21 |
Open programs on frontmost public screen. - (readme) |
FText.lha |
1.7 |
util/boot |
4723 |
3K |
2000-01-14 |
Render text in fastram with FBlit - (readme) |
FullBench-NS.lha |
util/boot |
582 |
8K |
1996-02-04 |
Removes the menu line on the Workbench (v2.0) - (readme) |
GameSelect.lha |
1.3 |
util/boot |
799 |
36K |
1999-03-19 |
Startup-GUI for Games, Demos etc. - (readme) |
GetLanguage.lha |
util/boot |
1822 |
2K |
1998-06-16 |
GetLanguage v. 1.0 - (readme) |
GetMouseInput.lha |
1.4 |
util/boot |
1171 |
8K |
2007-01-01 |
V1.4 - read mouse button state - (readme) |
getpassword.lha |
util/boot |
564 |
49K |
1999-01-31 |
Asks user for a password (CLI/WB) - (readme) |
GetSCSI11.lha |
util/boot |
2810 |
3K |
1997-05-22 |
Gets scsi.device, for softkick. A1200HD. - (readme) |
GetWBColors.lha |
util/boot |
604 |
6K |
1997-01-16 |
Sets ENV-Variables WBColors and WBDepth (CyberGFx) - (readme) |
Gomf.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
852 |
42K |
1987-08-23 |
\"Get Outa My Face\", guru eliminator. V1.0 - (readme) |
gr_boot.lha |
util/boot |
1280 |
37K |
2010-07-05 |
Amithlon/AROS/AF6 GRUB/LILO boot setup - (readme) |
Guardhound.lha |
util/boot |
602 |
8K |
1996-10-14 |
/dev/watchdog like functionality - (readme) |
Guardhoundfix.lha |
util/boot |
601 |
8K |
1996-10-14 |
/dev/watchdog like functionality (fixed) - (readme) |
GuruLog.lha |
util/boot |
891 |
21K |
1998-04-12 |
Keep log of your crashes/alerts - (readme) |
halfnhalf.lha |
util/boot |
861 |
3K |
1994-01-03 |
HACK to fake 1 meg of FAST memory. - (readme) |
harlot.lha |
util/boot |
578 |
5K |
1996-05-12 |
Lends workbench menu to shells. - (readme) |
hboot201.lha |
2.01 |
util/boot |
597 |
126K |
1996-06-08 |
V2.01 Make the booting easier and more fun... - (readme) |
HDClick.lha |
3.0 |
util/boot |
746 |
213K |
1996-04-21 |
V3.0 HD-Button-Menu & Startup-seq. selector. Easy to configure. - (readme) |
HDEnv14.lha |
util/boot |
909 |
26K |
1996-04-11 |
Allows you to keep your ENV: dir on HD - (readme) |
HDlock.lha |
1.2 |
util/boot |
661 |
3K |
1997-12-31 |
A good HD protection for IDE-HDs - (readme) |
HDLock11.lha |
util/boot |
576 |
3K |
1997-12-21 |
A good HD protection for IDE-HDs V1.1 - (readme) |
hdpp20.lha |
2.0 (03-02-1999) |
util/boot |
615 |
94K |
2000-08-29 |
A Hard-Drive Password Protector - (readme) |
HEn.lha |
2.005 |
util/boot |
584 |
2K |
1996-11-24 |
Enables 'h' (hide) protection flag - (readme) |
HideWB.lha |
util/boot |
629 |
17K |
2000-12-15 |
HideWB is a nice util that shift up WB smoothly. Just try it. - (readme) |
ibpointerfix.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
1090 |
13K |
2007-02-16 |
Small patch for IBrowse 2.4 users - (readme) |
IconChief.lha |
1.20 |
util/boot |
865 |
34K |
1996-03-17 |
WB-Patch, faking Default-Icons for different Filetypes - (readme) |
IFFBeep.lha |
2.0 |
util/boot |
640 |
259K |
1991-04-17 |
Replace screen flash with IFF 8SVX sound. V2.0 - (readme) |
IffBoot.lzh |
util/boot |
759 |
65K |
1993-01-04 |
Loads an IFF Picture while loading (Kick 2.0) - (readme) |
IfNoDrive.lha |
0.7 |
util/boot |
592 |
3K |
1998-02-09 |
V0.7 - Warn or reboot if drive not present. - (readme) |
IfQual11.lha |
1.1 |
util/boot |
638 |
3K |
1996-05-01 |
Starts a program if defined qualifiers are pressed. - (readme) |
indate.lha |
util/boot |
566 |
20K |
1996-10-04 |
Saves date and time in a file. V0.1 - (readme) |
InfoBoot1_24.lha |
v1.24 |
util/boot |
677 |
22K |
1997-02-23 |
InfoBoot - The Ultimate System Info Program? - (readme) |
Install-SCSI-v43.45.lha |
util/boot |
1346 |
407K |
2021-12-02 |
Install scsi.device 43.45 for Kickstart - (readme) |
InstallBeep.lha |
1.1 |
util/boot |
603 |
26K |
1989-06-04 |
Replace DisplayBeep func with IFF player. V1.1 - (readme) |
intuitrack.lha |
util/boot |
579 |
17K |
1994-05-19 |
V1.0 resource tracking for Intuition - (readme) |
IntuiWheel10.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
1170 |
2K |
1999-02-22 |
MouseWheel support for commodities.library - (readme) |
ipatch33.lha |
util/boot |
621 |
9K |
1994-12-16 |
IPatch 3.3 - Interrupt Speedup Patch - (readme) |
IsInserted.lha |
util/boot |
1385 |
7K |
1998-07-09 |
StartUp-Check if any Disk present then start BootUte V1.1 SourceCode Oberon-2 - (readme) |
Jask.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
592 |
14K |
1989-02-04 |
Intuition based \"ASK\" cmd replacement. V1.0 - (readme) |
jeyes.lzh |
util/boot |
638 |
11K |
1992-08-15 |
Hack: Eyes that track mouse pointer - (readme) |
Jinxchoice08.lha |
0.8 |
util/boot |
597 |
49K |
1998-10-20 |
Nice selector 4 different emulators - (readme) |
jpboot.lha |
util/boot |
768 |
63K |
1999-01-02 |
Best startup selector available. V4.1. - (readme) |
Kan.lzh |
util/boot |
586 |
26K |
1992-07-24 |
delete function - (readme) |
KBD.lha |
util/boot |
638 |
2K |
1995-04-12 |
Script-executing resethandler - (readme) |
kesc.lha |
1.273 |
util/boot |
612 |
34K |
1996-09-13 |
Configure your startup during boot - (readme) |
KeyboardTest.lha |
45.2 |
util/boot |
1027 |
3K |
2003-10-25 |
Helps to diagnose phantom keyboard problems on boot. - (readme) |