A high quality Tonekit for GMPlay1.3. It sounds much better than the original tonekit
that comes with GMPlay but it's still a little noisy. The tones were originally sampled
in 16 bit 44kHz and was then quantized to 8 bit 44kHz. I've included some midi-files that
sound great with the new tones.
The tones are compressed with XPK Shrink to obtain the smallest possible size of the Tonekit.
The decompression times are acceptable on my 060, but might be a little long on other processors.
In that case I recomend that you recompress the tones with a less demanding XPK mode.
To install the tones just replace the GMPlay Tones drawer with the Tones in both archives, and
replace the mapfiles (GM_TONES and XG_TONES) with the mapfiles in the first archive.
I've decided to split the tonekit into two archives to make it easier for modem users to download.
You must download both archives to use the tonekit as the mapfiles won't work correctly with
the old tones.
(Gt. Harmonics and the Banjo are the originals by Christian Sauer since I couldn't find any
better sounding instruments to sample)