Zeige-Bootbild.lha |
V1.0 |
util/batch |
407 |
77K |
1998-05-15 |
Show Bootpictures only German - (readme) |
Xicon.lha |
2.5 |
util/batch |
1108 |
19K |
1989-12-11 |
Run CLI scripts, show text, from icon. V2.5 - (readme) |
wm123.lha |
1.1 |
util/batch |
876 |
1K |
2010-11-30 |
Friendly WMA123 Wrapper. - (readme) |
Win2Front.lha |
0.21 |
util/batch |
386 |
7K |
1992-11-05 |
Utility to bring a window to front. V0.21 - (readme) |
WaitSignal.lha |
util/batch |
356 |
10K |
1998-09-23 |
Multitasking signal synchronization for shell scripts - (readme) |
WaitAnyKey.lha |
1.00 |
util/batch |
578 |
9K |
1991-01-16 |
CLI command waits for any key-press. V1.00 - (readme) |
ViewModule.lha |
1.0 |
util/batch |
784 |
1K |
2013-07-04 |
A E module viewer for ecx AND E modules - (readme) |
UpperName.lha |
1.0 |
util/batch |
313 |
6K |
1995-08-23 |
Upper case filenames - (readme) |
uninstl.lha |
util/batch |
354 |
8K |
1995-09-27 |
Disinstalls any program - (readme) |
UI10.lha |
util/batch |
319 |
11K |
1996-04-23 |
UI V1.0, Updates \"Age\" column in Index file once a week! - (readme) |
TTTool.lha |
util/batch |
1209 |
3K |
1997-08-18 |
Prints icon Tooltype value to StdOut - cli only - V1.1 - (readme) |
tstpubscr.lha |
util/batch |
335 |
11K |
1995-03-10 |
Simple Cmd checks whether a publicscreen is opened - (readme) |
tp.lha |
util/batch |
342 |
6K |
1994-04-20 |
Task Priority - script command - (readme) |
TimeCheck.lha |
1.0ß (22.08.99) |
util/batch |
335 |
6K |
1999-08-27 |
Compare system time with a specific time - (readme) |
TestSFShd.lha |
util/batch |
395 |
7K |
1999-02-20 |
Scripts to \'GUIfy\' SFSCheck error reporting. - (readme) |
TestPort.lha |
util/batch |
432 |
1K |
1995-04-13 |
Tests buttons in CLI scripts. All Amigas - (readme) |
TestDevice.lha |
util/batch |
396 |
5K |
1995-06-18 |
Does an IF EXISTS. Suppresses requester. - (readme) |
SuperEcho.lha |
1.02 |
util/batch |
412 |
7K |
1996-03-30 |
Echo remplacement, 256 colors, all Amiga - (readme) |
stacksize.lha |
util/batch |
393 |
4K |
1995-09-09 |
Processing stacksize in cli-scripts - (readme) |
SmartIcons.lha |
2.0 |
util/batch |
506 |
113K |
1996-03-27 |
Standard icons for OS 2.1+. V2.0 - (readme) |
SmartCrash_1.1.lha |
1.1 |
util/batch |
318 |
13K |
1996-03-28 |
System crash req replacement for OS 2.0+. V1.1 - (readme) |
skript10.lha |
util/batch |
335 |
14K |
1995-09-27 |
New CLI commands - (readme) |
SizeW.lha |
1.5 |
util/batch |
560 |
11K |
1992-10-13 |
Changes size and place of current window. V1.5 - (readme) |
Signal.lha |
?.? |
util/batch |
365 |
9K |
1991-06-06 |
Synchronisation commands for scripts. V?.? - (readme) |
ShellDemo.lha |
util/batch |
368 |
2K |
1996-10-29 |
Classic demo in pure shell ! - (readme) |
selectorUPDATE.lha |
9.1 |
util/batch |
374 |
105K |
2004-02-09 |
Update from Selector 9.0 to 9.1 - (readme) |
selector93.lha |
9.3 |
util/batch |
795 |
361K |
2004-04-13 |
Unique script language / launching tool - (readme) |
selector91.lha |
9.1 |
util/batch |
715 |
564K |
2004-02-09 |
Unique script language / launching tool - (readme) |
ScriptTools.lha |
util/batch |
380 |
9K |
1994-03-24 |
3 programs that maniuplate path/file names. - (readme) |
ScriptCopy.lha |
util/batch |
333 |
12K |
1997-11-10 |
Copies entries of a script to a path - (readme) |
script.lha |
util/batch |
349 |
5K |
1994-10-21 |
Echo I/O of any DOS device to any other - (readme) |
Scripit.lha |
1.20 |
util/batch |
404 |
114K |
1989-12-10 |
A script language for mouse and keyboard. V1.20 - (readme) |
ScreenTest.lha |
util/batch |
315 |
3K |
1995-02-27 |
V1.14, script cmd. to chk. public scrn. - (readme) |
SavePath.lha |
util/batch |
315 |
13K |
1997-11-10 |
Saves a path in a file - (readme) |
SaveLines.lha |
1.0 |
util/batch |
320 |
5K |
1996-04-21 |
Strips a file down to a given number of lines - (readme) |
rt_ReqDevice.lha |
37.3 |
util/batch |
336 |
2K |
1997-11-21 |
Prompt a user to select a device. - (readme) |
reset31a.lha |
util/batch |
435 |
14K |
1994-04-07 |
Removes Exec or Kickstart (A1000) - (readme) |
Request_v13.lha |
util/batch |
353 |
2K |
1995-12-17 |
Pops up a requester with selectable title, body and gadgets. - (readme) |
requeststring.lha |
util/batch |
684 |
4K |
1995-06-27 |
Prompt user for string (scripts, etc.) - (readme) |
requestlist11.lha |
util/batch |
599 |
9K |
1995-11-19 |
Prompt user for item from ListView - (readme) |
RequestFileR3.lha |
39.3 |
util/batch |
729 |
18K |
2006-11-06 |
RequestFile clones for V37 & V38 (fix) - (readme) |
requestfileR2.lha |
util/batch |
366 |
18K |
1994-02-10 |
RequestFile clones for V37 & V38 - (readme) |
RequestFile.lha |
util/batch |
368 |
4K |
1994-12-01 |
A RequestFile clone for KS2.x - (readme) |
Request.lha |
util/batch |
339 |
6K |
1993-06-03 |
Opens autorequesters from scripts. V1.04 - (readme) |
ReqASK10.lha |
util/batch |
378 |
22K |
1993-10-20 |
Use ReqTools requesters from scripts - (readme) |
reboot.lha |
util/batch |
588 |
2K |
1995-05-31 |
Reboot the Amiga under script control - (readme) |
rearg.lha |
1.0 |
util/batch |
756 |
4K |
2005-02-18 |
Adds flexibility to Alias command - (readme) |
Readme2Com.lha |
1.0 |
util/batch |
345 |
3K |
1996-12-18 |
Copies the .readme to a file\'s comment. Plus extra features. - (readme) |
Randomcopy0_91.lha |
util/batch |
322 |
10K |
1994-11-28 |
Rnd copy from pattern(#?) to dest file. OS2.0 - (readme) |
random.lha |
util/batch |
342 |
3K |
1996-10-14 |
Output a random number for use in scripts, etc. - (readme) |