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file name: XGDEMSO0.lha
requirements: Any XG compatible synth and an SMF player like MIDIPlay
Long: Yamaha XG configured DEMO Standard MIDI Files (SMF) both file
formats 0 and 1. These contain SYSEX data for GM On and additional
SYSEX strings for the XG range of synths which is particular to
themselves! XG Synths that is!
* Key: 0 indicates a 0 (zero) format Standard MIDI File (SMF)
1 indicates a 1 (one) format Standard MIDI File (SMF)
The SMFs in this archive will only play correctly on a Yamaha XG synth
`cos they don`t play the correct GM drum kits on my Korg i3 which they
should because the Korg i3 has a GM facility!
** SONGS **
1. Bird of Paradise by Snowy White (was guitarist in Thin Lizzy)
2. Gat Kirwani (cool Indian Sitar/Tabla based percussion score)
3. Swamp Thing by The Grid (remember the dude with the banjo?)
4. Topsy (Cab Calloway Big band type Jazz Peice)
The SMF files here have been edited in another archive which
accompanies this XGDEMOS.lha and XGDEMOS.readme archive. Therefore,
the SMF`s in the XGDEMOGM.lha archive should play correctly on
GM/GS synths..
All copyright notices for Yamaha have been respected (the SMFs didn`t
have a (c) notice actually but I`ve embedded one in each of the 4 SMFs
anyway! That way you know who originally produced the files and that
they were probably demo files accompanying a Yamaha manufactured
synthersizer with XG MIDI facilities..
Making these SMFs available on the NET is not an infringment of
copyright but simply a means of making these files available to a wider
audience so other MIDI freaks can appreciate the professional quality
of these MIDI arrangements..
If you`d like to play the edited GM/GS versions then look for
XGDEMOGM.lha and the XGDEMOGM.readme that accompanies this archive..
Use Janne Syväniemi`s MIDIPlay 2.65b available in aminet/mus/midi its
probably the best SMF player available on the Amiga! I think so
anyway =:-) Please register with the author, you won`t be disappointed!
Please feel free to e-mail me for information and help regarding MIDI
on the Amiga, about the MIDICraft Magazine or just to let me know if
you like these XG SMF files.. I`ll probably upload some more good
Amiga Music-X/MIDI stuff on Aminet shortly, so look out for these
I`m a Music-X/SMF expert with my own recording studio using Amigas
(A2000. A1200 and a A500+), I`ve also had an audio CD called "A Drop
in the Ocean" released with my co-composer brother, where all music
was sequenced using Amigas.. Some Amiga musicians/MIDI freaks on the
NET may remember me from the AM/FM magazine which was published on
floppy disk by Bjørn Lynne (Dr. Awesome) a couple of years ago. I
used to write arcticles and produce MIDI music for AM/FM as one of
The Craft Brothers.. I've taken AM/FM over and now publish a
similar music based disk magazine called MIDICraft Magazine and I'm
onto issue #11 already..
Email: craftbro@midicraft.demon.co.uk
WWW Home Page: http://www.midicraft.demon.co.uk/~craftbro
Snail mail: Kevan R.Craft/MIDICraft
12 Mount Road, Halton, Runcorn, Cheshire. WA7 2BH. England. UK.
WWW Home Page not set up just yet..
Listing of archive XGDEMOS0.lha
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
49771 29244 41.2% 14-Sep-96 14:29:28 XGDEMOS0/0_FORMAT/GATKIR_0.MID
42821 19078 55.4% 14-Sep-96 14:29:48 XGDEMOS0/0_FORMAT/SWAMP_0.MID
35044 20961 40.1% 15-Sep-96 13:33:14 XGDEMOS0/1_FORMAT/BIRD_P_1.MID
42645 20981 50.8% 15-Sep-96 13:41:04 XGDEMOS0/1_FORMAT/GATKIR_1.MID
37180 11654 68.6% 15-Sep-96 13:40:34 XGDEMOS0/1_FORMAT/SWAMP_1.MID
57759 27117 53.0% 15-Sep-96 13:39:56 XGDEMOS0/1_FORMAT/TOPSY_1.MID
3446 1777 48.4% 17-Sep-96 12:23:44 XGDEMOS0/XGDEMOS0.readme
39400 25960 34.1% 14-Sep-96 14:29:06 XGDEMOS0/0_FORMAT/BIRD_P_0.MID
63924 40331 36.9% 14-Sep-96 14:30:14 XGDEMOS0/0_FORMAT/TOPSY_0.MID
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
371990 197103 47.0% 17-Sep-96 12:26:20 9 files
Contents of mus/midi/xgdemos0.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 29244 49771 58.8% -lh5- 19e8 Sep 14 1996 xgdemos0/0_format/gatkir_0.mid
[generic] 19078 42821 44.6% -lh5- 9705 Sep 14 1996 xgdemos0/0_format/swamp_0.mid
[generic] 20961 35044 59.8% -lh5- 97a9 Sep 15 1996 xgdemos0/1_format/bird_p_1.mid
[generic] 20981 42645 49.2% -lh5- 4603 Sep 15 1996 xgdemos0/1_format/gatkir_1.mid
[generic] 11654 37180 31.3% -lh5- 5bb3 Sep 15 1996 xgdemos0/1_format/swamp_1.mid
[generic] 27117 57759 46.9% -lh5- 8857 Sep 15 1996 xgdemos0/1_format/topsy_1.mid
[generic] 1777 3446 51.6% -lh5- ef34 Sep 17 1996 XGDEMOS0/XGDEMOS0.readme
[generic] 25960 39400 65.9% -lh5- 08f0 Sep 14 1996 xgdemos0/0_format/bird_p_0.mid
[generic] 40331 63924 63.1% -lh5- 0725 Sep 14 1996 xgdemos0/0_format/topsy_0.mid
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 9 files 197103 371990 53.0% Nov 18 1996
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