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Short: | gui for handling/running cli tools |
Author: | serk118 hotmail.com |
Uploader: | |
Type: | util/conv |
Version: | 0.1 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2008-09-07 |
Requires: | OS2.0 or higher ---------------------------------------- |
Download: | util/conv/Pui4Cli.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/conv/Pui4Cli.readme |
Downloads: | 646 |
20/08/2008/recompile date
Pui4cli developed in mind to dress'es up some your cli tool with 2 arguments.
This version has limit to Source & Dest as if you have converter tool that
loads & saves a file in different format..
Pui4cli was 1'st used by TXT2PDF.exe than i made bit of changes so other little or
big tools can also use Pui4cli without any programming but just editing the .pui.
You dont enter dest file name just source file pui4cli will save source file with
same name but with new user config'ed .extension.
External Tools
csv2html.exe 68k (by portacall Augroup to convert csv 2 html) included in this archive.
Txt2pdf has its own gui but you can download the cli version to try out Pui4Cli
at http://aminet.net/text/misc/Txt2Pdf_v1c.lha or get eFetch will AutoDownload from
my site for you.
run einstaller & select dest.(if you have not use einstaller before than aminet=eInstaller.
unlha the archive copy Pui4Cli Folder to where ever you like but keep all in one folder.
If i get request
I can add a another section in .pui file as USER_ARGUMENTS=[-P -NO -NO_OUTPUT -ETC]
than you can run lot of cli tools. (this come to my mind late lol).
if not than this is the only version & there wont be any more versions hehe.
Dummy usage
For example csv2html.exe use'es to 2 arguments.
usage:csv2html.exe Load_csv_file Save_html_file
How does Pui4Cli Helps & use'es csv2html.exe here..than keep on reading.
well you have to edit a dummy file with .pui (Portacall user interface) extension.
you must type in all needed parts
example: csv2html.pui file.
#runtime.config by PAUG(Portacall Amiga User Group)
APPNAME=csv2html >>>Name or title of the file goes here.
PROGRAMMER=Portacall Group >>>The coder's name/group name/company.
VERSION=1.1 >>>Version of the file goes here.
#file name'ing
LOAD_ID=Load a File to Convert >>>The way you explain your self to user.
EXECUTE_FROM=sys:c/csv2html.exe >>>Where executable kept in your harddisk.
SHOW_BOOT=NO >>>Its portacall group info at beginning & can be YES or NO.
READ_EXTENSION=.csv >>>Load only .csv files wont load other .extensions.
SAVE_EXTENSION=.html >>>Save's with the same path/name with .html extension.
Execute = will run/execute your commandline.
Download = will download latest version from my site.
make sure you have tcp running or crash due to no tcp check.
also will set all to default .pui.
Exit = will quit or use ESC key to exit.
Things may help
If you are loading & saving same .extension files than have a look
SAVE_EXTENSION=_new.txt (you are allowed like this) but you can not do .txt to .txt
The best part of the usage is you can save many .pui files as you can & load them in
from Pui4cli & run.
Its not bug but PROGDIR: fails (e-mail amiga inc lol not me) joke joke keep reading
well bacause you are actualy running executable from somewhere else thats why it fails
to over come this PROBLEM just dont use PROGDIR: when you are loading a file not .pui file
file you are try'ing to convert.
PROGDIR:sample.csv (dont unless its in same drawer with run'ed executable)
ram:sample.csv (i dont mean just use ram: anywhere but with actual path not "PROGDIR:")
Thats all.
Bug/other mail's to:serk118@hotmail.com
Contents of util/conv/Pui4Cli.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jan 1 1980 Pui4Cli/
[generic] 14133 32752 43.2% -lh5- 081e Aug 23 07:59 Pui4Cli/Pui4Cli.exe
[generic] 887 1580 56.1% -lh5- e2d1 Jan 1 1980 Pui4Cli/Pui4Cli.exe.info
[generic] 1843 3866 47.7% -lh5- cc82 Jan 1 1980 Pui4Cli/Pui4Cli.readme
[generic] 1244 1880 66.2% -lh5- 2756 Jan 1 1980 Pui4Cli/Pui4Cli.readme.info
[generic] 1895 2378 79.7% -lh5- 4b2b Jan 1 1980 Pui4Cli/pui_files.info
[generic] 1898 2378 79.8% -lh5- d197 Jan 1 1980 Pui4Cli/pui_tools.info
[generic] 208 267 77.9% -lh5- 3970 Aug 23 08:31 Pui4Cli/pui_files/csv2html.pui
[generic] 198 258 76.7% -lh5- 13ea Aug 23 07:56 Pui4Cli/pui_files/csvfix.pui
[generic] 191 241 79.3% -lh5- 701b Aug 23 07:56 Pui4Cli/pui_files/def.pui
[generic] 203 260 78.1% -lh5- f3aa Aug 23 07:55 Pui4Cli/pui_files/Txt2Pdf.pui
[generic] 8936 18888 47.3% -lh5- 8ddf Aug 20 19:30 Pui4Cli/pui_tools/csv2html.exe
[generic] 11047 23344 47.3% -lh5- 77c2 Aug 21 15:41 Pui4Cli/pui_tools/csvfix.exe
[generic] 1902 2378 80.0% -lh5- 687b Jan 1 1980 Pui4Cli.info
[generic] 12989 28136 46.2% -lh5- 1f0e Jul 10 2003 eInstaller
[generic] 164 529 31.0% -lh5- 00b1 Jan 1 1980 pui4cli.config
[generic] 1294 1922 67.3% -lh5- 61a8 Jul 10 2003 eInstaller.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 17 files 59032 121057 48.8% Sep 7 06:24
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