84782 packages online
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Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
9832 6232 36.6% 01-Jul-99 02:20:34 +cleanps
3544 1434 59.5% 02-Oct-91 23:18:50 +cleanps.c
37186 14593 60.7% 06-Sep-91 22:37:52 +lprep71.pro
20304 7200 64.5% 06-Sep-91 22:38:20 +macbb.ps
17566 2986 83.0% 06-Sep-91 22:38:10 +macclover.ps
4882 2134 56.2% 06-Sep-91 22:38:44 +mactotex.man
5347 2280 57.3% 02-Oct-91 23:38:10 +mactotex.tex
1201 624 48.0% 03-Oct-91 22:27:50 +README
534 321 39.8% 05-Jul-99 14:03:48 +readme.amiga
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
100396 37804 62.3% 05-Jul-99 14:04:06 9 files
Operation successful.
Contents of util/conv/MacPs2TEX.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 6232 9832 63.4% -lh5- d41f Jul 1 1999 mactotex/cleanps
[generic] 1434 3544 40.5% -lh5- 0528 Oct 2 1991 mactotex/original/cleanps.c
[generic] 14593 37186 39.2% -lh5- 5e5d Sep 6 1991 mactotex/original/lprep71.pro
[generic] 7200 20304 35.5% -lh5- de9c Sep 6 1991 mactotex/original/macbb.ps
[generic] 2986 17566 17.0% -lh5- 16e3 Sep 6 1991 mactotex/original/macclover.ps
[generic] 2134 4882 43.7% -lh5- 9a07 Sep 6 1991 mactotex/original/mactotex.man
[generic] 2280 5347 42.6% -lh5- 67c2 Oct 2 1991 mactotex/original/mactotex.tex
[generic] 624 1201 52.0% -lh5- 30ba Oct 3 1991 mactotex/original/README
[generic] 321 534 60.1% -lh5- e424 Jul 5 1999 mactotex/readme.amiga
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 9 files 37804 100396 37.7% Jul 5 1999
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