Short:        Output 95.1-allows easy "output" of files.
Author: (Ian J. Einman)
Uploader:     avdsjw xs4all nl (Siewert Westerneng)
Type:         util/app
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

    Output 95.1                                    ©1995 Ian J. Einman
 Output allows easy "output" of files from the Workbench or shell.  Output can
 be used to show pictures or animations, play sounds or songs, view text, list
 archives, and do anything else you have a utility to do.  Output can recognize
 files by file pattern or IFF form, and also recognizes ASCII text, icons, XPK
 files, and executable programs.
Listing of archive 'Output95_1.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1458     767 47.3% 05-Mar-95 13:49:10
    8536    5273 38.2% 25-May-95 22:39:26  Output/libs/systemplus.library
    1416    1066 24.7% 16-Jan-95 13:18:50  Output/Output
    5943    2573 56.7% 16-Jan-95 13:34:22  Output/
    1459     984 32.5% 05-Mar-95 13:49:08  Output/
    1674     966 42.2% 05-Mar-95 13:49:08  Output/
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
   20486   11629 43.2% 05-Jun-95 20:01:30   6 files