Transcript v1.20
- What is it?
Its a nice utility which converts the logg file or the window save
file into something more readable (usable when including logs from IRC
in a magazine/html page).
- How do I use it?
The syntax is fairly easy to understand, but here comes some help on it:
INPUT/A = What file to convert
CHANNEL/A = Which channel you whish to make a transcript of (no need to
put a # before the name, done automagically =))
WIDTH/A/N = Maximum colums to use, IE, if you want to include it in a
HTML page, in which, only 80 chars/line is usable, then put 80
at this one. (NOTE! Anything below 20 is changed to 20)
ACTION/A = This is what AmIRC displays in the Window Save file, IE, when
someone does a "/me likes transcript" AmIRC will log it in the
window save file according to language. For example, in sweden,
AmIRC uses Handling instead of action, so be sure to set thisone
right. (It has no effect on a logg file, just window save file)
OUTPUT/K = Where to store the output, if not included, it will be displayed
on screen.
SPACES/S = Add this if you want linespaces between each statement.
FANCY/S = Try it, maybe a little unusable (?) but thats up to you.
(No, it's NOT colors/styles, it's something else)
- Other things I need to know?
Its freeware!!!!!!
There is only two things I want from you who use it...
1) Email me, let me know what you think
2) If it is going to be used so the public will see the results of a
transcripted log, I would appreciate some credits for the program.
Ohyeah, it has the usual disclaimer about I'm not responible for anything
nasty that happends.
- How do I contact you?
Just drop an email to (Henric Andersson).
I'm happy for almost any kind of msgs (flames > NIL:).
And yeah, one more thing, if you live in sweden, try calling my bbs:
+46-(0)435-25251 Elseware Development Center
(Ofcourse, if you don't live in sweden BUT want to call my bbs, please do! =))