Short:        Blankermodule for GBlanker 3.6.
Author: (Ronny Schuetz)
Uploader:     rschuet imn th-leipzig de (Ronny Schuetz)
Type:         util/blank
Version:      1.0
Requires:     OS 2.0, Garshneblanker V3.6
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Galaxy is a new Garshneblanker-Module. The idea is taken from
the BTD-Blanker "Galaxy", which shows spinning and colliding 

You must have Garshneblanker 3.6 installed to run this
blanker module !

To install it copy one of the


files in the blanker directory of Garshneblanker !

The Numbers at the end of the name are standing
for the required processor type !

So if you have a plane A500/2000 take the 000 version.
A plane A1200 requires the 020 version.
And the 030881 version is for people with a
68030 with Coprocessor (68881/68882) or with a 68040 !

Rename the File in Galaxy after copying it, then copy the files Galaxy.itc
and Galaxy.txt to the blankers directory, too !
Restart Garshneblanker to update the blanker list and open the GarshnePrefs.