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Short:Mpeg video player 68k/powerup, including source
Author:Frank Pagels, Timm S. Mueller
Uploader:Frank Pagels (copper informatik uni-rostock de)
Requires:Kickstart 3.0 (v39), 68020
Download:gfx/show/ripley.lha - View contents

  originally released at the 'Bockbier & Hackbraten'
  neoscientific summer conference


  Ripley is a mpeg video player, featuring
  - PPC support
  - PicassoIV PiP support
  - freely scalable window
  - runs on any screenmode, including OCS/ECS/AGA, HAM, chunky,
    hi- and truecolor, runs on any public screen, can open
    an own public screen
  - asynchronous I/O (68k version only)
  - the framerate is by default determined by the video,
    and may be optionally set to an user-defined value
  - the brightness can be adjusted
  - supports saving of the whole animation's frames
  - can save 'snapshots' of single frames while running


  - faster replay
  - dithering on 8bit displays
  - slide forward/backward 
  - mpeg2 videos are not replayed correctly yet.

  - sound. we're considering an mpeg sound replay via
  - HAM is fully supported in high quality,
    but rendering is very slow.


  commandline arguments:

  FILE/A         - mpeg video file
  GREY/S         - use greyscale
  PIP/S          - use PicassoIV PiP window
  SNAP/S         - snap window to the video's dimensions
  LOOP/S         - loop
  FPS/S          - display FPS counter
  FRAMERATE/N    - set framerate [fps]
  IGNOREFPS/S    - play at maximum speed
  CUSTOMSCREEN/S - open an own (public) screen
  SCRWIDTH/N     - screen width [pixels]
  SCRHEIGHT/N    - screen height [rows]
  DEPTH/N        - screen depth [1...24]
  HAM/S          - open HAM screen (DEPTH required)
  PUBSCREEN/K    - name of a pubscreen to open upon
  BORDERLESS/S   - open a borderless window
  WINSIZE        - window size mode;
                   SMALL, HALF, LARGE, VISIBLE or FULL
  SAVE/K         - filename template for saving, e.g. 
                   pic%d or pic%d%c for fieldwise storage
  SAVEFORMAT/K   - file-format for saving, PPM or YUV
  TASKPRI/N      - task priority

  Ripley can be controlled via keyboard.

  t      - toggle frames-per-second counter
  g      - toggle grey/color mode
  space  - freeze display
  s      - snapshot the current frame in PPM format
  +      - increase brightness
  -      - decrease brightness
  #      - reset brightness
  0      - limit to the video's frame rate
  1      - replay with 5 frames per second
  2      - replay with 10 frames per second
  3      - replay with 15 frames per second
  4      - replay with 20 frames per second
  5      - replay with 25 frames per second
  6      - replay with 30 frames per second
  7      - replay with 50 frames per second
  8      - replay with 60 frames per second
  9      - replay with maximum speed
  F1     - snap window to the animation's size
  F2     - small window
  F3     - half window
  F4     - large window
  F5     - visible window
  F6     - full window


  - os3.0 (v39)
  - 68020 or PPC (powerup)
  - guigfx.library (dev/misc/GuiGFXLib.lha)
  - render.library (dev/misc/RenderLib.lha)
  - asyncio.library (dev/c/AsyncIO.lha. required in the 68k version only.)


  - picasso96api.library
  - cybergraphics.library

technical details


- ripley is (hopefully) still in full compliance to ISO
specifications. we tried to not sacrifice precision for

- mpeg2 is currently not fully supported. we have
restructured major parts in the display section, and we
haven't found the time yet to integrate the second
half-frame into the display logic.

- we have not seen ripley crashing from corrupt animations
so far. ripley sometimes exits without closing the window
when data is heavily corrupted, and we will try to fix this.

68k version:

- all assembler optimizations intend to maximum performance
on 68060 processors. some parts use arithmetics where tables
would be faster on lower processors. ripley is yet fully
compatible to all 68020++ systems with FPU.

- ripley uses a 18bit tabular colorpace conversion,
providing almost the same performance as simple greyscale
rendering. the output slightly suffers from limited
precision, though. note: colorspace conversion table
requires 1mb (!) of memory.


  Frank 'Copper' Pagels / Defect Softworks
    (Initiator,PPC version, PiP features)

  Bifat / TEK neoscientists
    (68k version)
  support site:


  0.4 - 68k version: some speed increase.
        ripley now uses a pervert buffer size (1 mb)
        for high-speed colorspace conversion.
      - brightness correction is now implemented in
        color mode.
      - 68k version: removed visual artifacts resulting
        from idct bugs.
      - size of the load buffer slightly enlarged.
      - the space key can be used to pause.
      - CTRL_C has been implemented.
      - snapshot implemented
  0.3 - added ppc version, screen handling, keyboard
        shortcuts, saving, borderless window, HAM support
  0.2 - initial beta release at the
        'bockbier & hackbraten'
        neoscientific summer conference

Contents of gfx/show/ripley.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                70953  167300  42.4% -lh5- 6602 Feb 21  1999 ripley/Ripley.elf
[generic]                37584   69468  54.1% -lh5- 37d5 Feb 21  1999 ripley/Ripley_68020
[generic]                35392   65708  53.9% -lh5- 8be5 Feb 21  1999 ripley/Ripley_68040
[generic]                35392   65704  53.9% -lh5- 9c10 Feb 21  1999 ripley/Ripley_68060
[generic]                 2162    9636  22.4% -lh5- 711e Oct  2  1998 ripley/source/block.asm
[generic]                  104     205  50.7% -lh5- 1d1d Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/block.h
[generic]                 3111    8904  34.9% -lh5- 8620 Jan 16  1999 ripley/source/commandline.c
[generic]                  352     771  45.7% -lh5- d956 Jan 16  1999 ripley/source/commandline.h
[generic]                  773    1592  48.6% -lh5- aa60 Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/config.h
[generic]                   79      90  87.8% -lh5- cb35 Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/Devpac.opts
[generic]                 1587    3877  40.9% -lh5- df8b Feb 21  1999 ripley/source/display.c
[generic]                 1813    9104  19.9% -lh5- 2c2e Oct  3  1998 ripley/source/fcprediction.asm
[generic]                   89     110  80.9% -lh5- aba7 Oct  2  1998 ripley/source/fcprediction.h
[generic]                 1767    4678  37.8% -lh5- c798 Jan 17  1999 ripley/source/getbits.c
[generic]                 2585   12737  20.3% -lh5- 4fe5 Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/getblk.c
[generic]                 6652   29538  22.5% -lh5- 5a5a Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/gethdr.c
[generic]                 9298   34500  27.0% -lh5- 2f49 Oct  4  1998 ripley/source/getpic.c
[generic]                 3126   15578  20.1% -lh5- 2a76 Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/getvlc.c
[generic]                 3315   20126  16.5% -lh5- 617d Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/getvlc.h
[generic]                 4543   14379  31.6% -lh5- 5896 Jan 16  1999 ripley/source/global.h
[generic]                 3647   11892  30.7% -lh5- 5a9e Oct  2  1998 ripley/source/idct.asm
[generic]                 2080    5757  36.1% -lh5- cdcc Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/idct.c
[generic]                 2105    9346  22.5% -lh5- 877f Oct  4  1998 ripley/source/idctppc.asm
[generic]                 1370    2890  47.4% -lh5- f2df Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/idctref.c
[generic]                 1760   14790  11.9% -lh5- 0a78 Jan 23  1999 ripley/source/include/powerup/ppcpragmas/cybergraphics_pragmas.h
[generic]                 2131   19593  10.9% -lh5- ed6d Jan 23  1999 ripley/source/include/powerup/ppcpragmas/guigfx_pragmas.h
[generic]                 1972   17052  11.6% -lh5- 487c Jan 23  1999 ripley/source/include/powerup/ppcpragmas/Picasso96_pragmas.h
[generic]                  240     454  52.9% -lh5- f147 Jan 23  1999 ripley/source/include/powerup/ppcproto/cybergraphics.h
[generic]                  228     417  54.7% -lh5- 3891 Jan 23  1999 ripley/source/include/powerup/ppcproto/guigfx.h
[generic]                  232     444  52.3% -lh5- 8651 Jan 23  1999 ripley/source/include/powerup/ppcproto/Picasso96.h
[generic]                 2147    7026  30.6% -lh5- 93a0 Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/motion.c
[generic]                 6794   23021  29.5% -lh5- 884a Feb 20  1999 ripley/source/mpeg2dec.c
[generic]                 1478    4087  36.2% -lh5- 09ba Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/mpeg2dec.h
[generic]                 7186   28904  24.9% -lh5- 13f3 Feb 19  1999 ripley/source/mplay.c
[generic]                  963    2499  38.5% -lh5- dcd0 Feb 19  1999 ripley/source/mplay.h
[generic]                 4625   22960  20.1% -lh5- 9abf Oct  3  1998 ripley/source/recon.c
[generic]                 2761   10832  25.5% -lh5- 5ac7 Nov 17  1998 ripley/source/screen.c
[generic]                  358    1143  31.3% -lh5- c143 Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/screen.h
[generic]                  739    1928  38.3% -lh5- 372c Feb 21  1999 ripley/source/smakefile-68020-release
[generic]                  740    1929  38.4% -lh5- 91d3 Feb 21  1999 ripley/source/smakefile-68040-release
[generic]                  742    1929  38.5% -lh5- a78d Feb 21  1999 ripley/source/smakefile-68060-release
[generic]                  716    1870  38.3% -lh5- 99b5 Feb 21  1999 ripley/source/smakefile-68k
[generic]                  669    1765  37.9% -lh5- ede0 Feb 21  1999 ripley/source/smakefile-68k-conly
[generic]                  672    1774  37.9% -lh5- 33d0 Feb 21  1999 ripley/source/smakefile-68k-conly-opt
[generic]                  715    1872  38.2% -lh5- 9039 Feb 21  1999 ripley/source/smakefile-68k-opt
[generic]                  660    1811  36.4% -lh5- ab7d Feb 21  1999 ripley/source/smakefile-ppc
[generic]                  642    1767  36.3% -lh5- bb57 Sep 29  1998 ripley/source/smakefile-ppc-opt
[generic]                  661    1806  36.6% -lh5- 0b53 Oct 18  1998 ripley/source/smakefile-ppc-release
[generic]                  186     701  26.5% -lh5- 3f82 Feb 21  1999 ripley/source/smakefiles.README
[generic]                 2446    9562  25.6% -lh5- 2e83 Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/spatscal.c
[generic]                 3739   15050  24.8% -lh5- 49a4 Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/store.c
[generic]                 3476   10635  32.7% -lh5- 40ae Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/subspic.c
[generic]                 1762    4616  38.2% -lh5- db5d Oct  2  1998 ripley/source/systems.c
[generic]                  704    2157  32.6% -lh5- 11e3 Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/timer.asm
[generic]                   74      90  82.2% -lh5- 6281 Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/timer.h
[generic]                  150     256  58.6% -lh5- b52b Sep 29  1998 ripley/source/timerppc.asm
[generic]                 2726    8639  31.6% -lh5- 20eb Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/verify.c
[generic]                 3322   13679  24.3% -lh5- 5601 Oct  2  1998 ripley/source/yuvconversion.asm
[generic]                  857    2652  32.3% -lh5- 67f0 Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/yuvconversion.c
[generic]                  264    1156  22.8% -lh5- 085b Oct  1  1998 ripley/source/yuvconversion.h
[generic]                 1016    4212  24.1% -lh5- 1090 Sep 29  1998 ripley/source/yuvconversionppc.asm
[generic]                10178   18080  56.3% -lh5- 9cc9 Aug 18  1998 ripley/summerconference.iff
[generic]                 2423    5473  44.3% -lh5- adbb Feb 23  1999 ripley/ripley.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        63 files  303033  832521  36.4%            Feb 24  1999
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