This is an XG editor similar to XGEdit on PC machines.
Quite useful program.
What XGTool offers?
- Load and Save XGE format files, so you can use your settings
in XGEdit on a PC!!!
- All parameter values are displayed in human readable
form. For example, Reverb Time is displayed as
0.3s-30s (seconds) and not from 0 to 127.
- You can edit
- Master effect settings
- Parameters of Reverb, Chorus and Variation effects
- Part parameters (like Effect Send, Vibrato, Velocity limits, etc.)
- Choose instrument for a part
- Type of a part (Normal, Drum1, Drum2, SFX)
- Behavior of controllers for every part
- Individual parameters of drumnotes and sfx sounds
- Full cooperation with Bars&Pipes Professional and midi.library