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Showing: i386-aros icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
TWinIFF-Key.lha gfx/conv 620 1K 2004-07-05 m68k-amigaos icon Free keyfile for TWinIFF - (readme)
UConv_PBMPGM_K.lha 1.02 gfx/conv 543 182K 1999-01-10 m68k-amigaos icon Ultraconv3/4-Loader and -Saver for PBM and PGM - (readme)
unanm-1.0.lha gfx/conv 511 9K 1993-03-05 m68k-amigaos icon Split .anm anim files into IFF pix - (readme)
undl-1.2.lha gfx/conv 529 8K 1993-03-05 m68k-amigaos icon Unpacks .dl anims to single frames - (readme)
unmovie.lha gfx/conv 814 18K 1992-08-15 m68k-amigaos icon Convert MOVIE animation to iff pictures. - (readme)
unvga-1.0.lha gfx/conv 537 8K 1993-03-12 m68k-amigaos icon VGA animation decontructor, outputs IFF - (readme)
uvms.lha gfx/conv 520 34K 1996-03-08 m68k-amigaos icon Save Videomaster .VID files as ANIM5!!!! - (readme)
vcdimager.lha 0.7.14 gfx/conv 872 1.1M 2003-07-14 m68k-amigaos icon VCD/SVCD tool v0.7.14 - (readme)
vcdimager_077.lha 0.7.7 gfx/conv 611 472K 2001-07-21 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-warpup icon VCDImager 0.7.7 Beta - (readme)
vcdimager_src.lha 0.7.14 gfx/conv 554 868K 2003-07-14 m68k-amigaos icon VCDImager v0.7.14 source code - (readme)
VicVisionV1_04.lha gfx/conv 535 365K 1997-07-09 m68k-amigaos icon Vic Vision V1.04 C64 GFX to IFF - (readme)
Videokonverter.lha 1.0 gfx/conv 809 2.0M 2002-10-13 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon ppc-warpup icon A nice Video converter - (readme)
vlab_macro.lha 1.1 gfx/conv 544 52K 2000-09-10 generic icon VLab-Macro: Convert YUV + VLAB to IFF - (readme)
vs2pr.lha gfx/conv 496 30K 1992-04-26 m68k-amigaos icon Convert VideoScape<->PageRender v1.0 - (readme)
Wasp202b.lha gfx/conv 985 127K 1992-08-15 m68k-amigaos icon Wasp picture converter V2.02beta - (readme)
wasp_2_1.lha gfx/conv 672 81K 1992-03-08 m68k-amigaos icon Image processing program - (readme)
wbmp.lha 1.0 gfx/conv 573 2K 2002-09-08 m68k-amigaos icon Convert wbmp <-> ilbm - (readme)
webpconv.lha release 2 gfx/conv 804 1.2M 2010-10-04 ppc-amigaos icon Convert JPEG and PNG images to WebP - (readme)
webptools132_aros.lha 1.3.2 gfx/conv 218 3.5M 2023-09-16 i386-aros icon encode/decode images in WebP format - (readme)
webptools140_a68k.lha 1.4.0 gfx/conv 433 2.4M 2024-05-08 m68k-amigaos icon encode/decode images in WebP format - (readme)
Whirlgif-3.04-morphos.lha 3.04 gfx/conv 1186 55K 2005-04-05 ppc-morphos icon Generates Gif Anims - (readme)
WhirlGif.lha 2.02 gfx/conv 690 61K 1997-09-28 m68k-amigaos icon Generates GIF animations - (readme)
WhirlGif202SAS.lha 2.02 gfx/conv 545 25K 1997-10-01 m68k-amigaos icon WhirlGIF 2.02 (SAS/C version) - (readme)
WhirlPool.lha 1.13 (24.04.2002) gfx/conv 564 193K 2002-05-19 m68k-amigaos icon Yet another Gui for WhirlGIF v2.2 (D) - (readme)
whirly.lha gfx/conv 496 80K 1999-02-11 m68k-amigaos icon Straight forward frontend for whirlgif - (readme)
wiconvert.lha gfx/conv 512 49K 1993-01-23 m68k-amigaos icon Converts a windows icon to an iff picture. - (readme)
wmf.lha gfx/conv 505 41K 1995-12-06 m68k-amigaos icon Windows Metafile viewer/converter - (readme)
wmf2x_1.1.lha 1.1 gfx/conv 772 766K 2015-03-20 ppc-morphos icon A windows meta file converter - (readme)
xcftools.lha 1.0.4 gfx/conv 623 510K 2009-01-13 ppc-amigaos icon XCF Tools (Gimp file format) - (readme)
Xenomorph_1.0.lha 1.0 gfx/conv 867 52K 2014-07-11 ppc-morphos icon A bitmap to vector tracing tool - (readme)
XtoILBM3.lha gfx/conv 597 4K 1995-05-29 m68k-amigaos icon DataType pic converter, supports wildcards - (readme)
xtopng-mos.lha 0.3 gfx/conv 786 78K 2008-02-16 ppc-morphos icon A general-purpose image converter - (readme)
xtopng-os4.lha 0.3 gfx/conv 746 379K 2008-02-15 ppc-amigaos icon A general-purpose image converter - (readme)
XTrace_000.lha 2.00 gfx/conv 544 443K 1998-06-04 m68k-amigaos icon V2.00 Bitmap->Vector tracer 68000 bin. - (readme)
XTrace_020.lha 2.00 gfx/conv 590 441K 1998-06-04 m68k-amigaos icon V2.00 Bitmap->Vector tracer 68020 bin. - (readme)
XTrace_020882.lha 2.00 gfx/conv 571 423K 1998-06-03 m68k-amigaos icon Bitmap->Vector tracer 020/68882 bin. - (readme)
XTrace_030.lha 2.00 gfx/conv 577 440K 1998-06-04 m68k-amigaos icon V2.00 Bitmap->Vector tracer 68030 bin. - (readme)
XTrace_030882.lha 2.00 gfx/conv 681 423K 1998-06-04 m68k-amigaos icon Bitmap->Vector tracer 030/68882 bin - (readme)
XTrace_040.lha 2.00 gfx/conv 567 420K 1998-06-04 m68k-amigaos icon V2.00 Bitmap->Vector tracer 68040 bin. - (readme)
XTrace_060.lha 2.00 gfx/conv 571 420K 1998-06-04 m68k-amigaos icon V2.00 Bitmap->Vector tracer 68060 bin. - (readme)
XTrace_EngDoc.lha 2.00 gfx/conv 585 67K 1998-06-04 generic icon V2.00 Bitmap->Vector tracer English doc. - (readme)
XTrace_FreDoc.lha 1.20 gfx/conv 567 55K 1997-09-27 generic icon V1.20 Bitmap->Vector tracer French doc. - (readme)
XTrace_GerDoc.lha 2.00 gfx/conv 573 76K 1998-06-04 generic icon V2.00 Bitmap->Vector tracer German doc. - (readme)
XTrace_ItaDoc.lha 2.00 gfx/conv 529 74K 1998-10-06 generic icon V2.00 Bitmap->Vector tracer Italian doc. - (readme)
XTrace_Main.lha 2.00 gfx/conv 662 320K 1998-06-04 m68k-amigaos icon V2.00 Bitmap->Vector tracer Main archive - (readme)
ycur2iff.lha gfx/conv 550 12K 1995-09-05 m68k-amigaos icon Converts WinNT cursors to IFF. V1.0 - (readme) 0.39 gfx/conv 679 550K 2007-02-25 i386-aros icon GUI driven optical character recognition - (readme) 0.39 gfx/conv 667 817K 2007-02-27 generic icon GUI driven optical character recognition - (readme)
Found 448 matching packages
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