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Short:MIDI SYStem EXplorer - PatchEditor+MORE
Author: dhomas at (dhomas trenn)
Uploader:dhomas youngmonkey ca (dhomas trenn)
Download:mus/midi/MSE.lha - View contents


April 2, 2001

- MIDI SYStem EXplorer (Amiga) is now freely distributable.

- Fixed memory leak caused by sometimes unfreed module gadgets.

- Fixed bug that would sometimes cause a crash when opening a module.


The following MSE modules are available for download from the
MIDI SYStem EXplorer support area of the young monkey website:

- Akai S-612
- Boss SE-50
- Korg M1
- Lexicon LXP-5
- Oberheim Matrix 1000
- Oberheim Matrix 6R
- Roland A-880
- Roland Juno-106
- Roland MKS-7
- Roland MKS-50
- Roland M-VS1
- Roland SDX-330


- Fully automated control.

- ARexx support.

- Openable on any public screen.

- Extensive customization allows the user to design standard
  interfaces for all MIDI products connected to the system.

- Graphic interfaces are designed external to the main program.  This
  minimizes memory requirements and increases the interface speed.

- Just about everything is customizable, including: layout, fonts,
  gadgets, colors, images, menus, MIDI events, etc.

- Allows the user to enter MIDI information from a device's user manual
  and configure a custom interface to access parameters.

- Supports ALL MIDI events.

- Patch/Librarian data is stored in MIDI standard format, for easy
  importing to other software.

- Has the ability to edit individual parameters on devices that only
  support patch dumps.

- MIDI communication can operate with realtime feedback and/or through
  user interaction.

- Edits can be made without connection to a MIDI device, if required.

- Includes lots of examples and common device interfaces, to get you

- Supports MIDI.library (PD), BlueRibbon.library (B&P), TriplePlayPlus,
  and CAMD.library (DeluxeMusic) allowing simultaneous use with other
  programs that also use these libraries.

- Can be run upto 9 times simultaneously, with individual ARexx


Many, so called, UNIVERSAL PATCH EDITORS have come and gone for the
Amiga.  One of our biggest complaints, and the reason why we made
MSE, is that these editors are not anywhere near UNIVERSAL.  The
approach others have taken is in requiring 'modules' to be purchased
for each MIDI device to be controlled.  This is fine as long as you can
get a module for EVERY device you have.  But we all know that,
especially on the Amiga, this has not ever happened.  Then of course,
when the company goes out of business or discontinues the program, no
further modules are ever made.

So, along come a few other public domain and shareware authors to try
and fill in the hole.  These programmers either chose to code
individual editors or make an another attempt at a UNIVERSAL EDITOR of
their own.  These UNIVERSAL EDITORS require you to be able to program
in C or Assembler in order to make your own editors.  If you wanted to
do that why would you bother with their patch editor at all?

Well, MIDI SYStem EXplorer has arrived... we do not claim that MSE is a
UNIVERSAL PATCH EDITOR... we are not sure such a thing is even possible,
but MSE does strive to solve a lot of these problems:

1) Development of other programs stopped because nobody was buying it,
   and no editor exists for my new one of a kind MIDI ZEN-ZAMBULATOR.

  Even if development of MSE stops, you would very likely still be
  able to create new modules, because MSE already supports most MIDI

2) You are a musician, you do not know how to program in C, or
   Assembler or any other language.  And if you did you would rather be
   composing than programming modules!

  MSE supports modules created by the MSE-Compiler.  It converts text
  definition files into modules that MSE can use.  The compiler uses an
  easy to learn language specifically written to be as easy to
  understand as possible.  In many cases, you can simply modify an
  existing definition file to work with another device.

  If you can use a text editor and you understand X/Y coordinates you
  will likely learn MSE's definition language fast.  See the definitions
  directory for samples of definition files.  Once you get a hang of
  things, making modules is FAST.  And once you have the editor done, you
  will be amazed at how much time is saved and how much more creative the
  process of sound generation becomes!

  Definition files and modules will be freely available.  So, if
  you are not interested in making your own modules you can still use
  modules made by us and others.

3) Other editors do not work while my sequencer or other program is

  MSE will run in conjunction with programs that use the public domain
  MIDI.library, BlueRibbon.library or CAMD.library.

  Imagine being able to edit patch data while having that MIDI
  information recorded directly into a sequencer.  It is possible and
  opens up great creative possibilities.

5) Other software is too expensive!

  We think so too.


MSE has been designed to control all types of MIDI data through a
programmable graphic user interface or by external software control.
MSE can be used as a simple MIDI Controller or a complex patch editing

Some possible applications:

- MIDI Volume/Pan Mixer (with automated fading)
- Patch Editor
- Patch Librarian

With the definition language you can design the entire user interface
to meet your needs.  Screen mode/size (Amiga/CyberGFX/etc.), window
size and position, fonts, borders, colors, gadget placement, etc. can
all be customized.  As well, you can define the character set, MIDI
port (Triple Play Plus is supported) and much more.

- Waveform editing (samplers) is not supported.  Another program
  WaveFormer (under development) is being designed for this.

- Probably some other things too, but that first one is the most commonly
  asked about.


Contents of mus/midi/MSE.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  615    1188  51.8% -lh5- b336 Apr  2  2001
[generic]                   23      23 100.0% -lh0- 5315 Oct  5  1996 MSE/CompileModules
[generic]                  736    1186  62.1% -lh5- 4b95 Apr  2  2001 MSE/
[generic]                  325     574  56.6% -lh5- 7343 Oct  5  1996 MSE/CompileModules.rexx
[generic]                 1852    7079  26.2% -lh5- 80d4 Mar 14  2000 MSE/definitions/Test/Test.def
[generic]                  135     195  69.2% -lh5- 7984 Sep 20  1996 MSE/definitions/Test/Tutorial1-A.def
[generic]                  176     297  59.3% -lh5- b6cd Sep  8  1996 MSE/definitions/Test/Tutorial1-B.def
[generic]                  197     350  56.3% -lh5- d249 Sep  8  1996 MSE/definitions/Test/Tutorial1-C.def
[generic]                  257     466  55.2% -lh5- 321e Sep  8  1996 MSE/definitions/Test/Tutorial1-D.def
[generic]                  296     550  53.8% -lh5- 41b6 Sep  8  1996 MSE/definitions/Test/Tutorial1-E.def
[generic]                  395     746  52.9% -lh5- 9e4b Sep  8  1996 MSE/definitions/Test/Tutorial1-F.def
[generic]                  119     154  77.3% -lh5- c4a7 Oct  4  1996 MSE/DeleteModules
[generic]                  730    1186  61.6% -lh5- a7b0 Apr  2  2001 MSE/
[generic]                  629    1193  52.7% -lh5- bbbb Apr  2  2001 MSE/
[generic]                  255     387  65.9% -lh5- 702d Apr  2  2001 MSE/docs/Available-Modules.doc
[generic]                  761    1202  63.3% -lh5- a437 Apr  2  2001 MSE/docs/
[generic]                  484    1031  46.9% -lh5- 8ee4 Apr  2  2001 MSE/docs/DPaintAssistant.doc
[generic]                  762    1202  63.4% -lh5- e905 Apr  2  2001 MSE/docs/
[generic]                18193   52797  34.5% -lh5- c26f Apr  2  2001 MSE/docs/
[generic]                  728    1206  60.4% -lh5- a9d4 Apr  2  2001 MSE/docs/
[generic]                17384   74748  23.3% -lh5- 5c39 Apr  2  2001 MSE/docs/
[generic]                  733    1206  60.8% -lh5- 39b7 Apr  2  2001 MSE/docs/
[generic]                 4457   12786  34.9% -lh5- e14e May 21  1997 MSE/docs/MSE-Compiler.hints
[generic]                  759    1202  63.1% -lh5- 7a8b Apr  2  2001 MSE/docs/
[generic]                 6186   16968  36.5% -lh5- 6224 Mar 23  2000 MSE/docs/MSE-Compiler.Tutorial1
[generic]                  760    1202  63.2% -lh5- fac1 Apr  2  2001 MSE/docs/
[generic]                   42     524   8.0% -lh5- 8654 Jun  1  1997 MSE/fonts/Topaz2.font
[generic]                 1677    3564  47.1% -lh5- fe05 Jun  1  1997 MSE/fonts/Topaz2/11
[generic]                 1529    2888  52.9% -lh5- ed1d Jun  1  1997 MSE/fonts/Topaz2/8
[generic]                   31     264  11.7% -lh5- aba2 Jun  1  1997 MSE/fonts/Topaz2N.font
[generic]                 1487    2440  60.9% -lh5- 92e1 Jun  1  1997 MSE/fonts/Topaz2N/8
[generic]                   43     524   8.2% -lh5- b534 Sep 20  1996 MSE/fonts/Topaz2p.font
[generic]                 1946    3864  50.4% -lh5- fafa Sep 13  1996 MSE/fonts/Topaz2p/11
[generic]                 1803    3684  48.9% -lh5- a6da Sep 29  1996 MSE/fonts/Topaz2p/8
[generic]                  519     958  54.2% -lh5- 6989 Jan 25  1998 MSE/IRShell.rexx
[generic]                 5820   14016  41.5% -lh5- 8631 Dec 23  1993 MSE/libs/BlueRibbon.library
[generic]                 9327   16744  55.7% -lh5- d4e1 Feb 15  1994 MSE/libs/camd.library
[generic]                 3747    6372  58.8% -lh5- eddf Jun 16  1991 MSE/libs/MIDI.library
[generic]                42389   98100  43.2% -lh5- 5c9b Apr  2  2001 MSE/MIDI-SYStemEXplorer
[generic]                  161     207  77.8% -lh5- cb97 Mar  2  2000 MSE/
[generic]                 2146    3108  69.0% -lh5- a032 Apr  2  2001 MSE/
[generic]                 1003    1610  62.3% -lh5- 0ef7 Jan 12  1998 MSE/modules/Test/Test.iff
[generic]                 1245    2678  46.5% -lh5- 5ccf Apr  2  2001 MSE/modules/Test/Test.mse
[generic]                  592    1919  30.8% -lh5- c9c8 Sep  3  1998 MSE/modules/Test/Test.rexx
[generic]                  129     176  73.3% -lh5- ca64 Sep  3  1998 MSE/modules/Test/Test2.rexx
[generic]                 2200    3196  68.8% -lh5- 1962 Apr  2  2001 MSE/MSE-B&
[generic]                51575  166940  30.9% -lh5- 1857 Apr  2  2001 MSE/MSE-Compiler
[generic]                 1559    2340  66.6% -lh5- f3e3 Apr  2  2001 MSE/
[generic]                 1593    2364  67.4% -lh5- ecbd Apr  2  2001 MSE/
[generic]                 2200    3197  68.8% -lh5- 1772 Apr  2  2001 MSE/
[generic]                   67      68  98.5% -lh5- 8d82 Apr  2  2001 MSE/prefs/MSE-Compiler.prefs
[generic]                   53      53 100.0% -lh0- 68b2 Jan  7  1999 MSE/prefs/MSE.prefs
[generic]                  255     387  65.9% -lh5- 702d Apr  2  2001 MSE/README-Modules.txt
[generic]                  194     320  60.6% -lh5- 7010 Sep 28  1996 MSE/Tools/DPaint.brush
[generic]                  274    1533  17.9% -lh5- 4de9 Oct  5  1996 MSE/Tools/Dpaint.names
[generic]                 1133    2698  42.0% -lh5- 6335 Oct  5  1996 MSE/Tools/Dpaint.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        56 files  194686  527860  36.9%            Apr  4  2001
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