Short:        Flashing fast Aminet Index splitter.
Author:       Jenny Vromans /
Uploader:     Jenny Vromans / chenille iaehv nl
Type:         util/conv
Version:      1.00
Replaces:     -
Requires:     OS 2.0+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Aminet, Fish and Aminet- / Fish-CD's + Disks, Disk Magazines
Status:       Freeware

CLI only! Just does what it's supposed to do: splits the Aminet index into
          spearate files in less than 30 secs on a no FPU 68030 system.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1864    1244 33.2% 23-Sep-97 03:22:04  Flash
    4374    2141 51.0% 23-Sep-97 04:17:56
     152     152  0.0% 23-Sep-97 04:20:26
    6584    2001 69.6% 23-Sep-97 03:22:24  src/Flash.c
     286     198 30.7% 23-Sep-97 03:23:56  src/SCOPTIONS
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
   13260    5736 56.7% 23-Sep-97 04:24:20   5 files