84782 packages online
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Short: | Great pic viewer/browser/database! V.1.0 |
Author: | narr.cybersdorf gmx.net (Richard Kapp) |
Uploader: | narr cybersdorf gmx net(Richard Kapp) |
Type: | gfx/show |
Version: | 1.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2000-06-19 |
Download: | gfx/show/ShowGUI.lha - View contents | Readme: | gfx/show/ShowGUI.readme |
Downloads: | 652 |
ShowGUI is not only a picture viewer:
- ShowGUI shows pictures in a very nice gui on WB
- You can also show pictures by using existing viewers + arguments
- ShowGUI got a picture list (like a playlist for pictures)
- You can edit and sort name, artist, type, date
- drag & drop pictures on the list/picture-browser
- customizable gui, allowing patterns.
Examples for USAGE
ShowGUI is like a browser for pictures only. For example, if you
have downloaded lots of pics from the Internet or from a CD,
you can easily browse them with ShowGUI and bookmark those,
you want to copy to your favourite location on your HD. Or just
select those, you want to delete afterwards, or just browse them
and delete the actual picture, if you don't want it, or copy it to a
different location, or just make a nice database for presenting a
slideshow or bookmark them for a collection of your favourite pics.
But ShowGUI is also a GUI for any picture viewer, that already
exists. You can define external viewers with ease - you can also
use TWO different external viewers. Show pics in the main menu
with Multiview and watch them with MysticView from the bookmark
list, etc....It's all up to your imagination! :)
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
3411 2095 38.5% 10-May-00 11:08:46 +Config.info
551 296 46.2% 18-Jun-00 17:06:28 +ShowGUIconfig
2906 1813 37.6% 18-Jun-00 18:53:26 +Docs.info
13496 5299 60.7% 18-Jun-00 19:17:10 +ShowGUI.guide
2164 1140 47.3% 18-Jun-00 18:53:32 +ShowGUI.guide.info
2753 1772 35.6% 10-May-00 11:08:46 +Images.info
2792 1396 50.0% 25-May-00 22:42:54 +Badd.iff
2652 1543 41.8% 25-May-00 22:43:30 +Bbook.iff
2766 1464 47.0% 25-May-00 22:44:04 +Bclear.iff
2780 1271 54.2% 25-May-00 22:44:32 +Bconfig.iff
2760 1707 38.1% 25-May-00 22:45:08 +Bdelete.iff
2764 1538 44.3% 25-May-00 22:45:38 +Bedit.iff
2766 1234 55.3% 25-May-00 22:46:12 +Bload.iff
2756 1464 46.8% 25-May-00 22:46:44 +Bsave.iff
6739 1942 71.1% 26-May-00 06:20:48 +PicList
2684 1605 40.2% 10-May-00 11:08:46 +ShowGUI.info
2710 1697 37.3% 25-May-00 22:47:16 +Bsaveas.iff
2740 1861 32.0% 25-May-00 22:47:46 +Bsavedef.iff
2740 1696 38.1% 25-May-00 22:50:16 +Bshow.iff
2696 1832 32.0% 25-May-00 22:50:42 +Bview.iff
2084 782 62.4% 25-May-00 14:03:24 +copy.iff
2406 1224 49.1% 05-May-00 13:37:50 +Edit.iff
3416 2488 27.1% 05-May-00 14:51:26 +Logo.iff
35494 30475 14.1% 05-May-00 15:13:58 +Me.iff
1308 450 65.5% 05-May-00 02:21:54 +Neutral.pat
2124 864 59.3% 25-May-00 13:55:42 +open.iff
2642 1432 45.7% 05-May-00 13:37:02 +Prefs.iff
2378 997 58.0% 05-May-00 13:49:22 +Prefs2.iff
2130 796 62.6% 25-May-00 13:56:50 +save.iff
2176 1063 51.1% 25-May-00 23:20:42 +showex.iff
6486 3217 50.4% 05-May-00 14:53:52 +Start.iff
2808 1682 40.0% 10-May-00 11:08:46 +Fonts.info
784 53 93.2% 14-Oct-99 19:41:30 +XHelvetica.font
5104 2483 51.3% 19-Feb-95 01:53:56 +11
5780 2722 52.9% 19-Feb-95 01:53:56 +13
4404 2103 52.2% 19-Feb-95 01:53:56 +9
4528 3001 33.7% 15-Jun-99 22:29:20 +Gui
159336 91371 42.6% 21-Mar-00 00:13:18 +Gui4Cli
2188 895 59.0% 25-May-00 14:09:32 +about.iff
1980 820 58.5% 25-May-00 06:59:36 +bookmark.iff
2196 1005 54.2% 25-May-00 14:07:16 +config.iff
2238 1003 55.1% 25-May-00 13:59:56 +edit2.iff
2220 939 57.7% 25-May-00 14:10:54 +quit.iff
1770 887 49.8% 25-May-00 23:32:10 +show.iff
94564 94564 0.0% 18-Jun-00 13:56:30 +Screenshot.jpg
3038 1939 36.1% 10-May-00 11:08:54 +Screenshot.jpg.info
15468 3775 75.5% 18-Jun-00 16:46:54 +ShowGUI
2808 1676 40.3% 18-Jun-00 17:04:40 ShowGUI.info
6594 463 92.9% 05-May-00 02:13:08 +Photos
3534 404 88.5% 09-May-00 09:46:26 +Richard
1901 240 87.3% 05-May-00 00:10:48 +Tiere
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
453513 290478 35.9% 18-Jun-100 19:17:56 51 files
Operation successful.
Contents of gfx/show/ShowGUI.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2095 3411 61.4% -lh5- dd38 May 10 2000 ShowGUI/Config.info
[generic] 296 551 53.7% -lh5- 6b86 Jun 18 2000 ShowGUI/Config/ShowGUIconfig
[generic] 1813 2906 62.4% -lh5- 2edf Jun 18 2000 ShowGUI/Docs.info
[generic] 5299 13496 39.3% -lh5- 468f Jun 18 2000 ShowGUI/Docs/ShowGUI.guide
[generic] 1140 2164 52.7% -lh5- ee66 Jun 18 2000 ShowGUI/Docs/ShowGUI.guide.info
[generic] 1772 2753 64.4% -lh5- 228e May 10 2000 ShowGUI/Images.info
[generic] 1396 2792 50.0% -lh5- 4685 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Badd.iff
[generic] 1543 2652 58.2% -lh5- 5425 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Bbook.iff
[generic] 1464 2766 52.9% -lh5- 21c4 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Bclear.iff
[generic] 1271 2780 45.7% -lh5- 546d May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Bconfig.iff
[generic] 1707 2760 61.8% -lh5- 6e75 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Bdelete.iff
[generic] 1538 2764 55.6% -lh5- a479 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Bedit.iff
[generic] 1234 2766 44.6% -lh5- 7f7b May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Bload.iff
[generic] 1464 2756 53.1% -lh5- 5299 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Bsave.iff
[generic] 1942 6739 28.8% -lh5- ef39 May 26 2000 ShowGUI/PicList
[generic] 1605 2684 59.8% -lh5- 4f32 May 10 2000 ShowGUI/ShowGUI.info
[generic] 1697 2710 62.6% -lh5- af43 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Bsaveas.iff
[generic] 1861 2740 67.9% -lh5- e158 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Bsavedef.iff
[generic] 1696 2740 61.9% -lh5- 98b9 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Bshow.iff
[generic] 1832 2696 68.0% -lh5- 1b31 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Bview.iff
[generic] 782 2084 37.5% -lh5- 4eca May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/copy.iff
[generic] 1224 2406 50.9% -lh5- 0fe0 May 5 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Edit.iff
[generic] 2488 3416 72.8% -lh5- d53c May 5 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Logo.iff
[generic] 30475 35494 85.9% -lh5- 98e0 May 5 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Me.iff
[generic] 450 1308 34.4% -lh5- ee4b May 5 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Neutral.pat
[generic] 864 2124 40.7% -lh5- 0b13 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/open.iff
[generic] 1432 2642 54.2% -lh5- b208 May 5 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Prefs.iff
[generic] 997 2378 41.9% -lh5- cdcc May 5 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Prefs2.iff
[generic] 796 2130 37.4% -lh5- d299 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/save.iff
[generic] 1063 2176 48.9% -lh5- b77a May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/showex.iff
[generic] 3217 6486 49.6% -lh5- 1f5a May 5 2000 ShowGUI/Images/Start.iff
[generic] 1682 2808 59.9% -lh5- 4b7e May 10 2000 ShowGUI/Fonts.info
[generic] 53 784 6.8% -lh5- 616b Oct 14 1999 ShowGUI/Fonts/XHelvetica.font
[generic] 2483 5104 48.6% -lh5- 4cf1 Feb 19 1995 ShowGUI/Fonts/XHelvetica/11
[generic] 2722 5780 47.1% -lh5- f102 Feb 19 1995 ShowGUI/Fonts/XHelvetica/13
[generic] 2103 4404 47.8% -lh5- 360f Feb 19 1995 ShowGUI/Fonts/XHelvetica/9
[generic] 3001 4528 66.3% -lh5- bae9 Jun 15 1999 ShowGUI/Gui
[generic] 91371 159336 57.3% -lh5- a50f Mar 21 2000 ShowGUI/Gui4Cli
[generic] 895 2188 40.9% -lh5- 5001 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/about.iff
[generic] 820 1980 41.4% -lh5- 169b May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/bookmark.iff
[generic] 1005 2196 45.8% -lh5- ea2d May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/config.iff
[generic] 1003 2238 44.8% -lh5- 13fd May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/edit2.iff
[generic] 939 2220 42.3% -lh5- fcf5 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/quit.iff
[generic] 887 1770 50.1% -lh5- 6762 May 25 2000 ShowGUI/Images/show.iff
[generic] 94564 94564 100.0% -lh0- 9325 Jun 18 2000 ShowGUI/Screenshot.jpg
[generic] 1939 3038 63.8% -lh5- 70b7 May 10 2000 ShowGUI/Screenshot.jpg.info
[generic] 3775 15468 24.4% -lh5- 5189 Jun 18 2000 ShowGUI/ShowGUI
[generic] 1676 2808 59.7% -lh5- bab0 Jun 18 2000 ShowGUI.info
[generic] 463 6594 7.0% -lh5- 9ac3 May 5 2000 ShowGUI/PicLists/Photos
[generic] 404 3534 11.4% -lh5- 3dc1 May 9 2000 ShowGUI/PicLists/Richard
[generic] 240 1901 12.6% -lh5- 5e94 May 5 2000 ShowGUI/PicLists/Tiere
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 51 files 290478 453513 64.1% Jun 19 2000
Page generated in 0.02 seconds |
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