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mus/midi/MusicXRexxMacs.lha |
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A selection of new macros for Music-x, including
ECHO which adds a user-definable number of echoes to a note or notes,
FLIP which turns a melody upside down,
REVERSE which turns a tune back to front,
INVERSE which transposes notes to lie within user-definable parameters,
COPY which unlike the Music-x Repeat, actually writes the copied notes,
LOGICALSELECT which fills a gap left in the Music-x LOGICAL SELECTOR, and
CHORDS which allow the user to create complex chords from a single note
Contents of mus/midi/MusicXRexxMacs.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 317 760 41.7% -lh5- b1cc Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/MAJORTRIAD.mxe
[generic] 325 1160 28.0% -lh5- b831 Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/minor ninth.mxe
[generic] 321 962 33.4% -lh5- 9621 Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/minor seventh.mxe
[generic] 325 974 33.4% -lh5- d29e Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/minor sixth.mxe
[generic] 336 1383 24.3% -lh5- 6a1e Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/NINTH AUG ELEVENTH.mxe
[generic] 309 968 31.9% -lh5- f735 Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/o7.mxe
[generic] 328 989 33.2% -lh5- 7dfd Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/SEVENTH FLAT FIFTH.mxe
[generic] 334 987 33.8% -lh5- 475b Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/SEVENTH SUS4.mxe
[generic] 333 1569 21.2% -lh5- 3599 Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/THIRTEENTH.mxe
[generic] 317 977 32.4% -lh5- 47cd Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/ΓΈ.mxe
[generic] 332 1390 23.9% -lh5- 39d3 Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/ELEVENTH.mxe
[generic] 315 973 32.4% -lh5- 43d0 Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/SEVENTH.mxe
[generic] 319 971 32.9% -lh5- bddc Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/SIXTH.mxe
[generic] 319 780 40.9% -lh5- 8f52 Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/SUS4.mxe
[generic] 348 1591 21.9% -lh5- 08db Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/THIRTEENTH AUG ELEV.mxe
[generic] 332 1404 23.6% -lh5- afee Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/ELEVENTH FLAT NINTH.mxe
[generic] 322 1155 27.9% -lh5- 4391 Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/MAJOR NINTH.mxe
[generic] 318 961 33.1% -lh5- a0b6 Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/MAJOR SEVENTH.mxe
[generic] 331 994 33.3% -lh5- 4488 Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/minor7 flat5th.mxe
[generic] 317 777 40.8% -lh5- 105b Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/minortriad.mxe
[generic] 331 1573 21.0% -lh5- fda4 Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/THIRTEENTH FLAT NINTH.mxe
[generic] 320 959 33.4% -lh5- 2235 Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/MAJOR.mxe
[generic] 322 971 33.2% -lh5- f57c Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/minor.mxe
[generic] 324 1168 27.7% -lh5- 1c32 Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/NINTH.mxe
[generic] 323 1171 27.6% -lh5- ea6c Feb 5 1997 macros/chords/SEVENTH FLAT NINTH.mxe
[generic] 506 1895 26.7% -lh5- 259e Feb 10 1997 macros/COPY.mxe
[generic] 658 2830 23.3% -lh5- 7d7b Feb 11 1997 macros/ECHO.mxe
[generic] 392 742 52.8% -lh5- ca38 Feb 4 1997 macros/FLIP.mxe
[generic] 452 1160 39.0% -lh5- e678 Feb 13 1997 macros/INVERT.mxe
[generic] 840 3255 25.8% -lh5- d548 Feb 4 1997 macros/LOGICALSELECT.mxe
[generic] 517 2041 25.3% -lh5- 8540 Feb 5 1997 macros/REVERSE.mxe
[generic] 5269 27900 18.9% -lh5- c961 Jul 13 1997 pics/chords.iff
[generic] 5136 28150 18.2% -lh5- c429 Jul 13 1997 pics/copy.iff
[generic] 4376 17164 25.5% -lh5- 4f90 Jul 13 1997 pics/echo.iff
[generic] 5457 26812 20.4% -lh5- 7f30 Jul 13 1997 pics/flip.iff
[generic] 5509 26310 20.9% -lh5- b5be Jul 13 1997 pics/invert.iff
[generic] 5035 17082 29.5% -lh5- bbb0 Jul 13 1997 pics/logsel.iff
[generic] 5053 28770 17.6% -lh5- a32c Jul 13 1997 pics/reverse.iff
[generic] 2962 8459 35.0% -lh5- ee4a Aug 26 1997 Music-XRexxMacs.guide
[generic] 222 468 47.4% -lh5- 3241 Feb 10 1997 Music-XRexxMacs.guide.info
[generic] 358 617 58.0% -lh5- f032 Aug 26 1997 Music-XRexxMacs.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 41 files 50860 221222 23.0% Aug 26 1997
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