'R' is a simple utilitity to reboot your computer. Okay, so you've seen
loads of these before, offering requesters and timers and the option to
cancel the reboot if you held down CTRL LALT RALT HELP or some other wierd
combination of keys. I've seen these too, and the one problem with all of
them was that NONE of the ones I saw could just do a simple reset - you had
to answer at least one "Now, are you sure you really want to reset?"
In case you haven't already guessed, the reason I wrote 'R' was so that I
could have the option of rebooting without question and also so that I could
be hassled by a requester if I was in that kind of mood. You can also be
hassled by an alert instead, assuming you're that way inclined. However, I
didn't see the point in having a timer because if you want to wait 5 seconds
before rebooting, you can use the Wait command!
To use 'R', you need kickstart 2+. It will not work on kickstart 1.x,
so you've now got the perfect reason to upgrade!
Here is how you use 'R'. Do not type the 1> bit, that is the prompt.
1> R <- This will just reboot your computer. No questions
1> R A <- This will pop up an alert asking if you really do wish
to reboot. If not, you will be returned to the CLI from
whence you came.
1> R R <- This will open up a requester asking if you really wish
to reboot. Blah blah blah.
NB: The arguments passed to 'R' are case insensitive, and only the first
letter counts. Therefore you could use 'R a' or 'R Alert' to be asked with
an alert, or 'R Ridiculous String' to be asked with a requester.
If you pass an invalid argument (ie the first character is other than an
'A' or an 'R', eg a '?') then help will be provided for you.
If you have any questions, criticisms, complaints, bug reports or spare
computer equipment/cash, do not hesitate to contact me.
Kevin Fairhurst
1 Thirlmere Rd
krf101@york.ac.uk (until 06/97 only)
Finally, a big hello to my girlfriend Michelle, her family, my family,
Friendly Face, Aerosmith, Viscorp, and the Simpsons.
PS Check out my web page at http://www.york.ac.uk/~krf101