84782 packages online
misc/edu/DkMineProf.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | MineProf-Mineralanalysator (German) |
Author: | neupel.knarf t-online.de (Laserbyte`99) |
Uploader: | neupel knarf t-online de (Laserbyte`99) |
Type: | misc/edu |
Version: | V2.2 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-10-15 |
Requires: | OS_1.3-3.0 |
Distribution: | Shareware |
Download: | misc/edu/DkMineProf.lha - View contents | Readme: | misc/edu/DkMineProf.readme |
Downloads: | 415 |
English (sorry not my native language)
-> DkMineProf, encoded thru any Specialmechanism a Mineral.
Der kleine Mineralien Professor V2.2 (läuft ab 1MB Memory)
Dieses Programm ist bei der Entschlüsselung von Mineralien, die
Überwiegend in europäischen Lagerstätten zu finden sind, hilfreich.
Die Bestimmung eines Fundstücks (Mineral) ist durch Gliederung
in Gruppen , der metallischen.- oder nichtmetallischen
glänzenden Minerale schnell und einfach.
-Neupel ;)
============================= Archive contents ======================
Original Packed Ratio Date Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------------
993 540 45.6% 03-Oct-99 MineProf_V22.info
54128 26251 51.5% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/DkMineProf
450 178 60.4% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/DkMineProf.info
264 25 90.5% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/fonts/look.font
2616 1417 45.8% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/fonts/look/8
264 30 88.6% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/fonts/titan.font
2280 1106 51.4% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/fonts/titan/8f
3600 806 77.6% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/Mgelb
8000 1719 78.5% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/Mgrau
6812 3147 53.8% 03-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/MineProf-dok
411 286 30.4% 03-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/MineProf-dok.info
2400 639 73.3% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/Mrot
2000 529 73.5% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/Mschw
6000 1320 78.0% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/Mweiss
2712 2622 3.3% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/sysfont
114 91 20.1% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/TitanFont_activ
1197 406 66.0% 02-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/TitanFont_activ.info
1793 500 72.1% 03-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/VZ_FileReport
411 284 30.9% 03-Oct-99 MineProf_V22/VZ_FileReport.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- ------------------------------------
96445 41896 56.5% 03-Oct-99 01:35:58 19 files
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Viel Spass und Gutes gelingen wünscht
neupel.knarf (LaserByte`99) 03-Oct-1999
Contents of misc/edu/DkMineProf.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 540 993 54.4% -lh5- f9e1 Oct 3 1999 MineProf_V22.info
[generic] 26251 54128 48.5% -lh5- 0f83 Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/DkMineProf
[generic] 178 450 39.6% -lh5- 3bb7 Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/DkMineProf.info
[generic] 25 264 9.5% -lh5- 8f0e Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/fonts/look.font
[generic] 1417 2616 54.2% -lh5- 1b88 Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/fonts/look/8
[generic] 30 264 11.4% -lh5- 394d Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/fonts/titan.font
[generic] 1106 2280 48.5% -lh5- c781 Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/fonts/titan/8f
[generic] 806 3600 22.4% -lh5- 20ca Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/Mgelb
[generic] 1719 8000 21.5% -lh5- f554 Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/Mgrau
[generic] 3147 6812 46.2% -lh5- c1d0 Oct 3 1999 MineProf_V22/MineProf-dok
[generic] 286 411 69.6% -lh5- 4e45 Oct 3 1999 MineProf_V22/MineProf-dok.info
[generic] 639 2400 26.6% -lh5- e38e Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/Mrot
[generic] 529 2000 26.4% -lh5- 28fe Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/Mschw
[generic] 1320 6000 22.0% -lh5- e7a8 Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/Mweiss
[generic] 2622 2712 96.7% -lh5- c8f0 Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/sysfont
[generic] 91 114 79.8% -lh5- ac62 Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/TitanFont_activ
[generic] 406 1197 33.9% -lh5- 98d4 Oct 2 1999 MineProf_V22/TitanFont_activ.info
[generic] 500 1793 27.9% -lh5- ec37 Oct 3 1999 MineProf_V22/VZ_FileReport
[generic] 284 411 69.1% -lh5- 782a Oct 3 1999 MineProf_V22/VZ_FileReport.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 19 files 41896 96445 43.4% Oct 14 1999
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