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Master Midi v2.1 is a tool for controlling your midi-setup.
You can chnage voices on channels, change the controllers, mix the
various channels and edit the effects of the Korg instruments.
It also supplies a patch-bay, mute and solo, and an overview
of which voices are set on the various channels.
It coorperates well with Midi Play by Janne Syvaniemi: you can
see the program changes, control changes, volumes and levels of
the played song. You can change -realtime- the controls, voices
and volumes of the song.
Pascal Serrarens
Raadhuisstraat 40
1474 HH Oosthuizen
The Netherlands
e-mail: passerra@fwi.uva.nl
PS: I will be living in Bristol (UK) from 2 January to end June. During
that time I won't be reading my mail at passerra@fwi.uva.nl regulary.
However when you send a mail to it I will give you my local accound
in Bristol as soon as possible.
Contents of mus/midi/mmidi210.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 101 127 79.5% -lh5- 84ee Jan 1 1995 MasterMidi2.1/EffectModules/read.me
[generic] 1401 2937 47.7% -lh5- 4a25 Jan 1 1995 MasterMidi2.1/InstrModules/GeneralMidi
[generic] 22205 46804 47.4% -lh5- da15 Jan 1 1995 MasterMidi2.1/MasterMidi
[generic] 5945 15873 37.5% -lh5- 7fb4 Jan 1 1995 MasterMidi2.1/MasterMidi.guide
[generic] 236 469 50.3% -lh5- abaf Jan 1 1995 MasterMidi2.1/MasterMidi.guide.info
[generic] 357 641 55.7% -lh5- f412 Jan 1 1995 MasterMidi2.1/MasterMidi.info
[generic] 97 119 81.5% -lh5- 45a5 Jan 1 1995 MasterMidi2.1/VoiceEditModules/read.me
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 30342 66970 45.3% Jan 4 1995
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