84782 packages online
No screenshot available
-high-quality display for AGA machines (18bit-RGB)
-lean code, external JPEG handling routines (jpeg.library)
-full source code included
-AGA chipset
-CPU 68020+
-AmigaOS V39+
-jpeg.library V5+ (Aminet:util/libs/jpeglibrary50.lha)
-tested on: A1200 (68030+882 @ 40MHz, 16MB Fast)
-reqtools.library V38+
-some JPEG images :)
; h8jpg
; code by Smack/Infect!
; Tue 18-May-99
Yes, this is yet another image viewer.
No, it was not written to compete with or even to replace your
favourite image viewer (I'm frequently using Visage). It's simply
a little tool that I wanted to have, so I sat down and coded it.
#how to use it
h8jpg is a shell-only program. The argument template is:
FILES/M one or more filenames
(if omitted a reqtools file requester appears)
FITSCREEN/S scale images down so that they fit the screen
(they can be up to 50% wider and/or higher)
While displaying images h8jpg recognizes these inputs:
Space/LMB next image
Esc/RMB exit
#technical stuff
This is where we get to the drawbacks of the HAM8-RGBB technique:
-enormous chip memory consumption
(h8jpg first tries to display the images in their original sizes,
if there should be not enough chip memory available then they
will be scaled down)
-low screen resolution
(h8jpg uses screen mode $8820, that is "Super-High Res HAM" of the
system default monitor driver - PAL or NTSC. the images will look
like "Low Res" because each image pixel is made of 4 screen pixels)
email: smack@smack.de
h8jpg is Copyright (c) 1999 by Michael Henke.
It is released as FREEWARE, which means it may be distributed and used
for free, but no profit may be made with it (neither by selling the
program nor by using it for commercial purposes). The program and the
information within this text are provided 'AS-IS'. The entire risk as
to its quality and performance is with the user. In no event will the
author be liable for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential
damages resulting from any defect in the program.
Contents of gfx/show/h8jpg.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2068 3892 53.1% -lh5- d426 May 18 1999 h8jpg/h8jpg
[generic] 1291 2439 52.9% -lh5- e0ff May 18 1999 h8jpg/h8jpg.readme
[generic] 1252 7855 15.9% -lh5- 6a33 May 18 1999 h8jpg/src/c2p_24h8.i
[generic] 4594 15941 28.8% -lh5- 299b May 18 1999 h8jpg/src/h8jpg.s
[generic] 4983 14653 34.0% -lh5- 2aad May 18 1999 h8jpg/src/os_macros.i
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 14188 44780 31.7% May 19 1999
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