Short:        Intuition based ASCII editor
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Source:       Fred Fish

TKEd		TKEd is a very comfortable Intuition-based ASCII editor with
		an english and german user-interface.  It can read texts packed
		with PowerPacker, has user-definable menus, a comfortable AREXX
		interface with 116 commands, an interface to some errortools
		for programmers, macros, undo, wordwrap, supports foldings,
		has an online help mode, and many other features.  TKEd is re-
		entrant and can be made resident.  It's Kickstart 1.3/2.04
		compatible, supports the new ECS-screenmodes, an application
		window and checks itself for linkviruses.  Version 1.17a, an
		update to version 1.11 on disk 781.  Evaluation version, with
		editing limited to files 9999 lines and less.  Binary only,
		Author:  Tom Kroener