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Short:RTG datatype picture viewer
Author:"Timm S. Mueller" tmueller at
Requires:os3.0 (v39), 68020
Download:gfx/show/MysticView.lha - View contents

    RTG datatype picture viewer

This is a recompiled and repackaged version of MysticView 1.07.

The sole purpose of this repackaging is to bundle MysticView
with FPU-less versions of render.library, guigfx.library, 
mysticview.library, neuralnet.library.



  - independent from display hardware:
    displays every picture on any screen mode, resolution and
    color depth, including hicolor, truecolor and HAM.

  - scaling and aspects:
    automatically scales images to the window's dimensions, with
    respect to the aspect ratios of both the screen and the
  - display quality:
    features highly elaborated color quantization and rendering.
    automatically uses dithering when needed.
  - user friendly:   
    has a nice button bar, features intelligent selection of
    screenmodes, displaymodes, windowsizes and -positions, won't
    annoy you with changing screens and windows.

  - integrated:
    MysticView is a commodity, and it's fully integrated to your
    workbench. simply drag'n'drop pictures, directories,
    configurations and lists to its window or appicon, or launch
    configurations and lists with a double-click.

  - list management:
    MysticView has got a few, but yet powerful functions to
    manage picture lists.

  - asynchronous and modular:
    uses massive internal multitasking for loading, rendering,
    scanning, interaction, etc. get the full benefit from the
    best 68k and PPC datatypes around.

  - picture caching:
    uses intelligent picture preloading and caching. watch entire
    slideshows from memory.

  - highly configurable:
    has got innumerous configuration details to suit your personal


  - os3.0 (v39)
  - 68020
  - mysticview.library v5
  - guigfx.library v16
  - render.library v30
  - datatypes.library v39

  minimum recommended:
  - 16mb fast memory
  - datatypes.library v43

  - os3.1 (v40)
  - higher processors
  - cybergraphics, picasso96
  - newicon.library v40
  - neuralnet.library v5
    (for the AUTODISPLAYMODE feature)

Contents of gfx/show/MysticView.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                  850    1654  51.4% -lh5- 8918 Mar 21  2001 MysticView/COPYING
[unknown]                12107   32743  37.0% -lh5- b6ff Oct 26 12:56 MysticView/HISTORY
[unknown]                  277     628  44.1% -lh5- e080 Nov 11  2011 MysticView/
[unknown]                24007   43884  54.7% -lh5- ba3e Oct 24  1980 MysticView/libs/guigfx.library
[unknown]                16206   30084  53.9% -lh5- f9ab May 10  2001 MysticView/libs/mysticview.library
[unknown]                 7618   13148  57.9% -lh5- 7305 Jul  1  1999 MysticView/libs/neuralnet.library
[unknown]                23487   52452  44.8% -lh5- 6413 May 24  1999 MysticView/libs/render.library
[unknown]                65868  149184  44.2% -lh5- 427f Apr 13  2021 MysticView/MysticView
[unknown]                42532  129758  32.8% -lh5- b04d Jul 30  2003 MysticView/
[unknown]                  131     232  56.5% -lh5- b26f Nov 11  2011 MysticView/
[unknown]                 2105    3574  58.9% -lh5- 087e Nov 11  2011 MysticView/
[unknown]                 1126    2403  46.9% -lh5- 2b94 Nov 11  2011 MysticView/README
[unknown]                  416     774  53.7% -lh5- 058e May  8  2001 MysticView/src/makefile_morphos
[unknown]                24254  127723  19.0% -lh5- 8f93 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/MysticView.c
[unknown]                  867    2312  37.5% -lh5- 7d9e May  7  2001 MysticView/src/MysticView.h
[unknown]                 2561   17276  14.8% -lh5- f23a May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Anim.c
[unknown]                 2633   44229   6.0% -lh5- e74a May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Buttons.c
[unknown]                  213     709  30.0% -lh5- f112 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Debug.h
[unknown]                 1810    9745  18.6% -lh5- a67b May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_FileHandling.c
[unknown]                  334     838  39.9% -lh5- b11f May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_FileHandling.h
[unknown]                 2958   13579  21.8% -lh5- 3f51 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Functions.c
[unknown]                  367    1573  23.3% -lh5- 3edb May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Functions.h
[unknown]                 2816   14213  19.8% -lh5- f4cf May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Gadgets.c
[unknown]                  937    3453  27.1% -lh5- 2292 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Gadgets.h
[unknown]                 5642   24243  23.3% -lh5- 1d02 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Global.c
[unknown]                 4390   15447  28.4% -lh5- d5bf May 12  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Global.h
[unknown]                13825   74704  18.5% -lh5- 1e22 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Handler.c
[unknown]                 1931    7284  26.5% -lh5- d605 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Handler.h
[unknown]                 3607   17308  20.8% -lh5- b7ee May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_HandlerWrapper.c
[unknown]                  912    3154  28.9% -lh5- f25d May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_HandlerWrapper.h
[unknown]                 1690    6217  27.2% -lh5- a791 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Icons.c
[unknown]                  368     972  37.9% -lh5- 72eb May 18  1999 MysticView/src/Mystic_Icons.h
[unknown]                 1994    7985  25.0% -lh5- db3f May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_InitExit.c
[unknown]                  655    2052  31.9% -lh5- 674f May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_InitExit.h
[unknown]                 1445    5147  28.1% -lh5- 878e May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Keyfile.c
[unknown]                  243     647  37.6% -lh5- 7f57 May 11  1999 MysticView/src/Mystic_Keyfile.h
[unknown]                 4985   62846   7.9% -lh5- 4def May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Logo.c
[unknown]                 1700    5543  30.7% -lh5- 45ae Jun  3  1999 MysticView/src/Mystic_Neuromancer.c
[unknown]                  299     927  32.3% -lh5- ecc7 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Neuromancer.h
[unknown]                 1484    4198  35.4% -lh5- 1c6c May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Scanner.c
[unknown]                  208     555  37.5% -lh5- 3327 Nov 16  1999 MysticView/src/Mystic_Scanner.h
[unknown]                 2335    9432  24.8% -lh5- a521 Apr 20  1999 MysticView/src/Mystic_Screen.c
[unknown]                  426    1293  32.9% -lh5- 28a6 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Screen.h
[unknown]                 9555   43111  22.2% -lh5- 37a8 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Settings.c
[unknown]                 1148    3906  29.4% -lh5- ca96 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Settings.h
[unknown]                 2188   11026  19.8% -lh5- b8a9 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Subtask.c
[unknown]                  594    1459  40.7% -lh5- 83e7 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Subtask.h
[unknown]                 1454    4795  30.3% -lh5- d263 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Texts.h
[unknown]                  898    4071  22.1% -lh5- a9c8 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Timing.c
[unknown]                  270     737  36.6% -lh5- 7ee1 Jun  9  1998 MysticView/src/Mystic_Timing.h
[unknown]                 4937   21688  22.8% -lh5- 5eb5 May 12  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Tools.c
[unknown]                  709    2519  28.1% -lh5- 0b85 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Tools.h
[unknown]                 2739   11256  24.3% -lh5- 38c8 Jul  8  1999 MysticView/src/Mystic_Window.c
[unknown]                  550    1558  35.3% -lh5- 904f May  7  2001 MysticView/src/Mystic_Window.h
[unknown]                 1178    6746  17.5% -lh5- 7a04 May 19  1999 MysticView/src/smakefile_68020
[unknown]                 1176    6746  17.4% -lh5- 80dc May 19  1999 MysticView/src/smakefile_68030FPU
[unknown]                 1175    6746  17.4% -lh5- 9053 May 19  1999 MysticView/src/smakefile_68040
[unknown]                 1202    6861  17.5% -lh5- b5b9 May  7  2001 MysticView/src/smakefile_68060
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        58 files  314392 1079347  29.1%            Oct 27 01:01
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