This version of Eye Viewer "Velázquez" besides of shows jpg, gif,
iff, png, etc. pics; play wav and iff-8svx sounds; and explore your
hard disk searching these files that you can see or hear.
The new improvements are: Now Eye Viewer copy, rename, move and
delete files, play mp3 songs, new option of the Slideshow of all
files in full screen or into of screen of Eye Viewer; save your
personal configuration and the more important system of compare of
files when these have the same name.
This program now is mailware if you like it, you send us one e-mail
with your name, surname and your language; we will send you your
personal code, for enjoy the new Eye Viewer "Velázquez" without
NEWS!! This new file have the new language for the program, the
italian and we had corrected the english and german languages.
Thanks for your collaboration Frank and Samir.
Important: The Eye Viewer not works in Amiga with O.S. 4.0 and
Amikit but it is compatible 100% with MorphOS 1.4.5
Contact the author at: