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Short: | Polish characters and EOL codes converter for Amiga, PC and UNIX. |
Author: | pp cs.com.pl (Piotr Pawlow) |
Uploader: | pp cs com pl (Piotr Pawlow) |
Type: | util/conv |
Version: | 1.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1996-12-23 |
Download: | util/conv/convpl.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/conv/convpl.readme |
Downloads: | 4991 |
Ten program sîuûy do konwersji pomiëdzy róûnymi formatami polskich znaków.
Zostaî on napisany w C i moûe byê skompilowany na róûnych komputerach, w
tym pod UNIXem. W archiwum znajduje sië skompilowana wersja na Amigë oraz
PC. Wersja amigowa wymaga ixemul.library w wersji conajmniej 41.
Program zna nastëpujâce formaty:
- AmigaPL
- xJP
- Mazovia
- Fido mazovia
- Latin 2
- ISO Latin 2
- Windows
- format MacIntosha
Potrafi on równieû przeprowadziê konwersjë koïca linii pomiëdzy LF (Amiga,
UNIX), CRLF (PC) oraz CR (MacIntosh), oraz zdekodowaê MIME (QUOTED-PRINTABLE).
Information for english speaking users:
This is a converter between many standards of polish character codes and
end-of-line codes written in C. It can be compiled on Amiga,PC,UNIX
machines etc. Amiga and PC binaries are included in this archive.
Conversion of polish characters probably isn't very useful for you, but
you can use this program to convert between EOL codes, and to convert
To use this program type:
convpl sourcefile [-MIME] [destfile] [-LF|-CRLF|-CR]
-MIME - simple MIME QUOTED-PRINTABLE decoding. Every =XX sequence will be
changed to a char, which ASCII code is XX.
-LF - lines in destination file will end with LF code (linefeed) (Amiga,UNIX)
-CRLF - lines will end with CRLF codes (carrier return+linefeed) (PC)
-CR - like above, but with CR code (carrier return) (MacIntosh)
Contents of util/conv/convpl.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3653 7276 50.2% -lh5- 1ba0 Dec 22 1996 convpl
[generic] 2626 8727 30.1% -lh5- 599d Dec 22 1996 convpl.c
[generic] 10800 17388 62.1% -lh5- fc13 Dec 12 1996 convpl.exe
[generic] 891 1695 52.6% -lh5- a4ff Dec 22 1996 convpl.readme
[generic] 485 852 56.9% -lh5- 7692 Dec 22 1996 Makefile
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 18455 35938 51.4% Dec 22 1996
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