* * * T W I L I G H T Z O N E * * *
version 1.1/2.0, October 10th, 1992
General information
This program is Freeware. You may freely distribute this archive,
as long as this file and the documentation is kept together with
the executable. You may not charge any fee for any part of this
archive. The author takes no responsibility for any damage caused
by the usage of this program.
What is "Twilight Zone" ?
"Twilight Zone" is a modular screen blanker with a user-friendly
control panel. In contrast to most ordinary screen blankers
"Twilight Zone" provides the following features:
* selection of a blanker module out of a list of modules
* "blank now" feature by moving the mouse pointer into a corner
of the screen
* "blank never" option by moving the mouse pointer into a corner
of the screen
* time out freely adjustable (quantity, minutes or seconds)
* "wake up event" freely adjustable (mouse, keyboard, disk drive)
With some knowledge in programming it is not difficult to create
new blanker modules, which can be integrated into "Twilight Zone"
and displayed in its control panel.
Version 1.1 of "Twilight Zone" was developed and tested with OS
1.3. Thus it is no commodity. It also works with AmigaOS 2.04.
Version 2.0 was exclusively developed for OS 2.04. Thus it does
not need "arp.library" any more. I am going to make it to a
commodity as soon as possible.
The graphical user interface was designed using version 4.5 of
Torsten Jürgeleit's "intuisup.library". Therefore the whole
control panel of "Twilight Zone" looks "2.0 like" also under
OS 1.3.
If you find any bugs or you have any ideas how to improve this
this product, then contact me:
/// Rainer Koppler
/// Stelzhamerstraße 9
\\\ /// A-4623 Gunskirchen
\\X// Austria/Europe
internet: rainer@soft.uni-linz.ac.at