XtoILBM 3.0 is a picture converter that uses datatypes to convert ANY
pictureformat to IFF.
XtoILBM takes 3 arguments, source, destination, and optionally,
DisplayModeID for the converted picture.
XtoILBM supports wildcards, so there's no longer any need for
If you use wildcards, the destionation argument will be appended to
the names of the converted files.
An example:
1> CD IFF:
The above CD's to an assign called IFF: (great place for storing
IFF's ;), and calls XtoILBM to convert all the GIF files in the GIF:
assign to ILBM files, append .IFF to the filenames and save them in
the IFF: assign (since that's the current directory).
If you do not use wildcards, the converted file will be saved as the
filename given as the outfile, including path.
An example:
XtoILBM JPG:Apollo.JPG IFF:Apollo.Ham8
XtoILBM will load the source image, and save the ILBM as the
specified destination file in the specified destination directory.
If you want, you can define a DisplayModeID for the converted image
to use.
An example:
XtoILBM JPG:Apollo.JPG IFF:Apollo.Ham8 ID 692229
This saves the converted image as a DBLPAL HighRes Laced image.
XtoILBM is especially usefull for people who haven't got a lot of
memory, or just need to make speedy conversions. The wildcard option
is great for converting a lot of files at once, using only one
command :)
XtoILBM was programmed in SAS/C 6.51, and tested on an A4000/040/14.
It should work on any Amiga with the datatypes.library installed.
If you use this program, you have to let me know. You can either
send me a postcard, or just EMail me. But either way, you have to
let me know you are using it ;)
Contact me,
Christopher Naas
Solv. 3a
1533 Moss
TLF: +47 6925 1264
BBS: +47 6925 6117
EMail: christon@powertech.no (Christ on Powertechno)
01.09.94 Received a bug report from Ralph Seichter, who
claimed XtoILBM gave two enforcerhits when started with
no arguments. As I was unable to reproduce this myself,
I rewrote the argumentparsing, and the result was a much
emproved XtoILBM2, 338 bytes smaller executable :)
Thanks, Ralph!
27.05.95 Added wildcard support, the DisplayModeID
argument and more detailed error messages.