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Short:The reference NLE/DSP system (demo)
Author: info at (AudioLabs)
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Requires:minimum: 040/16MB/OS3.x recommended: 060/64MB
Download:mus/edit/psademo.lha - View contents

Featuring   timeline  visual   editing,  region-based  audio  management,
realtime  DSP effects,  faders automation, studio-quality digital mixing,
ProStationAudio  is  the  largest  audio  project in development for the

The much recommended StationID tutorial (with audio) prepared at the
Experimental Media Research Lab in Sacramento, US, is available on the
AudioLabs web sites for downloading.


- Import/export audio from/to any platform. Exchange audio files with
  industry standard platforms including Windows, MacOS, Unix or
  dedicated hardware (DraCo, NewTek Toaster/Flyer, AD516/Studio16).

- Internet friendly: MPEG layer 1, 2 and 3 (the popular MP3) import,
  Java ulaw import/export. Import multiple MP3 files, overlap them
  on the timeline to create automatic crossfades, add realtime effects
  such as EQ and stereo field expansion, then master to CDDA, all with

- Batch import. Select a directory and let ProStationAudio import all
  the audio files, unattended. Great for handling large MP3 collections
  or building effects libraries on removable media for audio/video

- Time accounting for computation of production/postproduction costs.
  Time spent working with ProStationAudio is automatically logged on
  a per-project basis. The application generates reports listing the
  global time spent on the project, number of working sessions, duration,
  date and time of each session. Fully automatic logging. Reports can
  be exported as text files for printing or inclusion in documents or

- Hard-disk based non linear editing. Work with audio recordings up to
  2GB each, regardless the amount of RAM memory installed. Disk streaming.
  Instant random access to any location.

- Non destructive editing. Trim, cut, fade, crossfade audio recordings
  without affecting the original takes. Instantaneous operations
  regardless the file size.

- Region-based editing. Any fragment of audio is accessible from an
  alpha-sorted list, managed by the application. Any fragment generated
  by cutting, bouncing, recording, gets automatically named and sorted.
  Let ProStationAudio take care of your most complex projects.

- Visual approach. Build your projects managing visual audio blocks.
  Examine on-screen waveforms to create perfect edits. Each block can
  be distorted manually to create fades and trim its boundaries. Blocks
  can be dropped over blocks to create crossfades (or to have them
  automatically align in various ways). Multilayer graphics: objects,
  waveforms, fades/xfades, automation.

- Extensive set of tools for positioning and aligning objects, ranges
  and the cursor. Accurate spotting to SMPTE locations, at sub-frame
  resolution. Tools for DJs such as shifting and scaling ranges. The
  intelligent Magic Wand tool lets you create perfect loops in a
  fraction of a second, automatically. Nudging with variable step
  (numerical entry, range size or object size).

- Signal generation including pure tones and sweeps in the 5:24000Hz
  range. 64bit accuracy. DTFM (phone dialing) tones generation with
  full control on pause, tone and break durations.

- Automotion (tm), the automation engine. Create the perfect mix while
  letting the software remember all of your moves. Automation tracks
  can be graphically edited in the timeline window or recorded in
  realtime by grabbing the faders during playback. 

- Realtime design. Operate on faders, pans, effects parameters, even
  the virtual tape speed, always in realtime, to tune up your mix on
  the fly or create dynamics effects. These dynamic effects can
  optionally be recorded to disk, again in realtime, while playing.

- Advanced auditioning. Fast-forward and slow-motion during playback.
  Realtime time stretching. The auditioning signal can be digitally
  recorded to disk in realtime.

- ALPS architecture for audio DSP plugins: unlimited expansion
  possibilities. Multiple DSP inserts allow to apply different DSP
  effects to each track, in realtime. Multiple master DSP inserts
  (post-fader processing).

- ALPS plugins: freely accessible modules for realtime DSP operations.
  Downloadable from the web site. Include dynamic compression,
  several EQ modules, spatial processing, ducking, delays, ...

- EDL import and overlay. Create an edit list with a text editor and
  let ProStationAudio build the whole project for you, automatically.
  You can import EDLs from other applications. Plugins for Producer
  EDLs (Elite/SoundStage) and the Studio16 EDLs (AD516/AD1012).

- Hi-end hardware support: ProStationAudio takes advantage of 1 or 2
  CPUs, 1 or 2 video monitors, 1 or 2 graphic cards.  Add value to
  your hardware investments.

- Hi-quality graphic interface, scalable, font-sensitive, supporting
  up to 1600x1280 on two different monitors. Shaded look, includes
  gadgetry (pots, switches,...) scanned from real gear. Supports also
  a dual screen display on a single monitor.

- Maximized audio boards compatibility through the support of two audio
  drivers families: AudioLabs drivers and AHI drivers.


- sampling system:         16bit linear
- sampling rates:          48/44.1/32 KHz
- processing resolution:   from 24bit to 64bit
- audio tracks (disk):     16
- audio tracks (console):  16
- automation tracks:       80: 5 automated controllers x 16 tracks
- DSP channel inserts:     48 stereo: 96 channels processed
- DSP master inserts:      3 stereo (post-fader)
- automated faders:        16
- automated pans:          16
- automated inserts:       48
- faders groups:           8
- time metrics:            24, 25, 29.97, 30, 75, 100 FPS
- time resolution (audio): 1/100th frame
- time resolution (automation):  1/10th second
- objects per track:       unlimited
- audio regions:           unlimited
- audio sub-region levels: unlimited
- maximum editing size:    120 minutes
- locator markers:         10
- range store/recall slots:10
- display snapshot slots:  10
- display resolution:      up to 1600 x 1280
- video monitors:          1 or 2
- CPUs supported:          1 (680x0) or 2 (680x0 + PowerPC60x)
- CPU models:              68040, 68060, PowerPC 603, PowerPC 604
- Realime effects:         ALPS, software plugins system
- EQ (parametric, 1 band):  [2.5Hz : 20000Hz] [-+12dB]
                          [0.05 : 1.00 Q] [1/12th octave steps]
- EQ (parametric, 2 bands): [2.5Hz : 20000Hz] [-+12dB]
                          [0.05 : 1.00 Q]  [1/12th octave steps]
- EQ (shelf, 2 bands):      [2.5Hz : 20000Hz] [-+12dB]
                          [0.05 : 1.00 Slope] [1/12th octave steps]
- EQ (band / notch):        [2.5Hz : 20000Hz] 
                          [1/12th octave steps]
- EQ (lowpass / hipass):    [2.5Hz : 20000Hz] 
                          [1/12th octave steps]
- Audio import:           MPEG Layer1/2/3, AIFF, WAVE, CDDA Intel and
                          Motorola, FlyerClips, Studio16, MAUD, Maestro,
                          SoundDesignerI, IFF, Sun/Next, Voc
- Audio export:           AIFF, WAVE, CDDA Intel and Motorola,
                          FlyerClips, Studio16,MAUD,
                          Maestro,IFF,Sun/Next, Voc


- PSA-AHI transdriver.

- Batch Import.    

- Tone generation.  

- Sweep generation. 

- DTFM generation.  

- EDL import.       

- EDL plugins.      

- EDL overlay.      

- Nudging.          

- Extended MP3 support.     


ProStationAudio is US$395. The software can be ordered only via Internet,
check the AudioLabs web sites. North American users: local representatives
can take orders and payments in US and Canada.

Crossgrade price for registered AudioLab16 users, US$245.

The AudioLabs www sites are located here: (european server) (US server)


ProStationAudio (tm), ALPS (tm), AutoMotion (tm), AudioLab16 (tm) are
trademarks of AudioLabs.

Contents of mus/edit/psademo.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  195     265  73.6% -lh5- 4648 Nov 25  1999 PSA/AHI.txt
[generic]                 7229   52327  13.8% -lh5- 64d9 Jul 30  1999 psa/al_ppc
[generic]                 2794    4644  60.2% -lh5- f3ae Jul 30  1999 psa/al_vmm
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Nov 27  1999 PSA/Config/
[generic]                 3268    5356  61.0% -lh5- c8d4 Nov 17  1999 PSA/Drivers/AHIInOut
[generic]                 3151    5396  58.4% -lh5- 555a Apr 10  1998 PSA/Drivers/DelfinaInOut
[generic]                 3088    5120  60.3% -lh5- 4020 Apr 10  1998 PSA/Drivers/DelfinaOut
[generic]                 4208    6976  60.3% -lh5- dd66 Apr 10  1998 PSA/Drivers/MaestroOut
[generic]                 4333    7464  58.1% -lh5- 6394 Apr 10  1998 PSA/Drivers/PreludeOut
[generic]                 7148   16640  43.0% -lh5- b791 Sep  5  1996 PSA/Drivers/SoundStageOut
[generic]                 1340    2540  52.8% -lh5- 5ca1 Apr 10  1998 PSA/Drivers/ToccataOut
[generic]                 8688   38672  22.5% -lh5- a565 Jun 21  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/AAD-1
[generic]                11272   50348  22.4% -lh5- 84ba Feb 22  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/ADC-1
[generic]                12037   48076  25.0% -lh5- f776 Jul  6  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/AEQband
[generic]                12850   51080  25.2% -lh5- 24a9 Jul  6  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/AEQhipass
[generic]                12849   51184  25.1% -lh5- 5cc8 Jul  6  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/AEQlowpass
[generic]                12310   48944  25.2% -lh5- 52e3 Jul  6  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/AEQnotch
[generic]                11989   47620  25.2% -lh5- ccd9 Jul  3  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/AEQpara1B
[generic]                14011   55264  25.4% -lh5- 8c53 Jul  7  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/AEQpara2B
[generic]                14453   57452  25.2% -lh5- 462a Jul  7  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/AEQshelf
[generic]                 9977   41072  24.3% -lh5- 0bdf Mar 17  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/AFL-1
[generic]                 9616   41708  23.1% -lh5- 818e Mar 17  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/APR-1
[generic]                 4359   12320  35.4% -lh5- f7f6 Feb 25  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/ASE-1
[generic]                11256   46060  24.4% -lh5- f225 Mar 30  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/AVO-1
[generic]                10092   41968  24.0% -lh5- 62d7 Aug 12  1999 PSA/DSPPlugIns/TimeBox
[generic]                 5808    9444  61.5% -lh5- a2f8 Sep 30  1999 PSA/EDLPlugins/prod2psa
[generic]                 6724   10816  62.2% -lh5- 8af0 Sep 30  1999 PSA/EDLPlugins/studio2psa
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---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       100 files  738923 2096167  35.3%            Nov 28  1999
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