Today is a historical day, it's my first Aminet upload!!!!!!! ;)
Wbmpview is a simple tool to view wireless bitmap images.
It output to a cli and draw the image with ascii caracters.
WBMP files are a black and white images used in wap pages.
Well, not much but at least you can view the aspect of wbmp
images for first in amiga.
Not bad for a 1 moth of lerning of c code ;)
Probably you need a vinced or another cli with scroll bars for
better view, but depends on the resolution of your system or the
font used by the cli
wbmpview <file.wbmp>
-Output to window
-convert wbmp's to iff's
This tool is sourceware, if you think is useful and you know c programing
send me <> c sources with a lot of explanation of
the code (source of how to make datatypes will be apreciated)
send any bug, comments, ideas, correction of the text, etc to:
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
7536 4612 38.8% 04-Apr-02 16:14:16 wbmpview
130 123 5.3% 05-Nov-00 01:07:32 TEST.wbmp
1623 844 47.9% 04-Apr-02 16:37:58 wbmpview.readme
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
9289 5579 39.9% 04-Apr-102 16:45:30 3 files