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IffBoot V1.0
Copyright Colin Bell 1992.
Freely Distributable
This program was inspired by BOOTLOGO V1.0 by Markus Illenseer.
The idea being that normally, if you remove all text output during the
startup-sequence/user-startup you will see only a white(2.0) or black(3.0)
screen while the startup is executed. Wouldn't it be nice to display a
picture instead that went away as soon as the Workbench opens up.
His program displayed a hacked MSWindows logo during bootup which disappears
as soon as the WB screen appears. It was a nice idea & looked pretty funny with
the Commodore Windows Logo. Except, I HATED THE LOGO. It said V37.175 when I
am running V39.106 for a start. We all know that the Amiga 2.0/3.0 GUI rules
and the bootlogo made me feel like the Amiga windows environment was somehow
derived from MSWindows.
Well in his notes he mentioned he will be doing a version that will load any
IFF picture in the future but I just couldn't wait. I already had an IffViewer
fully coded in assembler & only had to spend about half an hour to convert it
into IffBoot. So now you can display any IFF ILBM during bootup & it'll exit
when the WB appears. The viewer automatically enables Borderblanking on the
ECS chipset & automatically centres the picture on the screen.
Note that when IPREFS is run in your startup-sequence you may see the screen
move slightly. This cannot be helped I'm afraid. The program can only be run
on WB2.04 or higher (V37+) & has been tested on WB3. It requires
iffparse.library in your LIBS directory.
Included is the original Commodore-Windows pic which was captured from BootLogo
as well as a new Commodore-Workbench picture which was done by Justin
Trevena especially for this release. Thanks Justin! There is also a picture
showing you which fonts he used so that you can update the version numbers.
As a special bonus theres two cool FarSide pictures also by Justin!
To Use it:
Put in startup-sequence: run >nil: iffboot <picname>
Put it straight after SETPATCH!. Don't put it in user-startup because by the
time user-startup starts the bootup is half over!
For the best effect. Remove anything that outputs text to the initial cli. It
will only open if it has to & won't open at all if nothing writes to it.
This will speed things up as well!!
eg. Remove "echo "Workbench version $Workbench etc"
and send others to nil:
eg "CPU >nil: cache burst"
"addbuffers >nil: df0: 15"
"SETPATCH QUIET" or "setpatch >nil"
IffBoot is Copyright Colin Bell 1992. Freely Distributable
Commodore and the Commodore Logo are registered trademarks of
Commodore-Amiga Inc.
Amiga, Amiga Workbench & Amiga Kickstart are trademarks of
Commodore-Amiga Inc.
No representations or warranties are made with respect to the accuracy,
reliability, performance or operation of this software, and all such use is
at your own risk. The author does not assume any responsibilty or liability
whatsoever with respect to your use of this software.
IffBoot V1 may not be included with any commercial product nor may it be
sold for profit either separately or as part of a compilation without
my permission. It may be included in non-profit disk collections such as the
Fred Fish collection. It may be archived & uploaded to electronic bulletin
board systems as long as all files remain together & unaltered.
If you wish to contact Myself or Justin, we can both be contacted on
"The Engineering Connection" BBS. In Australia call (02)524-1584
Outside Australia call +61 2 524-1584.
Or Via Fidonet: 3:714/909.12
AmigaNet: 41:200/584
Apologies to Markus Illenseer.
Contents of util/boot/IffBoot.lzh
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 22631 40762 55.5% -lh5- 2f4a Dec 20 1992 Amiga3.iff
[generic] 1564 7842 19.9% -lh5- 53de Dec 24 1992 amigawb-font.iff
[generic] 7738 29068 26.6% -lh5- 02c7 Dec 24 1992 amigawb.iff
[generic] 7335 34928 21.0% -lh5- 49cb Dec 20 1992 CWindows.iff
[generic] 8320 27278 30.5% -lh5- a847 Dec 24 1992 Farside1.iff
[generic] 13860 36100 38.4% -lh5- e1c0 Dec 24 1992 Farside2.iff
[generic] 1777 4836 36.7% -lh5- 224e Dec 23 1992 IffBoot
[generic] 1886 3933 48.0% -lh5- 4500 Dec 25 1992 IffBoot.doc
[generic] 641 732 87.6% -lh5- 2fcc Dec 18 1992 IffBoot.doc.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 9 files 65752 185479 35.4% Jan 4 1993
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