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Showing: i386-aros icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
8mmlabel.lha text/dtp 7818 38K 1994-08-17 generic icon 8mm video tape labels in Pagestream format - (readme)
AddTIFFPreview.lha 0.02 (13.06.1998) text/dtp 7637 2K 1998-06-16 generic icon PGS3 arexx script - Add a TIFF preview to EPS files - (readme)
aeeps.lha text/dtp 7900 4K 1993-03-11 m68k-amigaos icon Art Expression EPS import module for PageStream - (readme)
ags-261-000.lha text/dtp 6101 557K 1993-09-03 m68k-amigaos icon Amiga Ghostscript for Intui/RETINA - (readme)
ags-261-030.lha text/dtp 5987 515K 1993-09-03 m68k-amigaos icon Amiga Ghostscript for Intui/RETINA - (readme)
ags261-p1.lha text/dtp 5867 392K 1993-09-13 m68k-amigaos icon Patch #1 for ags261-000,030 - (readme)
ALEM_0020.lha text/dtp 6462 6K 2000-10-29 generic icon ALEM\'s AudioK7 template for PageSetterII - (readme)
alem_0022.lha text/dtp 6457 192K 2000-10-31 generic icon ALEM\'s VideoK7 template for PageSetterII - (readme)
AmigaWriterSP.lha 3.0.0 text/dtp 6536 15K 2007-11-04 generic icon AmigaWriter v2.x spanish catalogs - (readme)
AutoPDF15a.lha 1.5a text/dtp 6488 411K 2002-02-25 m68k-amigaos icon AutoPDF 1.5a - Convert Postscript to PDF - (readme)
AutoPS.lha 0.1 text/dtp 6353 40K 2001-10-21 m68k-amigaos icon AutoPS 0.1 - Print Postscript files automatically - (readme)
AW-Filter11.lha 1.0 text/dtp 6191 55K 2001-06-05 m68k-amigaos icon AmigaWriter filter for PageStream v1.1 - (readme)
AW120-czech.lha 1.20 text/dtp 5600 11K 1999-01-31 generic icon AmigaWriter 1.20 - Czech locale - (readme)
AW120-dansk.lha 1.20 text/dtp 5532 10K 1999-01-31 generic icon AmigaWriter 1.20 - Dansk locale - (readme)
AW120-deutsch.lha 1.20 text/dtp 5386 11K 1999-01-31 generic icon AmigaWriter 1.20 - Deutsch locale - (readme)
AW120-francais.lha 1.20 text/dtp 5253 12K 1999-05-10 generic icon AmigaWriter 1.20 - Francais locale - (readme)
AW120-italiano.lha 1.22 text/dtp 4813 10K 1999-05-21 generic icon AmigaWriter 1.20 - Italiano locale (Update) - (readme)
AW120-magyar.lha 1.20 text/dtp 4451 11K 1999-01-31 generic icon AmigaWriter 1.20 - Magyar locale - (readme)
AW120-nederlan.lha 1.20 text/dtp 4486 11K 1999-03-22 generic icon AmigaWriter 1.20 - Nederlands locale - (readme)
AW120-norsk.lha 1.20 text/dtp 4452 10K 1999-01-31 generic icon AmigaWriter 1.20 - Norsk locale - (readme)
AW120-turkce.lha 1.20 text/dtp 4493 10K 1999-01-31 generic icon AmigaWriter 1.20 - Turkce locale - (readme)
AW2.20-Demo.lha 2.20 text/dtp 5383 2.0M 2000-08-22 m68k-amigaos icon AmigaWriter 2.20 - Demo Version - (readme)
AW2.20-Patch.lha 2.2 text/dtp 4740 1.0M 2001-01-15 m68k-amigaos icon AmigaWriter Patch 2.x -> 2.20 - (readme)
AW20-czech.lha 2.0 text/dtp 4579 13K 2001-02-23 generic icon AmigaWriter 2.0 - Czech locale - (readme)
AW20-francais.lha 2.0 (15.6.2000) text/dtp 4539 14K 2000-12-11 generic icon AmigaWriter 2.0 - Francais (french) locale - (readme)
AW20-italiano.lha 2.0 (13.8.2000) text/dtp 4510 13K 2001-02-23 generic icon AmigaWriter 2.0 - Italiano locale - (readme)
AW20-nederland.lha 2.0 text/dtp 4558 13K 2001-02-23 generic icon AmigaWriter 2.0 - Nederlands locale - (readme)
AW20-turkce.lha 2.0 text/dtp 4681 13K 2001-02-23 generic icon AmigaWriter 2.0 - Turkce (turkish) locale - (readme)
AW22-polski.lha 2.2 text/dtp 4643 75K 2001-11-24 generic icon AmigaWriter 2.2 - Polski locale - (readme)
B-DayPgS3.lha text/dtp 5061 1.0M 1998-02-24 generic icon A Birthday Card Created in PgS3 - (readme)
BorderNames.lha text/dtp 5127 2K 2003-07-06 generic icon List Border Names Arexx Script PageStream - (readme)
BorderOverView.lha 1.00 (23.06.1998) text/dtp 5040 2K 1998-06-24 generic icon PGS3 arexx script - make an overview of all borders - (readme)
BusinessCards.lha text/dtp 5025 2K 1998-12-31 generic icon PageStream template for business cards - (readme)
Calimero_3.91.lha 3.91 text/dtp 4676 8.4M 2017-03-28 ppc-morphos icon A DTP Program - (readme)
cd-pgs-tem.lha text/dtp 5103 11K 1999-03-03 generic icon CD Jewl Case Cover Templates For PageStreem - (readme)
CDCover.lha Version 1.0 text/dtp 4766 103K 2002-07-06 m68k-amigaos icon CD Jewel Cover Templates for FinalWriter97 & Pagestream - (readme)
CDLogoIFFILUS.lha 1.1 text/dtp 4998 2K 1998-07-09 generic icon CD logo in IFF ILUS for Pagestream 3.3a - (readme)
ChequeWizard.lha text/dtp 4929 5K 1996-02-29 generic icon WW5 Wizard To Write & Print A Cheque - (readme)
CompressionOS4.lha 0.50 text/dtp 909 1.7M 2025-02-17 ppc-amigaos icon A PDF generator - (readme)
CreateTOC.lha 1.01 (13.06.1998) text/dtp 5037 3K 1998-06-16 generic icon PGS3 arexx script - create a table of contents - (readme)
DeleteColors.lha 1.01 (13.06.1998) text/dtp 4907 1K 1998-06-16 generic icon PGS3 arexx script - delete a range of colors - (readme)
dl2pfb.lha text/dtp 5162 4K 1993-05-04 m68k-amigaos icon Adobe Type 1 Download to PFB converter - (readme)
DonsGenies.lha text/dtp 5080 588K 1993-11-23 generic icon REXX scripts for ProPage. V2.0 - (readme)
dr2d-2.1.9.lha text/dtp 5145 4K 1992-09-18 m68k-amigaos icon Latest IFF DR2D Import Module for PageStream 2.2 - (readme)
draw.lha text/dtp 5447 3K 1992-09-18 m68k-amigaos icon DesignWorks Import Module for PageStream 2.2 - (readme)
DupliToPage.lha 1.03 (13.06.1998) text/dtp 5105 2K 1998-06-16 generic icon PGS3 arexx script - duplicate objects to another page - (readme)
EPSRename.lha text/dtp 4956 21K 1995-03-13 m68k-amigaos icon EPSF clipart manager (copier & renamer) - (readme)
EzDuplex.lha 1.05 text/dtp 4972 5K 1998-07-10 generic icon Improved Arexx print util for GS users - (readme)
fc_imp.lha text/dtp 5194 1K 1993-03-02 m68k-amigaos icon FinalCopy import module for Pagestream 2.2 - (readme)
fixtb.lha text/dtp 4546 2K 1996-11-16 m68k-amigaos icon Changes PageStream 3.1 toolbar width to 640 px - (readme)
Found 282 matching packages
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