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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
z.lha 2.3 text/edit 1064 5.2M 2016-05-02 m68k-amigaos icon Vi(M) like editor that works on early OSes - (readme)
yadme11.lha text/edit 661 171K 1994-12-09 m68k-amigaos icon Improved DME version, user-friendly, new cmds - (readme)
xvi.lha text/edit 675 418K 1995-02-11 m68k-amigaos icon PD version of full UNIX \"vi\" editor V1.0 - (readme)
XES.lha text/edit 646 89K 1995-08-26 m68k-amigaos icon AlphaSpell support & more for XDME - (readme)
XDME_1.84_src.lha text/edit 849 453K 1994-12-23 generic icon Sources for XDME_1.84_bin - (readme)
XDME_1.84_bin.lha text/edit 824 203K 1994-12-23 m68k-amigaos icon XDME with CommandShell and GTX-Support ! - (readme)
XDME-PPC.lha 1.84 text/edit 1114 1.4M 2005-10-02 ppc-morphos icon XDME for MorphOS - (readme)
write_4.144.lha text/edit 706 380K 1996-02-12 m68k-amigaos icon Highly configurable modular texteditor - (readme)
WordWright.lha text/edit 873 69K 1995-06-17 m68k-amigaos icon Word Wright - Text Editor - (readme)
wordpad16.lha text/edit 1359 116K 2000-08-16 m68k-amigaos icon MUI Based TextEditor v1.6 - (readme)
WordCount-CED.lha 1.3 text/edit 640 1K 2000-07-18 generic icon CED: Fast line/word/character counting - (readme)
WarmAndFuzzy31.lha text/edit 653 120K 1994-07-22 m68k-amigaos icon ANSI editor for BBSs - (readme)
vocaboe.lha 1.0 - 27 Nov 1999 text/edit 536 93K 1999-11-29 generic icon English data set for Vocabo - (readme)
vocabo.lha text/edit 521 296K 1999-07-14 generic icon Lessical checker for text editor - (readme)
Vim_9.0-ppc-morphos.lha 9.0.1546 text/edit 561 15M 2023-05-19 ppc-morphos icon The ubiquitous text editor - (readme)
Vim_9.0-ppc-amigaos.lha 9.0.1546 text/edit 588 15M 2023-05-19 ppc-amigaos icon The ubiquitous text editor - (readme)
Vim_9.0-i386-aros.lha 9.0.1546 text/edit 309 14M 2023-05-19 i386-aros icon The ubiquitous text editor - (readme)
vim60src.lha 6.0 text/edit 716 1.4M 2002-01-07 generic icon VIM 6.0 powerful text editor (sources) - (readme)
vim60rt.lha 6.0 text/edit 1539 2.0M 2002-01-06 m68k-amigaos icon VIM 6.0 powerful text editor (runtime) - (readme)
vim60html.lha 6.0 text/edit 738 1.4M 2002-01-07 generic icon VIM 6.0 Html documentation - (readme)
vim60bin.lha 6.0 text/edit 2891 368K 2002-01-04 m68k-amigaos icon VIM 6.0 powerful text editor (binaries) - (readme)
vim53src.lha 5.3 text/edit 621 891K 1998-12-31 generic icon Vim, Vi IMproved, text editor, sources - (readme)
vim53rt.lha 5.3 text/edit 795 849K 1998-12-31 m68k-amigaos icon Vim, Vi IMproved, text editor, runtime - (readme)
vim53bin.lha 5.3 text/edit 913 254K 1998-12-31 m68k-amigaos icon Vim, Vi IMproved, text editor, binaries - (readme)
vim53big.lha 5.3 text/edit 821 267K 1998-12-31 m68k-amigaos icon Vim, Vi IMproved, text editor, binaries - (readme)
vim30src.lha 3.0 text/edit 602 380K 1994-08-17 generic icon Vi IMproved 3.0, Source Code - (readme)
vim.i386-aros.tar.bz2 7.2 text/edit 742 5.9M 2009-12-06 i386-aros icon Vim - (readme)
vim.i386-aros.src.tar.bz2 7.2 text/edit 458 1.4M 2009-12-06 generic icon Vim (src) - (readme)
vim-bin.lha 7.0 text/edit 1196 6.5M 2006-05-22 ppc-amigaos icon Vim, the editor. - (readme)
unrtf_68k.lha 0.20.5 text/edit 756 30K 2011-07-02 m68k-amigaos icon Converts RTF documents to other formats - (readme)
UeditUpdate.lha 2.5d text/edit 606 53K 1990-01-10 m68k-amigaos icon Partial update for Uedit text editor. V2.5d - (readme)
Uedit4k2.lha 4k2 text/edit 1102 3.4M 2016-08-08 m68k-amigaos icon Programmable Texteditor for PC + Amiga - (readme)
Uedit-Stuff.lha text/edit 548 55K 1991-01-10 m68k-amigaos icon Configuration material for Uedit - (readme)
ue312amiga.lha text/edit 1176 1.0M 1996-04-26 m68k-amigaos icon AmigaDOS port of MicroEmacs 3.12 - (readme)
twGED_scanner.lha 1.2 text/edit 550 22K 1998-04-22 m68k-amigaos icon GED 4 scanners for C,Modula,Pascal,ARexx,SQL - (readme)
TurboTextScrip.lha text/edit 624 5K 1993-02-17 generic icon Two scripts for TurboText/SAS-C V6 - (readme)
TurboText20.lha 2.0 text/edit 1930 528K 2006-12-14 m68k-amigaos icon TurboText - (readme)
TuiTED.lha 2.7b text/edit 3093 169K 2009-05-09 m68k-amigaos icon Text editor with syntax highlightning - (readme)
ttxdemo.lha text/edit 529 604K 1994-12-20 m68k-amigaos icon Demo of TurboText 2 from Oxxi - (readme)
ttx2_sasc.lha text/edit 1789 18K 1995-01-20 generic icon SAS/C++ macros left out of TTX 2.0 - (readme)
TTX-TopScreen.lha text/edit 595 6K 1994-12-09 m68k-amigaos icon Pop up a TurboText 2.0 window on top screen. - (readme)
tspellit.lha text/edit 562 14K 1995-11-24 m68k-amigaos icon New and enhanced SpellIT - (readme)
TrueED.lzh text/edit 641 100K 1993-02-03 m68k-amigaos icon Shareware text editor - (readme)
Tropica.lha 9.0210 text/edit 576 74K 1996-08-18 generic icon GoldED 3.X-prefs with new GERMAN menutexts - (readme)
TKEd.lha text/edit 973 402K 1994-01-25 m68k-amigaos icon Intuition based ASCII editor - (readme)
TJMDME_BUGFREE.lha text/edit 561 153K 1992-08-15 m68k-amigaos icon Editor, now runs on unaccelerated Amigas - (readme)
TIGEr.lha 1.01 text/edit 490 55K 1996-06-28 generic icon TeX scripts for GoldED - (readme)
tifg4_V2.lha text/edit 525 31K 1998-02-09 generic icon Toolbar images for GoldEd 4 - (readme)
THE_MOS.lha text/edit 733 1.4M 2008-03-17 ppc-morphos icon The Hessling Editor, a free XEDIT clone - (readme)
THE.lha 3.2B1 text/edit 1816 1.5M 2008-10-17 ppc-morphos icon The Hessling Editor, a free XEDIT clone - (readme)
Found 327 matching packages
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