Trash Manager v0.93
© Copyright 1994 John Muir
Written by John Muir
A superior App-Icon Trashcan program.
- Requires GadTools.library V39. (IE: OS3.0 or above.)
- Requires locale.library V38.
- Localized - French Catalog included to date.
- Deletes files and directories recursively*.
- Deletes files protected from deletion after Asking, Always or Never.
- Identifies File and Directory Links, and will optionally enter directory
- Confirms the deletion of each file, many, one or none.
- Shows error messages, or doesn't.
- Custom Icon
- Custom Icon Name
- UnSnapshot position, or set position with a draggable window.
- Save settings to the icon.
- Commodity
- File notification on the icon to update the settings.
* Drawer icons without drawers will not be identified properly as files by
Workbench, and thus Trash Manager won't identify them either and the
Settings window will open when one is dropped on the App-Icon.
** Directory links that have been dropped directly onto the App-Icon with
workbench will not be properly identified (although file links will), and
the directory that is linked to this link will be deleted. Its a good
idea to Confirm everything...
!!Catalog Translations Wanted!!
If you like Trash Manager, but can't stand my terrible french gammar, or would
prefer a version in your own language, please send me some E-Mail requesting
the (catalog description) file, so that you can translate it
into your own language.
Thank you!
John Muir <John_Muir@UManitoba.Ca>
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, CANADA
Student of Engineering - Computer III