Short:        The ultimate screen saver! (OS2.0+)
Author:       (Trevor Andrews)
Uploader:     tna 128 210 10 11
Type:         util/blank
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

(Versions 2.08 and 2.08a are the same except some spelling errors.)


  Midnight - Modular screen/mouse blanking system


  Version 2 Revision 08


  Trevor N. Andrews


  Midnight is a modular screen blanking system designed
  with AmigaDOS 2.x/3.x in mind.  A few of its features
  are listed below:

  - Screen Mode selection in all modules with AGA support
  - Standard 2.x Preferences interface
  - Font sensitive window
  - Enforcer/Mungwall Proof Code
  - Public screen support
  - GadTools interface
  - IFF Preference file
  - Separate Dameon and GUI
  - Amiga Guide support (library is optional)
  - NT/PT music support in every module!

  Currently, the following blanker modules are available:

  - ALock          (Full featured security system)
  - Nightfall      (Simple black screen)
  - Rainbow        (Bouncing lines with 256 colours in AGA)
  - Shuffle        (Slides selectable pieces around)
  - Mindmelt      *(An AfterDark inspired module)
  - PhaseFade      (Fade to black)
  - Fireworks      (Traditional fireworks with 256 colours in AGA)
  - Textual        (Floats text around)
  - Spotlight      (Your screen has just broke out of jail)
  - IceMelt       *(Screen melts like an ice cube)
  - Starfield      (Prepare for space flight)
  - Random         (Randomly chooses your modules)
  - Breadth        (It's strange...)
  - Worms          (They crawl in and they crawl out!)
  - Aquarium       ("Under the sea", are you singing along?)
  - FlyingToilets  (Those flying creatures are up to trouble again)

    * Not included in this release.

  Additional features include:

  - Concise message signaling system
  - OS friendly mouse blanker
  - Support for detection of gameport 
  - Random blanker selection mode


   Midnight is Copyright 1994 Imagine Software Inc.
   All rights reserved.


   Imagine Software, Inc.
   1218 South 5th Street
   Lafayette, IN  47905-1716