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Short:Monitors any device for MIDI packets
Author: kenny at (Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen)
Uploader:kenny bgnett no (Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen)
Version:1.0 BETA
Requires:dignet.library version 3+ (and a MIDI interface + instrument :)
Download:mus/midi/MIDIMon.lha - View contents


$VER: MIDIMonitor 1.0ß (4.6.97)

Copyright (C) 1997 by Digital Surface/Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen.
All rights reserved.

  This little proggy monitors any device that is capable of MIDI speed
  (31250 baud). The purpose is to monitor the MIDI messages sent from an
  instrument to the computer for debug reasons.


	- Can monitor any device (f.ex. serial.device)
	- Active sensing can be turned off
	- Optional system exclusive dump mode with manufacture ID
	  (ID aliases is shown if exist in list. If you don't see your
	   MIDI instrument listed by name please drop me a note).
	- Dumps names on the messages, not only a binary number
          (notes (f.ex C-5), what changes, on/off modes etc.)
	- Cover all MIDI kind of messages (AFAIK) which includes:
		- channel voice messages (note on/off etc.)
		- common messages (song pos, select etc.)
		- realtime messages (midi clock, start/stop etc.)
		- system exclusive mode (start/end)
	- Optional RAW MIDI data dump to file
	- Translates note-on with velocity 0 to note-off for you.

  Instruments that is incapable of sending pressure sensitive information
  on note-on messages always have attack velocity 64.


	MidiMon [options] [<device> <unit>]


  -i = ignore active sensing messages

	Most MIDI devices sends an active sensing message. This is to
	detect a MIDI device. The messages is sent every <300 ms. This
	could be used to see if your MIDI setup is correct. However, when
	you know the setup works you may want to ignore these messages
	since they are of no use elsewhere. Use this option to ignore the
	active sensing messages. They are however logged to the raw dump
	file if that is activated.

  -x = dump system exclusive messages

	This option let you dump the raw data (translated to ascii hex
	values) when the monitor receives system exclusive messages. These
	messages are specific for a MIDI instrument. BETA NOTE: This option
	is untested!

  -l <filename> = RAW dump file

	If you want a RAW dump file of the MIDI data you use this option.
	You must add a filename (in quotes if you use spaces).

  If no device or unit is defined the monitor uses serial.device unit 0 as
  default device.

  Use control + C to stop monitoring.


    MIDIMonitor -i -l ram:MIDI.raw -x duart.device 1

Message dump examples:

Ch-voice msg: NOTE ON    Ch: 1 (note: F#4 ($2A)  attack velocity: 64)
Ch-voice msg: NOTE OFF   Ch: 1 (note: F-4 ($29) release velocity: 0)
^^^^          ^^^^       ^^^^^   ^^^               ^^^^
Message type  Comand     MIDI    Note and value    Velocity for note

Ch-voice msg: CONTROL CHANGE   Ch: 1 (SUSTAIN OFF)
^^^^          ^^^^             ^^^^^   ^^^    ^^^^
Message type  Comandtype       MIDI    type   Status

System Realtime msg: START
System Realtime msg: MIDI CLOCK
System Realtime msg: STOP
^^^^                 ^^^^
Message type         Comandtype

	This software is freely distributable. It is copyrighted by
	international laws. Program is written in assembler to achive most
	speed. The bottleneck is however the device drivers (this may cause
	loss of some MIDI datas!). The program use system routines only.

	The software must be considered BETA. My equipment doesn't send all
	types of MIDI messages so many message types are untested. Please
	report bugs and errors to me so I can make a quick update.

	I think there might be a bug with note-off messages (or note-on
	with velocity 0). There is a local-on message after each note-off,
	but I am not sure that this is correct. I have tried to locate the
	bug, but it seems like my keyboard sends the message (it's not
	registred with the arexx script from dignet.library 4 though..). If
	you have comments on this please let me know.

	The dignet.library 4 includes an arexx host port. The library is
	under final betatesting and the distribution include an arexx
	version of this midi monitor (simplified though). You can see how
	midi messages are translated and you could add MIDI support to
	already existing music packages through arexx if they don't have
	MIDI already (they must have an arexx port of course :). So watch
	out for the dignet.library version 4 distribution.

Contents of mus/midi/MIDIMon.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3059    5708  53.6% -lh5- 4d7d Mar 17  1997 dignet.library
[generic]                 5165    9888  52.2% -lh5- e694 Jun  4  1997 MIDIMon
[generic]                 2111    4625  45.6% -lh5- 4285 Jun  4  1997 MIDIMon.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         3 files   10335   20221  51.1%            Jun  6  1997
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