This is the new version of the file synthlib_v1.0.lha wich is now obsolete.
SynthLib v1.1 is a simple librarian to use with MIDI
It requires Workbench 2.0 or higher and a MIDI interface.
It requires Workbench 2.1 or higher for localized messages.
It supports external drivers. Two of these are in this archive
- Yamaha SY22 SY35
- Yamaha TG33
- Yamaha Electones
I'm searching for people who have other synths and want to write a driver for it.
The docs are in french, sorry. ( If anyone want to translate it
i will be very happy.)
This program is HELPWARE:
if you use this program , you should:
- send me some money (50 FF (french francs) or 10$)
- or help me to improve this package by:
- translating the doc or the catalogs in any language
- writting a install script
- writting a new driver, or even better, a editor
- etc ....
-- Changes since last release --
New driver for TG33
SY22 and TG33 drivers now test the checksum
Able to load many files format by searching sysex in every file.
3 big bugs fixes (should not guru any more (i cross my fingers))
Some of my sounds for SY22