This is the source archive of swfplayer
You need this only if you plan to make yourself a new compile.
Please, if you find bugs, report me, I'll credit you in the next release.
Swfplayer is a standalone Shockwave player for Amiga based on libflash for
Linux by Olivier Debon (odebon@club-internet.fr).
This is just a QUICK rewrite of Paul Hill's version (paul@lagernet.clara.co.uk)
to update to the last libflash available. It's NOT in any way a bug-fix version.
I did my best not to add new bugs, but despite all my tests I may have missed
some (but I don't think ;-). Nevertheless, if you ever find a bug that was not in
Paul's version, please report me (new bugs will have priority, in order to reach
a version with the same functionality and usability).
It seems that despite of what I said in previous readme, this version is a bit
faster than original version :-)
I have included original readmes into the archive (both paul's one and libflash's).
Tested on :
- A1200 BPPC 603e+ (68040@25 & PPC 603@160), 128MB Fastram, OS3.9, BVPPC and
CGFX3 (me),
- A1200 BPPC 603e+ (68040@25 & PPC 603@240), 96MB Fastram, OS3.9, Voodoo 3
and CGFX4 (Jürgen Sperling),
- A1200 Blizzard 1230 IV (68030/68882@50), 32MB Fastram, OS3.9 (Raul Silva),
- A1200 A1230 (68030/68881@40), 20MB Fastram, OS3.9, AGA (Jean Marie Boucher)
- A1200 Blizzard 1240 (68040@40), ?MB Fastram, OS3.9BB2, AGA (Todd Oberly)
- A1200 BPPC 603e (68040@40 & PPC 603@225), 128MN Fastram, OS3.9, BVPPC and
CGFX4 (Dari®)
Features :
- supports swf files upto Flash 4 (and some Flash 5),
- loop play option (on by default),
- zoom in/out command,
- pause command,
- can open referenced URL (with OpenURL.library).
Notes : for bug or problem report, please, include 'swfplayer' in the subject
Known Bugs or problems :
- if OpenURL is present, 68k version may send your browser incomplete URLs : as
swfplayer is an external player, it could not in any way know the base URL of
the swf file, so swf files referencing other swf files without complete URL
won't be loaded. :-( It's not a bug of swfplayer but a technical limit.
- if OpenURL is present, strange URL can be sent to your browser (things like
'FSCommand:<xxx>') : this is a command flash movies can send when embeded into
a browser (ie. when you have a flash plugin, which is not the case when you're
using swfplayer) in order to pass some parameters. This is not really a bug of
my program, as it's libflash recognizing this command and passing it back to my
openurl function... I'll try to solve this inconvenience in a future version.
- swfplayer is reported to crash on 68040LC : I think it's just a compilation
option, but did not manage to identify it :-( Report if it works now
- swfplayer always thinks screen are CGX ones as soon as cybergraphics is openable,
so it's not possible to work on AGA screen mode if you have this library on your
disk :-( unless you use the new NOCGX switch ;-)
- Some sort of problem on 8bit screens (I'm currently working on that)
To Do :
- filter out strange URLs,
- add audio support,
- add better Flash support,
- add better CGX recognition (Adding a switch on the command line does not satisfy
me enough...).
- ...
History :
- 1.3, 03 Jan 2004 : o Fixed crash on exit in some circumstances
o Add Some cleanup mechanism
o Fixed a stupid hit on file requester opening (Dari®)
o Reworked play loop again
o Added a better zoom support
o Add Workbench launching support
o Add Workbench tooltip support
o Add program Icon and project Icon
o Reworked main makefile and libflash makefile to unify
m68k and PPC compilation
o Fixed bad menu look (1.x black look) (Todd Oberly)
o Add compressed movie play (SWF6)
- 1.2e, 04 Jun 2003 : o Keep window the same ratio the movie has
o Add URL filtering FSCommand no more sent to browser
o Changed website address in requester
o Add NOCGFX switch to command line
o Add compressed flash movie detection (but not yet reading :-(
o Fixed bug preventing movie to freeze sometimes
o Added drawer remember in ASL requester (Mathias Parnaudeau)
- 1.2d2, 27 Dec 2002: o Oops, removed some debug info in PPC version ;-)
o Oops again, desactivated some beta code which can crash
- 1.2d, 20 Dec 2002 : o finally fixed stupid bug preventing swfplayer to close
in some circumstances
o added OpenURL support in PPC version ;-)
o added open command in menu
o swfplayer works again on 8bits screen ;-))
o updated zlib files to version 1.1.4
- 1.2c, 07 Nov 2002 : o added loop play option,
o PPC version (at least ;-))
o improved makefiles a bit
- 1.2b, 19 Sep 2002 : should correct problem with cpu other than 68040, and
crash on exit.
- 1.2a, 28 Aug 2002 : oops, forgot some debug output !!
Acknowlegdment : This product uses NewReadArgs functions which are ©1997 Stephan Rupprecht
Thanks to :
- Steffen Haeuser for ppc-gcc and PPC compilation problems,
- Stas Piskunoff, Mathias Parnaudeau for feedback, problem reports and ideas.
- Alexander Niven-Jenkins, Daniel Westerberg, Pierre Giroux, Sigbjørn Skjæret,
Raul Silva, Dari®, Luca Maraldi, Mark Ricketts, Tony Pascoal, Jean Marie Boucher,
Jan-Erik Karlsson, Jürgen Sperling, Todd Oberly, Adelphe Bachelet, Chris Handley
for feedback and problem reports.
- Raul Silva for his continous feedback and his icons.